

complementary:[英 [ˌkɒmplɪˈmentri] 美 [ˌkɑ:mplɪˈmentri] ]


complementary 基本解释


形容词互补的; 补充的,补足的

complementary 相关例句


1. complementary什么意思

1. Yellow and blue are complementary colors.


complementary 网络解释

1. complementary的反义词

1. 互补的:这些目的是有所区别但是互补的(complementary因此复合模式与装饰者模式两者可以同时(in concert)使用的. 两者的设计方式是让你构建应用系统时只是含入(plugging)对象而无须重新定义新的类. 这样会有一个抽象类拥有某些复合模式子类及某些装饰者模式子类;

2. 互补:4.3.2 互补(complementary)作用 ---- 46[19] 蒋本基,1999,建立国内净水场综合效能评估(CPE)制度研究,台湾省自来水公司,中华民国自来水协会,国立台湾大学环境工程研究所

3. 补的:叫做新生物信息学的后者目的是从整体上理解生物,而基因组信息和数学模型扮演着互补的(complementary)角色. 从后基因组开始,这个新的生物信息学可能会给生物,生物学及人类带来新的前途.

4. complementary是什么意思

4. 互补性:他们两人曾分别指出:互补性(complementary)及阶序性(hierarchical)是阿美族传统社会组织运作的主要原则. 经由本文的讨论,我们可以发现互补性与阶序性这两个原则,同时呈现在宜湾阿美族的传统岁时祭仪中,但呈现的形态则大异其趣. 当然,

complementary 双语例句

1. complementary

1. After analyzing, this paper proposes a new method to determine the ordering vector of fuzzy complementary matrix, and the new method can be used by a formula when decision makers give positive reciprocal matrices.


2. A theorem on sufficiency and necessity of fuzzy positive matrix is proposed after much analysis. Based on the thought of minimun deviationan, an optimization model is constructed first, and then a formula with parameter is taken advantage to approximate the corresponding element in the fuzzy complementary matrix and results in obtaining a fuzzy positive matrix. Meanwhile, the ordering vector of the fuzzy positive matrix is calculated.


3. A company should close their core assets and open/commoditize complementary assets.


4. In the design of symmetric Y-branch, we combined the effective refractiveindex method, 2-D wide-angle finite difference beam propagation method and complementary operators method as the absorbing boundary condition to analyze and compare the optical transmission loss of Sbend Y-branch and normal Y-branch. On the basis of the analysis and compare, we designed the improving structure of the short-length normal Y-branch to decrease the transmission loss and improve the repetition of fabrication.



5. Suppression subtractive hybridization complementary DNA libraries identified differentially expressed genes in liver tissue of winter flounder collected from the highly impacted Raritan-Hudson estuary versus those from less industrialized estuaries farther south in New Jersey.


6. Suppression subtractie hybridization complementary DNA libraries identified differentially expressed genes in lier tissue of winter flounder collected from the highly impacted Raritan-Hudson estuary ersus those from less industrialized estuaries farther south in New Jersey.


7. The algorithm proposed can choose backlight complementary method according to the contents of images, so it can achieve higher luminance than traditional methods.


8. It is the love based on complementary advantages that will contribute to ultimate success of a person or a organization.


9. E-commerce on the Internet is the transit system-a sales platform, the ground is an extension of the distribution system and complementary, but also merchants and customers a very effective channel of communication.


10. E-commerce is Ling rack system on the Internet as a marketing platform to the ground, an extension of marketing systems and complementary, but also merchants and customers a very effective channels of communication.


11. complementary

11. Paul always wears clothes that are of complementary colors.


12. CONCLUSION摘要: ASODN complementary to TERT mRNA at some concentration can sequencespecifically enhance TC cell apoptosis.

结论摘要:TERT ASODN能增强TC细胞凋亡。

13. High-tech products will be engaged in research and development ranks, improve their technical depth, and with domestic and foreign well-known IT companies, telecom operators to set up a wide range of business and cooperative relations, complementary advantages for customers through the provision of better services......


14. The ADB plays a complementary and growing role to the World Bank in providing development assistance to Africa.


15. As a result, in the treatment of cancer, Chinese and Western medicine in fact taken the same path, it is mainly Quxie only way to different means, the Chinese medicine Yidugongdu equivalent to chemotherapy, but drug use, Pai Toxic platoon equivalent to the tumor surgery, but different means, but there is only one purpose, that is, in order to cure disease, and other therapies, such as the Western equivalent of immunotherapy Fuzheng foundation of Chinese medicine, blood circulation, and so on are all complementary therapy, As patients, the choice of Chinese medicine treatment time should know that.


16. Baby is a process, and this time your baby has been added complementary.


17. The NSX comes in seven exterior colors, which can be ordered with a matching or complementary interior color.


18. Bring plentiful of knowledge to the public and let them fully understand the target and the ways the policy will carry out by administrating various complementary packages positively.


19. complementary

19. Many people with RA try or use complementary therapies.


20. Inthe specific system design, both the actual rights holder and the third party in good faith can be the damagesclaimants, and relative causation should be applied in analyzing the cause and effect between registration errorand damages to the parties concerned. In the circumstance of mixed torts, the administration litigation affilia-ted with civil lawsuit can not be applied, rather, there should be two separate litigations, and the registrationagency should assume the complementary liability for damages compensation.


complementary 词典解释

1. 相互补充的;相辅相成的

Complementary things are different from each other but make a good combination.

e.g. To improve the quality of life through work, two complementary strategies are necessary...


e.g. Many plain tiles and complementary borders are also available...



...the complementarity between public and private authorities.


2. 补充医学的(不同于西医的治疗方法,如针灸、顺势疗法)

Complementary medicine refers to ways of treating patients which are different from the ones used by most Western doctors, for example acupuncture and homoeopathy.

e.g. ...combining orthodox treatment with a wide range of complementary therapies.


complementary 单语例句

1. Based on a common aim of economic development, the potential of complementary trade and business relations can be further exploited.

2. The green canvas is also a complementary tool applied by Doha in building up a world of green and the games of green.

3. The navy has witnessed rapid progress in its logistics and support capability, with the tonnage of complementary ships now six times higher than 30 years ago.

4. Extracting value from combining complementary businesses is more elusive than most people think, both in terms of the actual potential and the work required to achieve it.

5. CEPA has operated smoothly since its launch in January 2004 and two complementary agreements have been signed since then.

6. The two companies'complementary nature led them to collaborate to build a cleaner nickel production facility.

7. The fundamental reason is that the two countries share the same ideology and values and have a lot of common ground and complementary strategic interests.

8. China and Sweden share a common interest in many major international affairs and their economic and technology cooperation is highly complementary.

9. The hotel also arranges a complementary bus for students to commute between job fairs and the hotel.

10. Individual African countries need to be smarter and strategic in building complementary competency with China's that attaches to global supply chains.

complementarycomplementary 英英释义


1. either one of two chromatic colors that when mixed together give white (in the case of lights) or grey (in the case of pigments)

e.g. yellow and blue are complementaries

Synonym: complementary color


1. acting as or providing a complement (something that completes the whole)

Synonym: complementalcompleting

2. of words or propositions so related that each is the negation of the other

e.g. `male' and `female' are complementary terms