

offense:[英 [əˈfens] 美 [əˈfɛns] ]



offense 基本解释

名词进攻; (球队的)前锋; 进攻方法; 攻势


offense 同义词



offense 反义词


offense 相关例句


1. For what offense was he arrested?


2. She meant no offense by the remark.


3. offense

3. That dirty old house is an offense to the eye.


4. offense

4. His offences were forgiven him by the employer.


offense 网络解释

1. 进攻:把 进攻(OFFENSE) 的操控改成 ALTERNATE A,持球按Y就会直接转身(SPIN)了,操控起来会比预设的容易多了

offense 双语例句

1. Baron is capable of doing anything a point guard can do-he can explode to the basket and destroy a team with forays to the paint, he`s an unbelievable passer, he`s absolutely deadly in the open floor, he can make the three, he can post up, he can disrupt another team`s offense when he`s ball-hawking in the passing lanes, everything.


2. (原文 He did not see how he could possibly explain to Hermi-one that what she had done to offend Ron was kiss Viktor Krum, not when the offense had occurred so long ago.


3. The Prince Bo o k 12 Ho w Ma n y Kin d s o f Milit a ry T e re Are h a n d C o n c e rn in g Me rc e n a ry So ld ie rs Having discoursed in particular on all the qualities of those principalities which at the beginning I proposed to reason about, having considered in some part the causes of their well-being and ill-being, and having shown the modes in which many have sought to acquire and hold them, it remains for me now to discourse generally on the offense and defense befitting each of those named.

第十二章 Book 12 第十二章军队的类型及雇佣兵在该书开端处我提出要对君主国的性质做一论述,现在业已以详尽的笔触阐述完了,而且还从某些方面讲到了导致了君主国兴衰的原因,并展示了许多君主夺取王权和巩固江山所采取的手段,现在剩下来该做的就是概括地论述以上提及的君主国攻伐和防御的事务了。


4. With the method of dynamic programming, two spatial variables, the expected utility andthe Probability of success for each offense, are used to model the criminal' s lacation choicesin urban areas.


5. I apologize for any offense, Living One


6. This text compromises the contact of the of modern rule of law social construction that the offense penal code settles a principle and our country to launch a discussion



7. If the loss exceeded $2, 500, increase the offense level as follows


8. If it weren't for an error by first baseman Sean Casey and a few bloop hits by Toronto's offense, those numbers would have looked even more impressive.


9. Offense vehicles into the town to ease traffic pressure on the town just has intensified.



10. While your offender has probably forgotten the offense and gone on with life, you continue to stew in your pain


11. offense

11. Probably forgotten the offense and gone on with life, you continue to stew in your pain, perpetuating the past. Listen: Those who have hurt you in the past cannot continue to hurt you now unless you hold on to the pain through resentment. Your past is past!


12. offense在线翻译

12. It is improper and illegal if arrest is madeagainst an innocent or a person who committed light offense, which indicates the activity lacking of foundation.


13. offense的翻译

13. And to her, who was overflowing with vanity and self-conceit, this was the last offense, and she could not forgive him.


14. Secondly, this article is some suggestions that aim at condition and reason of falling behind of your country but put forward, therefore is completely good faith, don't constitute the crime important item of calumniating the government offense, please not multinational to pursue and arrest.


15. Heresy was a crime against the state. Roman law in the Code of Justinian made it a capital offense.



16. No offense, but you ID kind of answers that question...


17. This is the principle that anyone is not summit be forced from the his offense in certificate.


18. If we shall suppose that American slavery is one of those offenses which, in the providence of God, must needs come, but which, having continued through His appointed time, He now wills to remove, and that He gives to both North and South this terrible war as the woe due to those by whom the offense came, shall we discern there in any departure from those divine attributes which the believers in a living God always ascribe to Him?


19. offense在线翻译

19. Liberian citizens and non Liberian residents may be extradited to a foreign country for prosecution of a criminal offense in accordance with the provisions of an extradition treaty or other reciprocal international agreements in force.



20. Setting up the Offense of Refusing to Declare and Disguising Property is necessary because it is a demand to guarantee Family Property Declaration System to put smoothly into practice, also is a functional demand in social protection to realizes penal code protection national interest, social benefits with personal benefits.


offense 词典解释

1. -> see offence

offense 单语例句

1. If the act constitutes a criminal offense, criminal liabilities shall be pursued in accordance with the law.

2. Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen said he regretted the offense caused by the illustrations, while defending his country's long tradition of freedom of expression.

3. If a teacher is convicted of a serious criminal offense, the working group will recommend cancellation of his or her teaching license.

4. If the operator of the casino helps a person to cheat, the operator commits an offense and risks having the business license suspended.

5. While the man didn't necessarily commit any offense, police still want to question him about why he left the security check.

6. The man confessed to committing a child pornography offense of the lower degree but denied aggravated crime.

7. But Clause 2 of Article 142 of the law allows them to not lodge a prosecution when the offense is minor.

8. CLEVELAND - Cleveland Cavaliers guard Damon Jones has been interviewed by police after an Arizona woman filed a complaint concerning a possible sexual offense.

9. New coach Flip Saunders has made a good defensive team equally effective on offense.

10. " It really was awesome watching our offense come to life, " Rangers manager Ron Washington said.

offense 英英释义



1. (criminal law) an act punishable by law

usually considered an evil act

e.g. a long record of crimes

Synonym: crimecriminal offensecriminal offenceoffencelaw-breaking

2. the action of attacking an enemy

Synonym: offenceoffensive

3. a lack of politeness

a failure to show regard for others

wounding the feelings or others

Synonym: discourtesyoffenceoffensive activity

4. a feeling of anger caused by being offended

e.g. he took offence at my question

Synonym: umbrageoffence

5. the team that has the ball (or puck) and is trying to score

Synonym: offence