

justify:[英 [ˈdʒʌstɪfaɪ] 美 [ˈdʒʌstəˌfaɪ] ]


过去式:justified;   过去分词:justified;   现在分词:justifying;

justify 基本解释

及物动词证明…有理; 为…辩护; 对…作出解释

不及物动词整理版面; 证明合法


justify 同义词


justify 反义词


justify 相关例句


1. justify

1. Is he justified in all his actions?


2. justify的翻译

2. The editors are justified in refusing your work.


3. How can you justify your rude behaviour?


4. How can you justify your rude and foolish behaviour?


5. justify的翻译

5. Can you justify yourself in saying that?


justify 网络解释

1. 对齐:可以把换行后的第一个单词用hyphen分开. 但是你以后编辑该文档,情况改变了之后,要记得把那个分开的单词再合起来. 非常感谢楼上各位朋友的热心帮助. 果然不出孤岛客所料, 取消两边对齐(Justify)以后问题就解决了.

2. 两端对齐:用 aqua ,页面变窄之后,感觉文章的段落应当使用两端对齐(justify)要好一些,不然,段落右侧参差不齐.

justify 双语例句

1. Here was knowledge in which no one could partake; and she was sensible that nothing less than a perfect understanding between the parties could justify her in throwing off this last incumbrance of mystery.


2. Here was knowledge in which no one could partake; and she was sensible that nothing less than a perfect understanding between the parties could justify her in throwing off this last encumbrance of mystery.


3. But, he says, there is not enough evidence to just find justify measuring these in everybody.


4. justify的反义词

4. It's incredible to see an entire civilized nation like England to protect and justify a group of headless and drunk people who go all around Europe to provocate disorders for tens of years.



5. Criminal complaint is the use of evidence, the alleged perpetrators to justify, from the confrontation between the process.


6. Again I'm trying to justify to you why I thought this blockbuster was such a disappointment.


7. If Taiwan continues to justify its bid for WHO membership and can persuade European countries to support its efforts, it will become a WHO member.


8. Then on the Formatting toolbar, click the Center Justify button.


9. WORD PROCESSOR: allows full control of fonts, background+highlight color, left/right/center/justify/indent text, left/right margins, bullets, hyperlinks, table color/shading/border/resize, text-sort, line-select, zoom, 100-level undo/redo, etc. IMAGES: clone, copy, paste, import, export, resize, compress.


10. WORD PROCESSOR: allows full control of fonts, background color, highlight color, left/right/center/justify/indent text, left/right margins, bullets, hyperlinks, table color/shading/border/resize, text-sort, line-select, zoom, 100-level undo/redo, line numbers, etc. IMAGES: clone, copy, paste, import, export, resize, compress.


11. Filters can split or join files, add or remove lines or columns, remove blanks from the start or end of each line, remove blank lines, remove HTML tags, remove duplicate lines, add line numbers, sort, center or right justify text, word wrap, convert between ASCII and EBCDIC, OEM and ANSI, Unicode and ANSI, remap ANSI or Unicode characters, extract email addresses, expand or contract tabs, remove backspaces, remove binary characters, pad or truncate or force lines to a predetermined width, generate word lists and much more.

过滤器可分拆或加入文件,添加或删除行或列,删除空白,从一开始或结束的每一行,删除空白行,删除HTML标记,删除重复的线路,添加行号,排序,中心或辩护的权利,文本文件,Word文件总结,转换之间的ASCII和ebcdic的OEM和ANSI ,Unicode和的ANSI ,remap ANSI或Unicode字符,提取电子邮件地址,扩大或合同的标签,移除backspaces ,删除二进制字符,垫或截断或武力线,以一个预定的宽度,产生Word中的名单和更多的工作。


12. WORD PROCESSOR Spell Checker (20+ langs., check block/all), Thesaurus, full control of fonts, colors, highlight color, left/right/center/justify/indent text, page margins, bullets, table color/shading/border/resize, format painter, text-sort, block-move, line/word-select, char. map, 100-level undo/redo, second editor pane etc. ATTACHMENTS: include files of any type and reasonable size; TREE FEATURES copy/paste, expand/collapse, sort, number tree, order tree-nodes through drag-drop, copy subtree directly to another database.

