

nocturnal:[英 [nɒkˈtɜ:nl] 美 [nɑ:kˈtɜ:rnl] ]


nocturnal 基本解释

形容词夜的,夜间的; (动物)夜间活动的; (植物)夜间开花的; [乐]夜曲的


nocturnal 相关例句


1. The owl is a nocturnal bird.


2. nocturnal

2. Stars are a nocturnal sight.


nocturnal 网络解释

1. 夜间:[摘要]目的初步探讨分别在刺激(provocative)模式和夜间(nocturnal)模式下应用阴茎硬度测量仪诊断ED. 方法收集门诊病例36例,年龄19-46岁,分别在刺激模式和夜间模式下使用阴茎硬度测量仪进行监测. 结果36例患者中,

2. 夜行性:七月八日 生日花:待霄花(Common Evening Primrose) 花 语:夜行性(Nocturnal)凡是受到这个花祝福而生的人具有爱享乐的天性,未来的另一半最好也是懂得享受人生的类型.

3. 夜间发生的,夜出的:14. mimicry 模仿,拟态 | 15. nocturnal 夜间发生的,夜出的 | 16. insectivorous 食虫的


4. 夜间定时仪:NOAO, National Optical Astronomical 国立光学天文台 | nocturnal 夜间定时仪 | nodal precession 交点进动

nocturnal 双语例句

1. nocturnal的意思

1. Frontal lobe epilepsy is prone to attack insleep, so sleep EEG is important in the evaluation of nocturnal epilepsy, especially in idiopathic nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy.


2. Part one Clinical study of idiopathic nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy ObjectiveTo make a comprehensive understanding of idiopathic nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy, the clinical, electroencephalogram, neuroimaging, therapeutic efficacy and prognosis of 114 cases were analyzed.


3. This report performed DNA screening mainly in sporadic idiopathic nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy and part of the familial nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy cases in China. No gene mutation in known regions of neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor was found.


4. MethodsBased on the progress reported in this field, we selected two definitive ADNFLE genes CHRNA4, CHRNB2 as candidate genes and DNA sequencing was performed on the 5~ exons in 13 families of 18 idiopathic nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy cases, 23 sporadic idiopathic nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy cases and 26 first degree relatives.


5. Part two Molecular genetic study of idiopathic nocturnal frontal lobeepilepsyObjectiveWe selected two definitive autosomal dominant nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy genes CHRNA4, CHRNB2 as candidate genes and DNA sequencing was performed on the 5~ exons.


6. A possible reasons may be insufficient cases, small andatypical family, too short gene screening field; becase heterogeneity exists in idiopathic nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy, there may be gene mutation in other regions except the 5~ exons of the CHRNA4 and CHRNB2 genes in nAChR. There may also be other unknown responsible genes except nAChR.


7. ResultsIdiopathic nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy has distinctive clinical seizure characteristics. The onset age is younger than 20 and the ratio of male cases to female cases is 2 to 1. The most notable clinical characteristics are nocturnal clustered postural or dystonic seizures and complex motor activities, with 14% of the patients have epileptic family history. The interictal routine EEG of 22.9% and active EEG of 28% cases in wakeness and 38% cases in sleep showed frontal lobe epileptiform discharge while the ictal EEG of 66.7% cases showed frontal lobe epileptiform discharge. Drug therapy is effective in 80% cases with 30% completely controlled.

结果 特发性夜间额叶癫痫具有特征性的临床发作特点,大多数于20岁之前起病,男女比例2:1,以夜间成串的偏转性、姿势性强直及过度运动发作为最显著的临床特征。14%有阳性癫痫家族史。22.9%清醒发作间期常规脑电图及28%清醒发作间期动态脑电图可见额叶癫痫样放电,38%患者的睡眠发作间期动态脑电图可见额叶癫痫样放电,66.7%患者的发作期脑电图可见额叶癫痫样放电。80%药物治疗有效,30%可完全控制。

8. Because the odour inhaled corresponded to other odours inhaled of other ungual fragments, picked and lacerated by Master Bloom, pupil of Mrs Ellis's juvenile school, patiently each night in the act of brief genuflection and nocturnal prayer and ambitious meditation.


