

ease:[英 [i:z] 美 [iz] ]


过去式:eased;   过去分词:eased;   现在分词:easing;   复数形式:eases;

ease 基本解释

名词安逸; 容易; 轻松,舒适; 不拘束,自在

及物动词减轻; 解除痛苦; 延缓; 松弛

不及物动词缓解,减少; 轻松前进


ease 同义词




ease 反义词



ease 相关词组


1. ease up : 缓和, 减轻, 放松;

2. with ease : 容易, 不费力;

3. ease off : 缓和, 减轻;

ease 相关例句


1. It's time for your father to ease up on his work a bit; he's getting old.


2. ease的近义词

2. I eased her mind by telling her that the children were safe.



3. The pain has eased off.



1. The hostess greeted her guests with ease.


2. ease

2. He writes with ease.


ease 情景对话


A:Well, Mr. Smith. That’s a nasty infection you have.


B:Yes. Is there anything you can give me to get rid of it, Doctor?



A:I’m going to prescribe some antibiotics, and some cream to ease the itching and burning.


B:OK. Thank you. Where should I buy them?



A:The phamp3acy will give you a discount since you came to the clinic.


B:Great. What floor is the phamp3acy on?


A:The fourth. I’ll send the prescription down there, so you can just pick it up on your way out.


B:Thank you.


ease 网络解释

1. 容易:)是(are)宣布声明的根据记: 得(de)此(c)线(line)就可以下降了记: 得(de)此(c)蛋(o)的概率(rate)就像装饰天宫一样难记: 得(de)此(c)人(r)容易(ease)减少损失记: 得(de)地(di)产(c)吃(ate)了也不奉献记: 推断(deduce)他(t)的错误,


2. 安逸:如图5(Ease)和图6( Dominance Portfolio)所示:赖利在作品中充分运用色彩明度的区别来表现各种色相之间的区别. 明亮对比的色彩,或由平行波纹线条造成的效果、极为相近的纯度造成单色感的隐形来达到色彩的律动[7].

3. 缓和:或者将IK跨度的边缘拖到右边. 你想要创建一个无缝动画的话,就需要让第一帧和最后一帧相同才行. 把帧指示器放在IK跨度的头两个关键帧中间. 在属性面板中,使用缓和(Ease)弹出菜单选择缓和的类型.

4. ease:electronic analog and simulation equipment; 电子模拟与仿真设备

5. ease:encoder for algorithmic syntactic english; 算法语法英语编码器

6. ease的反义词

6. ease:embedded advanced sampling environment; 嵌入式高级采样环境

ease 双语例句

1. There ◎ over-temperature protection device, safer and more at ease.


2. ease的意思

2. Wrong time to work, flexible working system and on-line office is the Beijing Municipal Government during the Beijing Olympics in order to ease the traffic pressure and the implementation of the three new initiatives.


3. I never consider ease and joyfulness as the purpose of life.


4. People will be much more at ease with you and more likely to turn to you for advice if they know you will be open to what they have to say, even if you don't agree.


5. Now with the anchoring of the guardians to hold True Spiritual Law, there is a shift, and ascending initiates will be able to move forward in greater ease.


6. When you step into these boat-like shoes on land, the oars stay hidden, but as soon as you step onto water, the oars appear and start moving you forwards with ease.



7. They are valued for their durability, compactness, and ease of use.


8. ease的翻译

8. These games are very elaborately designed to ease you in gently, entice you, and keep you there.


9. ease的解释

9. The external critical evidence seems in this ease to give still clearer decision against the authenticity of this passage.


10. A principal fruit of friendship, is the ease and discharge of the fulness and swellings of the heart, which passions of all kinds do cause and induce.



11. A principal fruit of friendship, is the ease and discharge of the fulness and swellings of the heart, which passions of all kinds do cause and induce We know diseases of stoppings, and suffocations, are the most dangerous in the body; and it is not much otherwise in the mind; you may take sarza to open the liver, steel to open the spleen, flowers of sulphur for the lungs, castoreum for the brain; but no receipt openeth the heart, but a true friend; to whom you may impart griefs, joys, fears, hopes, suspicions, counsels, and whatsoever lieth upon the heart to oppress it, in a kind of civil shrift or confession


12. We use the kidney to research the issue of that cystamine can regulate kidney to improve the disease or not. In flow cytometry, we use CD8/CD4/CD25 makers to observe the balance of TH1/TH2, and we find that cystamine can raise TH2 expression to produce autoantibodies and also can induce overexpression of Treg to ease inflammation.

为了同时在免疫方面观察胱胺是否也有著能减缓SLE的倾向,进而深入了解观察肾脏这个重要的次级免疫器官,探讨cystamine是否对於肾脏也具有重要的调节作用进而能改善病症,在本实验中以flow cytometry对免疫倾向的确认,透过CD8/CD4/CD25 maker观察TH1/TH2 balance,发现胱胺能有效的反转SLE大量倾向TH2进而产生的自体抗体,同时也能增加 Treg的高量表达进而去抑制免疫反应缓解发炎。


13. Electric cycles are true pedal cycles under the law, with all the everyday ease-of-use advantages this implies: right to ride, i. e. no tests, licensing, taxes or other hassles; no need for helmets or special clothing; train operators carry bicycles, enabling effective mixed mode travel; right to use cycle and bus lanes.


