

stampede:[英 [stæmˈpi:d] 美 [stæmˈpid] ]


过去式:stampeded;   过去分词:stampeded;   现在分词:stampeding;   复数形式:stampedes;

stampede 基本解释

名词惊逃; 人群的蜂拥; 军队溃败

及物动词使(动物)惊逃; 使(人群)涌向

不及物动词逃窜; 涌向


stampede 相关例句


1. stampede

1. The frightened stampeded from the burning building.



1. Several deer were killed in the stampede.


2. stampede

2. There was a stampede of panic-stricken crowd from the burning hotel.


stampede 网络解释

1. 溃败:16. Waterfall / 巨瀑 | 17. Stampede / 溃败 | 18. Come Back / 归来

2. 惊跑:stamp-collector 集邮家 | stampede 惊跑 | stamper 印章

3. 惊跑,乱窜:squall (冰、雹)暴风 | stampede 惊跑,乱窜 | stench of putrefaction 腐烂东西发出的恶臭

stampede 双语例句

1. As July 3rd rolled around, Calgary turned into Cowtown as we kicked up our boots for the start of the Calgary Stampede, The Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth!


2. Merrill's rush to sell itself was motivated by fear that it might be next to be caught in the stampede.


3. Oh, no, it's a stampede!


4. stampede

4. This kind of looks like a buying stampede, 'says Bob Jergovic, the investment chief at CLS Investments LLC in Omaha, Neb., which manages $4 billion and has cut its gold holdings to 1% from 3% of assets.

CLS Investments LLC是总部位于美国内布拉斯加州奥马哈的一家投资公司,它管理着40亿美元资产,其首席投资长耶尔戈维奇说,买家好像都在惊慌四散。这家公司已将黄金占其总资产的比重从3%下调到1%。


5. Catching mice, rats will not stampede, a toe Health sharp claws.


6. We looked around in the Stampede on the first day.


7. According to police, two people were arrested in the stampede.


8. According to police, two people were arrested in the stampede



9. Many people get stuck in the stampede at the front.


10. A stampede in the southern Pakistani city of Karachi has left at least 14 people dead.


11. stampede什么意思

11. In 2008, more than 145 people died in a stampede at a remote Hindu temple at the foothill of the


12. Piles of suitcases, dirty blankets, duffel bags, clothing and shoes, abandoned in the chaotic stampede, littered the rain-soaked train station in Guangzhou, the starting point for the busy rail line north to Beijing.


13. It also said it would investigate the cause of the stampede and take action to prevent such problems in the future.


14. Add fight to prevent the use of nails in a fixed manner to fight the use of fixed nail increase, will result in by contact with the nails of hands too small nail is less attractive, easy to cause loosening of wood keel, stampede will appear when the sound of the floor.


15. Examining Weadick`s early years as a showman, the first Stampede, and his contribution to its subsequent success, allows the audience an opportunity to understand Weadick`s importance. Archival photos and interviews with Weadick`s biographer provide a well documented story about a very colourful and lively frontiersman.

大纲这部是为卡加利牧人竞技会创办者,Guy Weadick,所做的介绍纪录片,透过一些档案照片,采访撰写Weadick自传的作者等,描述Weadick 早期的演艺生捱、第一次举办的竞技会、和他为竞技会成功所做的贡献。

16. stampede

16. In The Phantom Menace, the falumpaset is a computer generated creation seen during the Naboo swamp stampede and in the Grand Gungan Army sequences.


17. A stampede of some kind that causes our paintmaker to be out of commission for a few days.


18. A fall in price is more likely to prompt a stampede than a calm appraisal of valuations.



19. There was a stampede of panic - stricken crowd from the burning hotel.


20. Out went minimum commissions and other restrictions, and in came a stampede of foreign firms.


stampede 词典解释

1. (人群的)蜂拥,狂奔;(动物的)惊逃,乱窜

If there is a stampede, a group of people or animals run in a wild, uncontrolled way.

e.g. There was a stampede for the exit.


2. (使)争先恐后地奔逃;(使)惊逃

If a group of animals or people stampede or if something stampedes them, they run in a wild, uncontrolled way.

e.g. The crowd stampeded and many were crushed or trampled underfoot...


e.g. Countryside robbers are learning the ways of the wild west by stampeding cattle to distract farmers before raiding their homes.


3. 热潮;风尚;争先恐后的现象

If a lot of people all do the same thing at the same time, you can describe it as a stampede .

e.g. Generous redundancy terms had triggered a stampede of staff wanting to leave.


e.g. ...a stampede by South African farmers to buy up cheap land in Mozambique.


4. 迫使;强迫

If people are stampeded into doing something, they are forced into doing it by pressure from other people, even though they do not think it is the right thing to do.


e.g. Do we really want to be stampeded in such a way?...


e.g. It was widely believed that Powell had stampeded the Government into taking action.


stampede 单语例句

1. The stampede happened early Saturday morning when people flooded into the Carrefour outlet in Shapingba to take advantage of a sales promotion for cooking oil.

2. The stumble started a chain reaction that resulted in a stampede that caused many others to fall and be trampled.

3. She admitted the company did not anticipate the scale of the market response blamed for yesterday's stampede.

4. The former head of Beijing's suburban Miyun County also resigned in the wake of the February 5 Lantern Festival stampede that left 37 dead.

5. The stampede occurred during the stoning of the devil, an emotional and notoriously perilous hajj ritual.

6. A woman was killed in a stampede at the Ganges river in India, where devout Hindus had gathered for the eclipse.

7. Flare used by band ignites ceiling as youths stampede to the only exit.

8. A stampede broke out when a steel barrier was suddenly opened, leading to a frantic scramble for prime seats.

9. The stampede began when rumours spread through the crowd that there were no more saris to give away.

10. Nothings spreads fear more quickly than a stampede of investor speculators as they head for the exit.

stampede 英英释义


1. a headlong rush of people on a common impulse

e.g. when he shouted `fire' there was a stampede to the exits

2. a wild headlong rush of frightened animals (horses or cattle)


1. run away in a stampede

2. cause to run in panic

e.g. Thunderbolts can stampede animals

3. act, usually en masse, hurriedly or on an impulse

e.g. Companies will now stampede to release their latest software

4. cause a group or mass of people to act on an impulse or hurriedly and impulsively

e.g. The tavern owners stampeded us into overeating