

interlude:[英 [ˈɪntəlu:d] 美 [ˈɪntərlu:d] ]



interlude 基本解释

名词插曲; 穿插; 幕间节目; [乐]间奏


interlude 网络解释

1. 间奏(曲):(Interlude)故事应该从那天的相遇开始...... 和我同一个学校的从小就认识的玉城麻衣子格相当坚强,另一方面因为有我这样一个青梅竹马而变得犹犹豫豫. 她在休息时间是非常有精神的,而上课的时候总是爆睡,老师也感到为难. 每天面...

2. interlude什么意思

2. 插曲:亚里士多德在他的中表明自己讨厌插曲,他认为,插曲(interlude)由于不是在它之前的事的必然结果,又不产生任何效果,游离于故事这个因果链之外,实在没有存在的必要.

3. 间奏:他们的首张专辑When Silence is Broken the Night is Torn共有9首歌,其中一首为钢琴间奏(Interlude)还有一首为开场曲(Intro).尽管这张专辑的时间与Atreyu最近一张的精彩不断精选专辑相当,但选择Eyes Set to Kill要划算得多,

4. 插剧:另外,在喜剧、悲剧出现的同时,一种被称作插剧(interlude)的短小滑稽剧也开始在英国流行,这种剧作以插科打诨、引人发笑为创作目的,被后人广泛应用于长篇戏剧的表演间歇中,代表作品为约翰.黑武德(John Heywood,1497-1580)的(The Four Ps).

interlude 双语例句

1. Introduce the principle and determine method of the capacitance sensor feature experiment, making use of thePowerPoint created a setofmulti medias teachware, focalpoint putin arithmetic figure which ofexperiment process is collected withhandle manufacturing lastly, and in it interlude the elegant pictures, music image part of the feature in South CentralUniversity for Nationalities, letting student is in nervously study process moderate relaxe.


2. Interlude~ Without your love, It's a honky-tonk parade.

插曲 如果没有你的爱,这是一个通克游行。

3. interlude的解释

3. This is only an interlude in your life.



4. As the single mother of an abducted and killed child, Jeon goes through every emotion, from lissom lightness before the tragedy to depth-plumbing grief, with an interlude for poignant folly as the victim of a religious group's spurious comforts.


5. interlude什么意思

5. To my mind, to be able to make your work your pleasure is the one calss distinction in the world worth striving for; and I do not wonder that others are inclined to envy those happy human beings who find their livelihood in the gay effusions of their fancy, to whom every hour of labour is an hour of enjoyment, to whom repose-however necessary-is a tiresome interlude.


6. To my mind, to be able to make your work your pleasure is the one class distinction in the world worth striving for; and I do not wonder that others are inclined to envy those happy human beings who find their livelihood in the gay effusions of their fancy, to whom every hour of labour is an hour of enjoyment, to whom repose however necessary-- is a tiresome interlude, and even a holiday is almost deprivation.



7. Since that film scores a great success, its interlude songs are also much sought after.


8. But on that day, the official's persuasion and the pretty attractive conditions seemed to be more like an interlude and what their behavior exposed was much impatience.


9. It is an odd but stirring interlude, at least at first.


10. I don't know whether war is an interlude during peace, or peace is an interlude during war.


11. Dear ones this is but an interlude leading to other fierce activities to reign on your planet.



12. There was something of a drier interlude before an active weather system moved in from the west.


13. interlude的意思

13. An interlude between two periods:when time marches on, and when time runs out.


14. Interlude – a sensational scene where Danny with two girls, one of them will go thru Danny`s chest.


15. Traditional oil tower interlude in all the festival, obtianing praying in tenple and prostating at home.


16. The more famous works from his early period include The Great God Brown (1926), a study in the conflicts between idealism and materialism, and Strange Interlude (1928), an ambitious 36-hour saga on the plight of the Everywoman.

更从他的著名作品包括早期大神布朗( 1926年),一项新的研究之间的冲突唯心主义和唯物主义,和奇异的插曲( 1928年),一个雄心勃勃的36小时佐贺的困境

17. That`s how prelude and interlude get jumbled, so let it be.


18. His direction cannibalises Apocalypse Now's mix of hard light with deep shadow, while a flashy arcade-game interlude (in which a digitised DiCaprio zaps tigers as he runs through the jungle) is a show-off flourish which hints, perhaps, at an underlying desperation.

导演借鉴了《现代启示录》里强光和暗影的混合,当中穿插了闪眼的走廊游戏(flashy arcade-game)(一个DiCaprio数字模似人在丛林里追逐撕斗),这些手法全是导演矫饰过妄的卖弄,也许,还暗示潜藏的绝望感吧。


19. Except for a brief interlude in 1908, full employment prevailed during most of the period.


20. interlude的解释

20. It was a brief interlude and a midsummer night`s fling, and you'll see that it's time to move on.


interlude 词典解释

1. 插曲;间歇;幕间表演

An interlude is a short period of time when an activity or situation stops and something else happens.

e.g. It was a happy interlude in the Kents' life...


e.g. Superb musical interludes were provided by Sinclair.


interlude 单语例句

1. The moment they decide to run away together into the forest, this interlude of crazy and strange love becomes doomed.

2. His simple yet delicious dishes will guarantee to provide a delectable seasonal interlude to the usual mouthwatering menu on offer.

3. A shocked husband seeking an interlude with a prostitute, found himself face to face with his wife.

4. A very brief interlude of pole dancing may have something to do with it.

5. " The original screenplay did not have an interlude, " Fu said.

6. They work to play, rather than use play as an interlude for work.

7. Kiev Russ is a nice interlude if you are looking for something different, and celebratory.

8. Despite the chilly interlude, trade between the two countries never suffered.

interlude 英英释义


1. a brief show (music or dance etc) inserted between the sections of a longer performance

Synonym: intermezzoentr'acte

2. an intervening period or episode


1. perform an interlude

e.g. The guitar player interluded with a beautiful improvisation