9. If ortho ea causes awakening during the night and is relieved by sitting, it is called paroxysmal nocturnal dy ea.


10. Ortho ea and paroxysmal nocturnal dy ea are unusual in pulmonary disease, except in a very advanced phase when the increased efficiency of breathing in the upright position is manifest.


11. The only exceptions are nocturnal creatures such as bats, owls, opossum or rats to name a few.

只有夜 行性动物除外,如蝙蝠、猫头鹰、负鼠或老鼠略举几例。


12. Any of various small, principally nocturnal mammals of the order Insectivora, characteristically''.


13. Any of various small, principally nocturnal mammals of the order Insectivora, characteristically feeding chiefly on insects and including the shrews, mole s, and hedgehogs.


14. Any of various small, principally nocturnal mammals of the order Insectivora, characteristically feeding chiefly on insects and including the shrews, moles, and hedgehogs.


15. A diurnal animal hunt s its food during daylight; while a nocturnal animal hunt s at night


16. A diurnal animal hunts its food during daylight; while a nocturnal animal hunt s at night


17. With 20 mg twice daily or 10 mg 4 times daily, was found to be as effective in controlling both daytime and nocturnal gastric acidity for all of the three genotypes. With multiple dosing, however, plasma esomeprazole concentrations were sustained throughout the 24-hour period, suggesting that newly generated after the rapid elimination of esomeprazole can be inactivated consistently by subsequent dose.


18. The nocturnal yet jazzily lit cinematography is composed of peppy short cuts while the camera often remains stationary or slow moving before ending in a dazzling track in the bookstore with the rhythm of a dance.



19. After three to five days of depositing eggs, the female is exhausted and, along with the male, dies. The fry emerging from the gravel is very photophobic, and becomes mostly nocturnal.

后 3 至 5 天的鸡蛋,女性尽,随该的男性的死亡在碎石得出的鱼苗是非常 photophobic,并成为主要夜间。

20. Jan. 20, 2004 Three weeks of melatonin therapy significantly reduces nocturnal blood pressure and improves sleep, according to the results of a preliminary, randomized, placebo-controlled trial published in the February issue of Hypertension.

Jan。20,2004-根据在2月份发行出版的宽心丸控制初步试验随机化结果显示,三星期的Melatonin 疗法意义重大地减少夜间的血压和改进睡眠,而单一剂药对血压或者心率并没有影响。

nocturnal 词典解释

1. 夜间发生的;夜间的

Nocturnal means occurring at night.

e.g. ...long nocturnal walks.


e.g. ...the immensity of the nocturnal sky.


2. (动物)夜间活动的,夜行性的

Nocturnal creatures are active mainly at night.

e.g. When there is a full moon, this nocturnal rodent is careful to stay in its burrow.


nocturnal 单语例句nocturnal

1. Octopuses are well studied in captivity but because they are shy and often nocturnal, their natural wild behavior is less understood.

2. To take photos of the tiny tarsiers, you have to disable your flash because it can damage the nocturnal creature's eyesight.

3. We can also hear the faint sound of flowing streams as we enter the mysterious world of nocturnal animals.

4. Police discovered the nocturnal beast had eaten cherries from a nearby tree which had turned to alcohol and given the badger diarrhoea.

5. Many people who eat at night do so after skimping all day, leaving them with a ravenous nocturnal appetite.

6. They are nocturnal insectivores and are unusual among primates in that they have claws rather than finger nails.

7. Not only will it help the local residents in restoring nocturnal peace, it will also help Hong Kong save energy.

8. Small vans pulled up in relay during the evening, underlining the nocturnal nature of orders.

9. Nicole has admitted to being aware of how annoying her nocturnal habits are for the singer.

10. Take a night walk after a barbecue dinner to discover nocturnal animals.

nocturnal 英英释义


1. belonging to or active during the night

e.g. nocturnal animals are active at night

nocturnal plants have flowers that open at night and close by day

2. of or relating to or occurring in the night

e.g. nocturnal darkness