

gosh:[英 [gɒʃ] 美 [gɑ:ʃ] ]


gosh 基本解释

int.天啊; (表示惊讶)哎呀!

gosh 网络解释

1. 天哪:天哪(Gosh)!我说过你必须输进完整的句子. 我只说天哪. 我不懂俚语. 我的字库里有十多万字,但我所能找到最接近Gosh~的字是Gospel(福音). 那是指有关耶稣的故事. 你是一个基督徒吗?我也不知道. 照道理,

2. 天啊:Ill still love you.|我仍然会爱你的. | Gosh!|天啊. | I, uh...|我,呃......

3. 唉:gory 血淋淋的 | gosh 唉! | goshawk 苍鹰

gosh 双语例句

1. gosh是什么意思

1. Thunderclap Oh, my gosh, it is! It's raining!



2. I can`t give a comprehensive explanation here, but I will say that the very fact you recognize that you have a problem with anger means that there`s a part of your mind which is anger-free – enough so that it is able objectively to examine the rest of your mind and say: Gosh, anger is a problem for me; I`m out of control.


3. gosh的意思

3. You may find it not that scary at all but for me, gosh im scared off.


4. Oh, my gosh. I used to love that show.


5. Gosh, you can't live without me texting you back?


6. You may find it not that scary at allbut for me, gosh im scared off.


7. A Gosh, I think that there`s a mind-set that most women grow up with, that you have to have all of your shoes, and you have to have all of your nice clothes, and you have to stay in an expensive place to be safe.


8. gosh

8. Yeah. There is one more book, Gosh, about like rabbles.


9. Gosh there are so many ways to make this sex position exciting, it can feel new every time.


10. Because, gosh, there sure are a LOT of you in the Class of 2002!


11. gosh在线翻译

11. Oh my gosh, this is soo cool!!


12. Gosh, I'm so tir'd of divisive ex change


13. gosh在线翻译

13. Then, we visited Kelsey and Toy R Us to look at all those baby gears, followed by Osh Gosh outlet in Waikele and the other outlet stores.

午膳后开始我们的婴儿用品研究,走到 Kelsey 和 Toys R Us 看看各式各样的产品。

14. Gosh. It's freaking cold today.


15. But when your intention is, gosh, I don`t know what to convey, then you`re going to send a mixed message.


16. Oh, my gosh, you are so lucky you got that Delia's outfit.



17. O h My Gosh - What if this was You?


18. gosh的意思

18. I wanna live, O gosh, here comes a Marine looking for Zerg still alive, oh.


19. gosh什么意思

19. O my gosh!


20. gosh的翻译

20. Gosh! Not only did he remember I have passed the average age for marriage, he also remembered I have reached the age to be a mother. Paiseh leh

天,他竟然还记得我不但超出了结婚年龄,还经已到了做妈妈的年龄。paiseh leh

gosh 词典解释

1. (表示吃惊)天哪,哎呀

Some people say 'Gosh' when they are surprised.

e.g. Gosh, there's a lot of noise.


gosh 单语例句gosh在线翻译

1. Oh my gosh being a grandfather is the most wonderful thing, it really is.

2. Then I think well, gosh what a waste of money to buy a place and I'm on the road.