

vertex:[英 [ˈvɜ:teks] 美 [ˈvɜ:rteks] ]


  复数形式:vertexes; vertices; vertexs;

vertex 基本解释

名词顶点; 最高点; (三角形、圆锥体等与底相对的)顶; (三角形、多边形等的)角的顶点

vertex 网络解释

1. 头顶:磁圈刺激法与一般之电流刺激差不多,但一般於头顶(vertex)刺激可得到最大肌肉动作电位,而非置於对应之运动皮质区作刺激. 同样的经由随意收缩可增大反应电位之振幅,同时也可使潜期缩短约3ms.

2. 顶:根据IMRT照射范围选择参考的等中心层面,采用三维激光灯标记一前、两侧等中心体表标记点,模拟CT或PET/CT扫描范围为颅顶(vertex)至气管隆突水平按顺序无间隔以5毫米的层厚扫描(原发灶的区域也可选择2.5mm层厚,


3. (节点):在图上,节点(vertex)代表系统的状态,边(edge)代表了从一个状态到另一个状态的转换. 而用来表示反应系统时,节点可以更进一步的区分为系统的节点以及环境的节点,因此从系统的节点连出去的边就代表了受控制的行为,系统可以藉由选择其中一个边,

vertex 双语例句

1. Finally, the montion controller soft IP is implemented and verified in Xilinx Vertex2 FPGA.

设计最终形成软IP 核,并在Xilinx 公司的Vertex2 系列FPGA中予以实现和验证。

2. In chapter two, we determine the crossing number of the cartesian product of five graphs on 6-vertex with path.


3. Incidence of the appearance of P_(2a) in cats was related to site of the reference electrode. It was 90% in vertex-vs-neck lead, but only 18% in vertex-vsmastoid lead.



4. All data in an input register remains persistent throughout the vertex shader execution and even longer.


5. This paper proposes a new DNA algorithm of minimal vertex covering problem based surface by using the method of fluorescence labeling.


6. Headache occipital headache, vertex pain, migraine, temporal headache, frontal headache, pain of glabella, occipital-cervical pain and pain of the entire head



7. In addition, it's also very difficult to generate the closed surface fitting the outer nodes of the deformed material, the details includes locating the vertex, surface edge and loop.


8. It lights all object vertices the same because it is not dependent on any other lighting factors such as vertex normals, light direction, light position, range, or attenuation.


9. vertex是什么意思

9. GetColor Returns color of the specified sprite vertex.


10. In Vertex mode it can be used to draw out polygons vertex by vertex.


11. Combined with shared vertex, it can meet the requirement for the distance of Mg-Mg atoms.


12. A polygon such that no side extended cuts any other side or vertex; it can be cut by a line in at most two points.


13. Cut along the dotted line. a polygon such that no side extended cuts any other side or vertex; it can be cut by a line in at most two points.


14. The wire has an extension of50 feet. a polygon such that no side extended cuts any other side or vertex; it can be cut by a line in at most two points.


15. The models is more realistic, because with a lattice consisting of two different kinds of vertex, it can mimic fee station. traffic accident, two- level crossing, and et al.


16. After describing the detail of the geometry information, topology inf ormation included in the tables of polygon-surface, edge and vertex, and the poin t-link form of the adjacency multilist between the tables, a concise instance was given in Clanguage array.


17. Novel topological indices: Molecular Polarizability Effect Index, Vertex Degree-Distance Index, Odd-Even Index, Steric Effect Index and Eigenvalues of Bond-connecting matrix(X1CH) were used to predict the boiling points and chromatographic retention indices on different polar stationary phases for a mixed set of aldehydes and ketones.


18. vertex的反义词

18. A Cevian is a line joining a vertex of a triangle to any point on the opposite side which is not also a vertex.


19. For hypercube network and star graph, we prove that the local diagnosability of each vertex is equal to its degree.


20. As a minimum, a vertex shader must output vertex position in homogeneous clip space.


vertex 单语例句

1. Vertex expected COE supply to increase from around late 2013 and premiums to dip.

vertex的翻译vertex 英英释义


1. the point of intersection of lines or the point opposite the base of a figure

2. the highest point (of something)

e.g. at the peak of the pyramid

Synonym: peakapexacme