

cause:[英 [kɔ:z] 美 [kɔz] ]


过去式:caused;   过去分词:caused;   现在分词:causing;   复数形式:causes;

cause 基本解释


名词原因; 事业; 动机; 理由

及物动词引起; 导致; 成为…的原因; 使遭受

cause 相关词组

1. make common cause with : 与...联合起来;


cause 相关例句


1. The heavy rain caused the flood.



2. What caused him to quit his job?


3. I'm afraid I'm causing you much trouble.



1. cause的意思

1. What was the cause of the accident?


2. cause的解释

2. The heavy rain was the cause of the flood.


3. cause

3. There is no cause for anxiety.


cause 情景对话



A:Thank you for coming to see me off.


B:Not at all.



A:If I have time, I’ll come again.


B:You’re welcome at any time.


A:Thank you for your hospitality. I hope I didn’t cause you too much trouble during my stay.


B:You’re most welcome.


A:I’m afraid I have to go now. The plane will take off soon.



B:Call us as soon as you get home.




Car Crash-(车祸)

A:That looks like a bad accident.


B:Yeah, should we get out and help?


A:No, there’s a police car behind us. He’ll stop.


B:Looks like the one guy lost control in all this rain, and the other one hit him.


A:Yeah. It’s pretty bad, that car looks like a coke can.


B:These accidents always cause traffic jams on rainy days.


A:Yeah, it looks like we’re in for a long drive.


B:Ah, well. Put on the news. I got up late and missed it.


A:All right.



A:Hi, Mr. Smith. I’m Dr. Hawkins. Why are you here today?



B:I thought it would be a good idea to get a check-up.


A:Yes, well you haven’t had one for…five years. You should have one every year.


B:I know. I figure as long as there’s nothing wrong, why go see the doctor?


A:Well, the best way to avoid serious illnesses is to find out about them early. So, try to come at least once a year for your own good.




A:Let me see here. Your eyes and ears look fine. Take a deep breath, please. Do you smoke, Mr. Smith?




A:Smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer and heart disease, you know. You really should quit.


B:I’ve tried a hundred times, but I just can’t seem to kick the habit.


A:Well, we have classes and some medications that might help. I’ll give you more infomp3ation before you leave.


B:O.K., thanks, doctor.


cause 网络解释

1. 引起:在那大骂(m)烧烤用柴(cha)火,这属于杂务参(can)议员,执行(do)公务时要公正公平;你说你能做就交给你去做这样才真诚、坦率一个官员腐败了,引起(cause)一个干部会议,会议讨论指控(accuse)这名官员诽谤我的人一定要找出来,

cause 双语例句

1. The cause of over-temperature of gasification furnace wall is analyzed.


2. In the current educational practice, as the final executer in the implementation of the new curriculum reform, teacher's vocation and life state don't cause people's attention.


3. The four most common phenotypes are A, B, AB, and O, referring to the type of antigen is presentor absenton the surface of a client's red blood cells, Routine testing usually involves only the Rh antigen. if an Rh-negative clinet receives Rh-positive blood, he or she will develop Rh antibodies, and future Rh-positive transfusions may cause a transfusion reaction. in pregnancy, antibodies from an Rh-negative mother may hemolyze fetal(erythroblastosis fetalis, or hemolytic disease of the newborn).

四种最普遍的表现型是A、B、AB、阿,这类型的抗原或表面上的一个客户的红血球、常规测试通常涉及到只有Rhantigen.if准备一Rh-positive接受血液,跟他或她将发展Rh抗体和未来的Rh-positive输血可能引起输血反应,在怀孕期间的母亲可能会产生抗体hemolyze北京(erythroblastosis fetalis或胎儿的新生儿疾病溶血试验确定具体)。

4. The bad geology conditions of watershed are usually scoured by the rain that brings lots silt into the reservoir and cause serious silting. After observation over the variation of reservoir`s capacity, below the elevation 37m, it is almost filled with silt and the effective capacity is beyond 1.3 million cubic meter.


5. Results showed that the increase of water contain will cause swelling of membrane materials and resulted in a decrease of pore size.


6. This project aims to discover officially the cause of Minamata disease through theatre work.


7. Based on the analysis of plastic flow law in crankshaft forming, the cause of typical forming defects, i. e. the folding existing in the crankshaft pin and crank arm was found out.


8. Having too much protective food but neglecting energy giving food or body building food will cause a decrease in energy level or underweight.

摄入多的protective food 而忽略energy-giving 或 body-building 类食物的摄入会使我们过瘦或缺少能量。

9. cause

9. First, I could see the drill ground It was'nt that dusty like we heard cause it rained the day before.


10. cause的翻译

10. Religion works for some people, but I'm just here'cause I got kicked out of Westview.


11. Cause sb to do sth...

com 某人做某事

12. cause的翻译

12. To cause sb. to do sth.


13. Cause sb to do sth.


14. Cause sb./ sth. to do sth.


15. Cause sb. to do sth.


16. Around the world international aids go wrong keep the peace a shortage of food cause sb. to do sth. live in poverty in real life people in need belong to the UN a UN Goodwill ambassador give a speech be pleased to do sth. have the chance to do sth. refer to sb./ sth. be made up of mean to do sth./ doing sth. be honoured to do sth. take on this role set up/about doing/down/out to do be based on develop friendly relations with sb. co-operate in doing sth. promote respect for human rights as you know touch the lives of people everywhere be involved in with the help of sb. worthy organizations be worth doing sth.= be worthy of being done assist the victims of wars in addition protect sb. from doing sth. prevent sb. from doing sth. child labour record sth.= make records of be aware of sth./ make sb aware of draw one's attention=draw the attention of sb. add sth. to sth.

