

geometry:[英 [dʒiˈɒmətri] 美 [dʒiˈɑ:mətri] ]



geometry 基本解释

名词几何学; 几何形状; 几何图形; 几何学著作


geometry 网络解释

1. 几何体:但是折线的段数尽量多些,每层的点的数量最好一样多,把等高线用移动工具在高度方向上依次拖到相应的高度,也就是使等高线等高地排列,选择最底下一条,再在创建面板中创建几何体(Geometry),几何体类型合成物体(Compounde Object),

2. 几何形状:形状结点(shapes)定义了三维场景中物体的几何形状(geometry). 基本形状结点(primitive)是一些标准的积木块,它们是矩形体、圆锥体、球体等. 外表(appearance)结点描述了具有一定几何形状物体的外观,比如说色彩、纹理等等.

geometry 双语例句

1. The results obtained from the forward modeling are in good accordance with the structural geometry observed from the seismic profile, which show that Dachigan structure is a typical trishear structure.


2. The most stable geometry of 1 is the anti conformation of 2S, 3R (or 2R, 3s) diastereoisomer.

最稳定的几何形态是防1两秒,r(或2R,diastereoisomer 42.9%)。


3. The creation of dynamic fractures with different geometry was simulated with finite element method.


4. This is essential reading for anybody with an interest in geometry.


5. Many affecting factors, such as heat flux, bath temperature, heater geometry and heater size, were investigated by the systematic experiments.


6. The influence of the crystal lattice and geometry of the inclusions on phononic band gaps was studied.


7. His Office is to make one knowing in Astrology, Geometry, and other Arts and Sciences.


8. Source and Receiver Geometry Check.


9. Upper estimates of integral points in real simplices with applications to singularity theory, CR geometry and number theory


10. This paper have put forward the build mould method of location reference plane in CADF, and on this foundation have analysed the influence of positions'location error for workpiece geometry precision.


11. Thanks to its adjustable guide vane geometry, the complete gas emission stream is always fed through the turbines.


12. Using the density functional theory, study geometric configuration on entirely optimized gas phase of ethyl acrylate and its derivative on the level of B3LY/6-311G*. By means of theoretic method on self-consistent reaction field, study the relation among geometry, electric charge, dipole moment and energy of ethyl acrylate and its derivative in liquid phase.


13. The Geographic Information System theory as a guide, point-set topology theory as basis, this paper uses object-oriented method to study on profile-based three-dimensional topological data model and data structure. By use of computational geometry, GIS, computer graphics images, 3DGM, the construction and dynamic updating methods of 3DGM are researched on the basis of amended OO-Solid data model.


14. The geometry and anatomy of the surface of the cartilage and corresponding subchondral osseous contours of patellofemoral joint were different.

结果 1。髌股关节软骨形态和软骨下骨的形态是不一致的。

15. The determination of formation fracture pressure and the geometry of hydraulic fracture is critical for designing rational fracturing program, providing optimal operation pressure, avoiding interzonal crossflow caused by excessive fracture height, and better stimulating the reservoirs.


16. geometry在线翻译

16. Optimized geometry of the furnace body.


17. The role of vinylene group in geometry, electronic structure and spectra property is analyzed according to the comparative study of the dyes.


18. The geometry and electronic structure in C62 and its four pyridinyl derivatives were calculated with DFT method at BP86/TZP level. With the time-dependent density functional theory method, we can assign the lowest excitation transitions and model absorption spectra.


19. A speedy method of the Ichnography Geometry Quality Based On AUTOCAD Is introduced in this paper, A good method is provided for the Calculating of parameter such as center of shape, moments of inertia, product of inertia, and so on.


20. I will not go into the details of the science behind the magic, simply put; ambient occlusion fires rays into the scene at various angles from various points on the geometry, and determines which rays are blocked by other geometry, and creates a visual representation of the occlusion.


geometry 词典解释

1. 几何(学)

Geometry is the branch of mathematics concerned with the properties and relationships of lines, angles, curves, and shapes.


e.g. ...the very ordered way in which mathematics and geometry describe nature.


2. 形状;外形;几何图形;几何结构

The geometry of an object is its shape or the relationship of its parts to each other.

e.g. They have tinkered with the geometry of the car's nose.


geometry 单语例句

1. The establishment's mostly wooden furnishings are daring experiments in geometry that make for comfortable spots to sit and swill.

2. Chern is best known for his achievements in the study of differential geometry.

3. Another reason Fang is " allergic " to her major is difficult courses like algebra and geometry.

4. One group of student campers solved geometry problems with Mozart sonatas playing in the background.

5. The turbocharger has variable turbine geometry for optimal power development at all engine speeds.

6. Ren said geometry is the most difficult for him, because he cannot draw the lines and angles.

7. Classic colors and glasses are the typical materials combined with the restrained geometry.

geometry的意思geometry 英英释义


1. the pure mathematics of points and lines and curves and surfaces