

trumpet:[英 [ˈtrʌmpɪt] 美 [ˈtrʌmpɪt] ]


过去式:trumpeted;   过去分词:trumpeted;   现在分词:trumpeting;   复数形式:trumpets;

trumpet 基本解释


名词小号; 喇叭; [乐]音栓; 喇叭似的声音


不及物动词吹喇叭,吹小号; 发出回声


trumpet 相关词组

1. blow ones own trumpet : 自吹自擂;

trumpet 相关例句


1. The radio trumpet ed the news all over the world.


2. The radio trumpeted the presidential campaign across the country.



1. trumpet

1. The elephant trumpeted.



1. He plays the trumpet.


trumpet 网络解释

1. 小号:)小号和它的家族成员: 小号(Trumpet)与短号(Cornet),同属于高音铜管吹奏乐器. 它们使用的音域,记谱,吹奏方法都完全相同,可以说是铜管乐器这个家族里的一对亲兄弟. 小号与短号在构造上略有不同. 如果把小号和短号的号管都拉直,

2. trumpet

2. 喇叭:四年级的学生可以选择学小提琴(violin)、中提琴(viola)或者是大提琴(cello),而五年级的学生就有更多的选择,还可以选学长笛(flute)、黑管(clarinet)、萨克斯管(saxophone)、喇叭(trumpet)、伸缩喇叭(trombone)、打鼓(drums)和摇铃(bells)等.

3. 小喇叭:核心提示:所属分类:乐器乐器大全口琴艺术西洋乐器音乐中音口琴中音口琴的音比复音口琴低一个八度,音量比复音口琴大,在合奏中担任中音部,在管弦乐中属中音提琴(Viola)或大提琴(Cello),小喇叭(Trumpet)及伸缩喇叭(Trombone)或木管乐器的伴奏部分,

4. trumpet是什么意思

4. 号:5、 小号(Trumpet)小号是爵士乐中最常用也是最早采用的铜管乐器之一,音域可达三个八度. 小号可以自如地吹奏八度以内各种音程的跳动,也可以 自如地演奏音阶、半音阶以及分解和弦. 快速演奏时,上行的连音比下行连音自如,

trumpet 双语例句


1. Third, I have five turns of the trumpet!


2. trumpet什么意思

2. He refused to blow his own trumpet and blushingly declined to speak.


3. Behold He comes riding on the clouds, shining like the sun at the trumpet call.


4. Those found are about 1.3 metres long; they had a cylindrical bore from the mouthpiece to the point where the bell flares abruptly, [8] in a fashion similar to that of the modern straight trumpet often seen in presentations of'period music', but there were no valves — one instrument was capable only of a single overtone series.


5. Large in the soft kill vehicle, also played trumpet in the car's soft!


6. No matter how far away you are, just press the trumpet shell close to your ears, you can hear my heart calling.


7. trumpet

7. This is the performance with phillipine distinctive national and folk features, the thing on their head looks like a kind of small trumpet shell that can be easily picked up at the seaside.


8. Certainly, I also meeting and nearby of trumpet shell play and would play hide-and-seek, and nearby of trumpet shell open, beat time of deliver this boredom.


9. However along with booming development and its tour resources of trumpet shell ditch tour industry in the glacier park the geology environment of place, the ineluctability is in the process of traveling to develop in, appeared this or problem like that.


10. Is mum behind the trumpet shell it is a soldier crab.


11. U are the sea, i am the shell. no matter how far away u are, just press the trumpet shell close to your ears, u can hear my heart calling...

但是,每当在这个时候,或许你在上课,或许你在吃饭,但是,我的确在想你,can u hear my heart calling?


12. We have used this micro-CT system to sample and reconstruct a trumpet shell and a Sprague Dawley rat. Three-dimensional rendering of results shows the system`s utility.


13. trumpet的翻译

13. Most recently, while in New York, Padro worked as an apprentice tuning pipe organs in churches and cathedrals in addition to playing with a large outdoor music/performance art ensemble called the HIMALAYAS (primarily composed of horns and drums, playing anthemic experimental pieces and led by drummer Kenny Wolleson of Tom Waits and John Zorn renown) and a trio consisting of tuba, trumpet, snare drum and vocals that busked throughout the subways of the city plating a mix of New Orleans Jazz and Punk.

在来中国之前,Padro把他所有的时间都投入了演奏于不同的爵士、试验、非洲美洲和摇滚乐队。他最近的较成功的活动是参加鼓手Kenny Wollesson指挥的一个大型的户外乐团,叫做喜马拉雅山。Padro还经常在纽约的万圣节游行队里演奏,并且在地铁里有一个多种形式的演奏乐队。


14. T o blow one's own trumpet.



15. Well this is my introduction of the new version of the official point of view I am a trumpet horse cave ¥ 90 Tenryu-ji Temple断魂flocあwrite a lot of bad advice


16. trumpet的近义词

16. The little princess, like an old warhorse hearing the blast of the trumpet, was prepared to gallop off into a flirtation as her habit was, unconsciously forgetting her position, with no ulterior motive, no struggle, nothing but simple-hearted, frivolous gaiety in her heart.


17. An open note on a trumpet.


18. An evergreen, tendril-bearing woody vine, native chiefly to the southeast United States and having showy red-orange, trumpet-shaped flowers.



19. The band was just great: Wayne Shorter on tenor sax, Freddie Hubbard on trumpet, Curtis Fuller on trombone and Art Blakey in the lead with his solid, imaginative drumming.


20. Set ye up a standard in the land: sound with the trumpet among the nations: prepare the nations against her: call together against her the kings of Ararat, Menni, and Ascenez: number Taphsar against her, bring the horse as the stinging locust.


trumpet 词典解释

1. 小号;喇叭

A trumpet is a musical instrument of the brass family which plays quite high notes.

2. 大力鼓吹;积极宣扬;大力宣传

If someone trumpets something that they are proud of or that they think is important, they speak about it publicly in a very forceful way.


e.g. The government has been trumpeting tourism as a growth industry...


e.g. …Mark Morris, who is trumpeted as the dance talent of his generation…


3. (象)吼叫

When an elephant trumpets, it makes a loud sound.

e.g. The elephants trumpeted and stamped their feet at their approach.


4. blow your own trumpet -> see blow

trumpet 单语例句

1. His father was a professional trumpet player, and the rapper studied classical music in high school.

2. The trumpet has sounded loud and clear to construct Yunnan into the gateway of opening up in Southwest China.

3. It's one thing to trumpet color revolutions far from home, quite another to confront violence at your own front door.

4. But before we trumpet the virtues of Confucian political economy we should recognize the fundamental inconsistencies here with Confucian morality.

5. If Milan tried to trumpet that as proof they were still a major player, this summer has shown that it was but an exception to the rule.

6. Banana and fig trees can be seen in abundance, along with trumpet lilies and a number of ferns.

7. He experimented with playing trombone and flute before finally settling on the trumpet.

8. You can't play trumpet or sax inside the giant magnet that is an MRI machine.

9. On the table in the courtyard is another symmetrical pair of angel wings carved out of trumpet shell.

10. Foreign media like to trumpet loudly that China's growing assertiveness is fueling this boom in military spending.

trumpet的解释trumpet 英英释义


1. a brass musical instrument with a brilliant tone

has a narrow tube and a flared bell and is played by means of valves

Synonym: cornethorntrump


1. utter in trumpet-like sounds

e.g. Elephants are trumpeting

2. proclaim on, or as if on, a trumpet

e.g. Liberals like to trumpet their opposition to the death penalty

3. play or blow on the trumpet