

twig:[英 [twɪg] 美 [twɪɡ] ]


过去式:twigged;   现在分词:twigging;   复数形式:twigs;

twig 基本解释




twig 相关例句


1. I don't quite twig what you are driving at.



1. twig在线翻译

1. I kept dropping hints but he still didn't twig.



1. He made a fire with dry twigs.


twig 网络解释


1. 小树枝:版本三:说的是古巴、牙买加等相邻四岛上都有三个帮派的蜥蜴,分别住在地上、树上、小树枝(twig)上,每帮蜥蜴体貌特征均有不同特点,再加上由于各个岛上的同帮蜥蜴兄弟特点类似,ETS说这就奇怪了.

2. 嫩枝:接着,等到蜂巢(Hive)旁出现嫩枝(Twig),用加热术使嫩枝成为苔藓(Moss),再将此术用于蜂巢,点起篝火(Campfire). 用果壳从篝火中接出火种(Ember)后,继续等到人类公主(Human Princess)出现. 观察一下人类公主带着的笛子(Flute)和金剑(Golden Swords),

3. 小枝:其中在VLDB05和SIGMOD05上发表的两篇关于XML 小枝(twig)匹配的论文,受到国际学术界的广泛关注. 论文发表不到三年,已有一百篇国际论文引用了这一工作(根据Google scholar的统计),成为XML查询处理的一个标准高效比对算法.

4. 枝:接着,等到蜂巢(Hive)旁出现嫩枝(Twig),用加热术使嫩枝成为苔藓(Moss),再将此术用于蜂巢,点起篝火(Campfire). 用果壳从篝火中接出火种(Ember)后,继续等到人类公主(Human Princess)出现. 观察一下人类公主带着的笛子(Flute)和金剑(Golden Swords),

twig 双语例句

1. twig的翻译

1. Thus it could accelerate decomposition of leaf、twig and tree bark if they were buried under surface soil during operations such as cultivation、weed eradication.


2. No distinct influence was found in initial physiological differentiation among uneven aged trees with different nutritive twig ratios.


3. Arbor trees of 20 years old Qinguan strain in either bumper or off years with varied nutritive twig ratios initiated flower buds differentiation at the same time.



4. In view of complex Twig pattern with OR, AND and NOT predicates, this paper proposes a standard query pattern and corresponding holistical algorithm named AllTwigList.



5. From the above two aspects, it improves the holistic twig joins algorithm.


6. This dissertation still introduces concept into holistic twig joins procedure.


7. Therefore, This dissertation, based on the above two aspects, poses a new solution framework for the XML data streams queries using the holistic twig joins algorithm on containment segment partitions.


8. There is a wonderful characteristic of holistic twig joins algorithm, that is, it only needs to scan the XML document streams once when produces three-tuple index for document nodes.


9. It develops a solution framework for the XML data streams queries using the holistic twig joins algorithm on containment segment partitions.


10. Then boil Cinnamon Twig Decoction plus 3 grams of carthamus, 100 grams of cinnamon twig and 100 grams of fresh ginger in water.


11. Results:30 cases treated by CO2 laser, there are great decrease of disappear in erythema and dilator of twig-shape capillary. There is decrease or disappear of papula and rhinophyma in 12 cases.


12. So I put a twig down on the ground to mark that spot and told the actors where to run.


13. twig在线翻译

13. Mr Sam decided to hop the twig; he was in debt to at least five merchants.


14. You are a twig of plum trees swaying in the snow with a touch of light scent and demure grace.


15. Once a fox who stood under a tree was hit by a twig fallen on his back.


16. twig在线翻译

16. Think of the dictionary of sound and scent and recollection that unfolds before a real wild beast as it comes out from its lair every evening, with the knowledge that in a few minutes it will be hieing along to some distant hunting ground where all the joy and fury of the chase awaits it, think of the crowded sensations of the brain when every rustle, every cry, every bent twig, and every whiff across the nostrils means something, something to do with life and death and dinner.


17. The groups were then, in turn, split into three — one getting a single brimstone caterpillar, one getting a single early thorn caterpillar, and the third getting a plain hawthorn twig in otherwise empty cages.


18. The other day I heard a twig snap in it.


19. He heard the snap of a twig broken under foot.


20. Yet from the joy of every tile of the male mandarin duck [3] I understand the roof and also perceive Every green leaf of the big bluish green phoenix tree--- Behold, the little bird on the twig playing with its beak!


twig 词典解释

1. 细枝;嫩枝

A twig is a very small thin branch that grows out from a main branch of a tree or bush.

2. 顿悟;突然醒悟;豁然开窍

If you twig, you suddenly realize or understand something.

e.g. Then I twigged that they were illegal immigrants...


e.g. By the time she'd twigged what it was all about it was too late.


twig 单语例句

1. For example, cinnamon twig decoction is used to treat mild colds due to exogenous attack and malnutrition.

2. The twig hit Mao Mao's chin, causing it to bleed.

3. Even when I spotted a stray twig from a broom on the ground, it was quickly picked up and put into the trash can by a passing soldier.

twig 英英释义


1. a small branch or division of a branch (especially a terminal division)

usually applied to branches of the current or preceding year

Synonym: branchletsprig


1. branch out in a twiglike manner

e.g. The lightning bolt twigged in several directions

2. understand, usually after some initial difficulty

e.g. She didn't know what her classmates were plotting but finally caught on

Synonym: catch onget wiseget ontotumblelatch oncotton onget it