add up/add up to under the umbrella of 全世界国际援助出错保持和平缺少食物导致某人做某事生活贫穷在现实生活中有需要的人属于联合国一位联合国亲善大使做讲座高兴做某事有机会做某事谈及某人或某事由某物组成打算做某事/意味着做某事荣幸做某事承担这个角色建立/着手工作/写下/开始做以…为基础和某人发展友好关系合作做某事促进对人权的尊敬正如你所知道的涉及每个地方人们的生活涉及;卷入在某人的帮助下令人尊敬的组织值得做某事帮助战争的受难者除了保护某人免受…的伤害阻止某人做某事童工记录某事意识到引起某人的注意把…加到…/加起来/加起来为在…的保护下 17 41。

17. cause的近义词

17. Will cause straight and honest gentlemen to gradually draw close.


18. Such is the root cause of an increasingly widening income inequality amid accelerating development.


19. Using economical principles, this article analyses the cause of environment pollution and economics countermeasures, studies the exchange theories of pollutant discharge quota and optimization mechanism of market, and the feasibility of building exchange market is explained.


20. cause的近义词

20. The government blamed the shortage on dollar hoarding, but the prime cause was its own stimulus spending.


cause 词典解释

1. (常指坏事的)原因,诱因

The cause of an event, usually a bad event, is the thing that makes it happen.

e.g. Smoking is the biggest preventable cause of death and disease...


e.g. The causes are a complex blend of local and national tensions.


2. 引起;导致

To cause something, usually something bad, means to make it happen.

e.g. Attempts to limit family size among some minorities are likely to cause problems...


e.g. This was a genuine mistake, but it did cause me some worry.


3. 理由;缘由

If you have cause for a particular feeling or action, you have good reasons for feeling it or doing it.

e.g. Only a few people can find any cause for celebration...


e.g. Both had much cause to be grateful for the secretiveness of government in Britain.


4. 事业;追求;目标;理想

A cause is an aim or principle which a group of people supports or is fighting for.

e.g. Refusing to have one leader has not helped the cause.


5. 因果;因果关系

You use cause and effect to talk about the way in which one thing is caused by another.


e.g. ...fundamental laws of biological cause and effect.


6. (为了特定目的)与…联手,与…配合

If one group of people makes common cause with another, they act together in order to achieve a particular aim even though their aims and beliefs are normally very different.

e.g. They make common cause for a few purposes, but for the most part, they pursue their own interests.


7. 为了公益事业;为了行善

If you say that something is in a good cause or for a good cause, you mean that it is worth doing or giving to because it will help other people, for example by raising money for charity.


e.g. The Raleigh International Bike Ride is open to anyone who wants to raise money for a good cause.


cause 单语例句

1. For starters, financial failure is not the only cause of international business marriages turning sour.

2. Acrylonitrile primarily affects the nervous system and lungs, can cause death and may cause cancer.

3. He added that the class taught students not to act bravely for a just cause when their lives are in danger.

4. On pressing a button two small pins pop out that can deliver an electric shock strong enough to cause temporary paralysis and pain.

5. Chen told China Daily the existence of a buyer's market is the main cause of human trafficking crimes.

6. This means any increase of grain imports by China may cause global grain price fluctuations.

7. Notices at the facility called for blood donations urgently needed by regional blood banks and appealed to residents to donate fully to the cause.

8. Methane is another landfill byproduct and a potentially hazardous one that could cause an explosion.

9. The exact cause of the girls'deaths is still under investigation, but the temperature in Jingzhou city reached 31 C on Tuesday.

10. The suspect was trying to ignite the fuel to cause an explosion in the airplane, the newspaper quoted a CAAC circular as saying.

cause 英英释义


1. any entity that produces an effect or is responsible for events or results

Synonym: causal agentcausal agency

2. a series of actions advancing a principle or tending toward a particular end

e.g. he supported populist campaigns

they worked in the cause of world peace

the team was ready for a drive toward the pennant

the movement to end slavery

contributed to the war effort

Synonym: campaigncrusadedrivemovementeffort

3. a comprehensive term for any proceeding in a court of law whereby an individual seeks a legal remedy

e.g. the family brought suit against the landlord

Synonym: lawsuitsuitcasecausa

4. a justification for something existing or happening

e.g. he had no cause to complain

they had good reason to rejoice

Synonym: reasongrounds

5. events that provide the generative force that is the origin of something

e.g. they are trying to determine the cause of the crash


1. cause to do

cause to act in a specified manner

e.g. The ads induced me to buy a VCR

My children finally got me to buy a computer

My wife made me buy a new sofa

Synonym: inducestimulatehavegetmake

2. give rise to

cause to happen or occur, not always intentionally

e.g. cause a commotion

make a stir

cause an accident

Synonym: domake