

tiresome:[英 [ˈtaɪəsəm] 美 [ˈtaɪərsəm] ]


tiresome 基本解释

形容词无聊的; 令人生厌的

tiresome 相关例句


1. She can be a very tiresome child at times.


tiresome 网络解释

1. 无聊的:tirelessly 不知疲倦地 | tiresome 无聊的 | tirewoman 侍女

2. tiresome的翻译

2. 使人厌倦的:You make me tired. 你烦死我了. | → tiresome 使人厌倦的 | a tiresome person 一个无聊的人

3. 由于疲劳而厌倦:constitue an obstacle to 构成...的障碍 | Tiresome 由于疲劳而厌倦 | Lull sb to sleep 催人入睡

4. 令人疲乏的:183. tired 累的;疲倦的 | tiresome 令人疲乏的 | 184. tolerable 可容忍的或尚好的

tiresome 双语例句

1. tiresome是什么意思

1. Tidying up my apartment is tiresome....but I do like living alone....gives me alot of space....but then I like going home and laze around and do nothing.


2. PS After the long and tiresome day, we sat our five-hour ride back to the airport in 上海, flew back to 北京 by midnight, repacked our bags and slept for a few hours, then flew to 香港 early in the morning, then to LA, USA


3. That march was the most tiresome and perilous in his life.


4. To my mind, to be able to make your work your pleasure is the one calss distinction in the world worth striving for; and I do not wonder that others are inclined to envy those happy human beings who find their livelihood in the gay effusions of their fancy, to whom every hour of labour is an hour of enjoyment, to whom repose-however necessary-is a tiresome interlude.


5. To my mind, to be able to make your work your pleasure is the one class distinction in the world worth striving for; and I do not wonder that others are inclined to envy those happy human beings who find their livelihood in the gay effusions of their fancy, to whom every hour of labour is an hour of enjoyment, to whom repose however necessary-- is a tiresome interlude, and even a holiday is almost deprivation.


6. I dared commit no fault: I strove to fulfil every duty; and I was termed naughty and tiresome, sullen and sneaking, from morning to noon, and from noon to night.


7. tiresome

7. As you will be receiving this medicine regularly, it can become tiresome for you or your carer.


8. tiresome的解释

8. This is a tiresome piece of work.


9. And it is tiresome for children to be always explaining things to them.


10. tiresome

10. He can be a very tiresome child at times.


11. He took this tiresome job in order to make more money.


12. This can get very tiresome in no time!


13. As far as I know, the crew's life is very monotonous, but also very tiresome.



14. Sometimes I think it is tiresome to write diary as my life is quite monotonous. Worse still, translating such repetitive diary is just as tiresome as writing it, if not more so.


15. Nobody likes to attend the tiresome lecture.


16. But writing html to send to the browser in endless println statements was tiresome and problematic.


17. The life for the one who is fully aware of everything is both tiresome also boring.


18. tiresome的翻译

18. Every one, though from politeness showing no undue haste, moved away from the old lady with a sense of relief at a tiresome duty accomplished, and did not approach her again all the evening.


19. tiresome的翻译

19. No, no, I wish to do away with that mysterious reputation that you have given me, my dear viscount; it is tiresome to be always acting Manfred


20. tiresome的解释

20. The tiresome pirate corrected siren and let off fireworks.


tiresome 词典解释

1. 讨厌的;烦人的;令人厌倦的

If you describe someone or something as tiresome, you mean that you find them irritating or boring.

e.g. ...the tiresome old lady next door...


e.g. It would be too tiresome to wait in the queue.


tiresome 单语例句tiresome

1. It is a tiresome job for a student to deal with numerous tests.

2. Venezuela has seen 15 elections or referendums in Chavez's decade, which Chavez supporters say proves his dedication to democracy and which supporters call tiresome.

3. The idea of a refuge from the tiresome daily work and distressing relationships sounds enticing to most people.

4. Dating and marriage is a tiresome process in real life, but online it can be easy and pure.

5. Nightlife in Beijing doesn't have to mean long, noisy and tiresome.

6. He has been a lecturer for 10 years simply because he feels it tiresome to go through the procedure to become an associate professor.

7. It is always a pleasure to find an elegant and quiet place after a day of busy work or tiresome travel.

8. But to achieve that would require lots of tough actions, rather than endless tiresome talks.

9. No wonder they grow up to become tiresome whooping advocates for extreme sports.

10. Feeling hungry at the airport during the tiresome wait for your flight?