字处理器的拼写检查( 20 + langs ,检查座/所有),词库,完全控制字体,颜色,突出的颜色,左/右/中心/理由/缩进文字,页边距,子弹,表颜色/阴影/边界/大小,格式的画家,文本排序,分块移动,线/字选择,char.map ,100级别的撤销/重做,第二编辑窗格等附件:包括文件的任何类型的和合理的规模;树的特点复制/粘贴,展开/折叠,排序,有多少树,为了树节点通过拖放,复制子树直接向另一个数据库。

13. WORD PROCESSOR: full control of fonts, colors, highlight color, left/right/center/justify/indent text, page margins, bullets, table color/shading/border/resize, spell check block/all, format painter, text-sort, line/word-select, char. map, draft-pad, line numbers, etc. TREE FEATURES: multiple sorting options + control of node font/color/style/numbering/checkbox/marking/icon.

布尔搜索,正则表达式,结果排序等文字处理器:完全控制的字体,颜色,突出的颜色,左/右/中心/理由/缩进文字,页边距,子弹,表颜色/阴影/边境/大小,拼字检查座/所有,格式画家,文本排序,线/字选择,char.map ,草案垫,行号,等树的特点:多个排序选项+控制节点的字体/颜色/风格/号码/复选框/标记/图标。

14. We justify our existence by the amount of paper we process.


15. However, this view of maternal-fetal relationship is not quite fit into our common moral experience and thus could not justify the morality of abortion.


16. He did not produce a scrap of paper to justify his demands.


17. justify的解释

17. It would be hard for us to justify the cost of producing them.


18. This is obviously such an expensive operation that the ore must be of great value to justify the cost.


19. But we think that day is decades away because it`s harder to justify the cost of tagging low-cost items.


20. To justify the cost, research what you'll get out of the program and how it applies to your career.


justify 词典解释

1. 证明(决定、行为或想法)正当;表明…必要

To justify a decision, action, or idea means to show or prove that it is reasonable or necessary.

e.g. No argument can justify a war...


e.g. Ministers agreed that this decision was fully justified by economic conditions.


2. 调整(打印文本);使齐行;使每行排齐

To justify printed text means to adjust the spaces between the words so that each line of type is exactly the same length.

e.g. Click on this icon to align or justify text.


justify 单语例句

1. Rental yield in China is low, and does not justify buying a house to rent it out.

2. Yet, all these concerns by no means justify banning all foreign plants and animals.

3. Beijing's only cable television provider issued a public statement Monday to justify its controversial increase in subscription fees.

4. Huang said she expects banks to provide more details to justify their new charge, like the calculation of inquiry cost.

5. China's rising current account surplus and domestic inflation has been cited to justify these countries'call.

6. The huge economic losses incurred from the cancellation of the projects do not justify the wild pursuit of hydroelectricity by some local governments and businesses.

7. Friday's weaker job growth would justify such a breather, offering more evidence of slowing economic activity.

8. Such accelerated inflation does justify investor worries because it might invite more tightening measures that can choke off growth.

9. For those who are worried about deflation getting entrenched and choking off demand, the latest price figures may appear to justify their concerns.

10. " I don't know where you can go in the mind to justify shooting a child, " said Spartanburg County Sheriff Chuck Wright.

justify 英英释义



1. adjust the spaces between words

e.g. justify the margins

2. defend, explain, clear away, or make excuses for by reasoning

e.g. rationalize the child's seemingly crazy behavior

he rationalized his lack of success

Synonym: apologizeapologiseexcuserationalizerationalise

3. show to be right by providing justification or proof

e.g. vindicate a claim

Synonym: vindicate

4. show to be reasonable or provide adequate ground for

e.g. The emergency does not warrant all of us buying guns

The end justifies the means

Synonym: warrant

5. let off the hook

e.g. I absolve you from this responsibility

Synonym: absolvefree