14. This can help reduce interest payments and help ease the financial pressure in the short term.


15. This family of alloys provides a good combination of cost, strength, and corrosion resistance, together with the high fluidity and freedom from hot shortness that are required for ease of casting.


16. So don`t forget as you ease on down the road.



17. Don't forget as you ease on down the road.


18. Moves big fish with surprising ease and still feels like a feather in your hand.


19. ease在线翻译

19. Is your mind at ease over such things?


20. Your skill and ease will increase over time, so be patient with yourself!


ease 词典解释

1. 轻松地;容易地;不费力地

If you do something with ease, you do it easily, without difficulty or effort.


e.g. Anne was intelligent and capable of passing her exams with ease.


e.g. ...the ease with which young people could find work.


2. 容易;方便

If you talk about the ease of a particular activity, you are referring to the way that it has been made easier to do, or to the fact that it is already easy to do.


e.g. For ease of reference, only the relevant extracts of the regulations are included.


e.g. ...the camera's ease of use in manual mode.


3. 舒适;安逸;悠闲

Ease is the state of being very comfortable and able to live as you want, without any worries or problems.

e.g. She lived a life of ease.


4. (使)(程度、速度、强度等)减少;(使)降低

If something unpleasant eases or if you ease it, it is reduced in degree, speed, or intensity.

e.g. Tensions had eased...


e.g. The heavily falling snow had eased...


5. 缓慢地移动;小心翼翼地挪动

If you ease your way somewhere or ease somewhere, you move there slowly, carefully, and gently. If you ease something somewhere, you move it there slowly, carefully, and gently.

e.g. I eased my way towards the door...


e.g. She eased back into the chair and nodded...


6. (使)自在;(使)安逸;(使)不拘束

If you are at ease, you are feeling confident and relaxed, and are able to talk to people without feeling nervous or anxious. If you put someone at their ease, you make them feel at ease.

e.g. It is essential to feel at ease with your therapist...


e.g. Both men were unwelcoming, making little attempt to put Kathryn or her companions at their ease.


7. 稍息(军队口令)

'At ease' or 'Stand at ease' is an order given to a group of soldiers to stand with their feet apart and their hands behind their backs.

e.g. At ease, Sergeant. This is completely informal.


8. 不自在;局促不安;心神不宁

If you are ill at ease, you feel rather uncomfortable, anxious, or worried.

e.g. He appeared embarrassed and ill at ease with the sustained applause that greeted him.


相关词组:ease offease up

ease 单语例句

1. Starting a business would put his parents'mind at ease that he will not end up jobless after three years of tuition payments.

2. The cars will go into operation in November 2010 on lines to Mecca and will help ease congestion during the busy pilgrimage month.

3. The administration suggested that the government act to ease the increasingly direct and large impact of oil prices on the economy.

4. Britain's secretary of state for international development called the killing a " callous and cowardly act " and said Williams was in Afghanistan to help ease poverty.

5. To help ease any frustration associated with travelling to the city, a series of commitments have been made by the tourist authority.

6. An industry expert said Gome's action is largely to ease its cash flow problems and to find a way to combat the current downturn.

7. Plans to add more than 800 parking spaces for taxis in Beijing to ease the difficulty of hailing a cab have received a lukewarm response.

8. The industry also hopes the mainland will ease the cabotage limits on foreign ships sailing between mainland ports.

9. China is taking action to ease tax burdens on the rural poor and the social assistance system.

10. China is taking action to ease tax burdens on the rural poor and the dibao social assistance system.

ease 英英释义


1. freedom from activity (work or strain or responsibility)

e.g. took his repose by the swimming pool

Synonym: restreposerelaxation

2. freedom from difficulty or hardship or effort

e.g. he rose through the ranks with apparent ease

they put it into containers for ease of transportation

the very easiness of the deed held her back

Synonym: easinesssimplicitysimpleness

3. freedom from constraint or embarrassment

e.g. I am never at ease with strangers

Synonym: informality

4. the condition of being comfortable or relieved (especially after being relieved of distress)

e.g. he enjoyed his relief from responsibility

getting it off his conscience gave him some ease

Synonym: relief

5. a freedom from financial difficulty that promotes a comfortable state

e.g. a life of luxury and ease

he had all the material comforts of this world

Synonym: comfort


1. lessen pain or discomfort


e.g. ease the pain in your legs

Synonym: comfort

2. make easier

e.g. you could facilitate the process by sharing your knowledge

Synonym: facilitatealleviate

3. lessen the intensity of or calm

e.g. The news eased my conscience

still the fears

Synonym: stillallayrelieve

4. move gently or carefully

e.g. He eased himself into the chair