

unconscious:[英 [ʌnˈkɒnʃəs] 美 [ʌnˈkɑ:nʃəs] ]


unconscious 基本解释

形容词失去知觉的,无意识的; 无意的,不自觉的; 不知道的; 不受意识控制的


unconscious 同义词


unconscious 反义词


unconscious 相关例句


1. They were so quiet that he was completely unconscious of their presence.



2. He was unconscious of his mistake.


3. unconscious的近义词

3. After she hit her head she was unconscious for several minutes.


4. He injured his head and was unconscious for one hour.


5. I was unconscious of her presence.


unconscious 网络解释

1. unconscious的翻译

1. 无意识的:对我们的立场所存在的另一种可能的误解则是这样一个看法, 即我们对调整我们行动的许多规则所具有的那种意识不及的特征(non-conscious character)的强调, 乃是与那种有关无意识的(unconscious)或潜意识(subconscious) 的心智的观念勾连在一起的,


2. 昏迷:从活跃到昏迷状态,都一一列出了,分别是活跃(Fresh)、气喘(Winded)、疲劳(Weary)、虚脱(Tired)、眩晕(Dazed)和昏迷(Unconscious). 只要人物没有经过剧烈运动(比如在战斗中消耗大量能量,施放一个自发的法术,或是跑过相当远的距离),

unconscious 双语例句

1. The unconscious is certainly the source of instinctive activity.


2. In fact, by diverting the attention you push the negativity deep into the unconscious, and there you continue to generate and multiply the same defilement.


3. Actually, by diverting the attention, one pushes the negativity deep into the unconscious, and on this level one continues to generate and multiply the same defilements.


4. His colleague lay unconscious, perhaps dead.


5. Heath- cliff jumped into the kitchen through the window, and started kicking and hitting Hindley. who was lying unconscious on the kitchen floor.


6. unconscious的近义词

6. A woman in Daidiong became unconscious and her heartbeat dropped rapidly after taking medicine with grapefruit juice but was fortune to be saved by emergency crew.


7. unconscious的反义词

7. Barsad called two men into the room, and told them to lift the unconscious man and carry him out.


8. With an unconscious sigh he pulled off his shapeless cloth hat and sloshed along toward where the pond grass and hyacinths were thickest.


9. However keep in mind that they will also block one`s own unconscious infractions as well.


10. In the unconscious cases, e. g. of epilepsy, automatism, etc., the same test can be used.

在癫痫、自动[MS15] 等无意识的情况中,也可作同样的判断标准。

11. unconscious的解释

11. If you are unconscious of the beam in your own eye, you should at least bear other's mote.


12. So people plunge into unconscious vicious circle. Eventually much person fell into mental dissonance and conflict.


13. She feeds Lyra a sleeping potion to keep her unconscious.


14. unconscious是什么意思

14. Her mouth fell into a deepness, into a look of unconscious cunning


15. I`m not suggesting you`re a conscious body walking around in a world full of unconscious automatons.


16. If your unconscious is saying don`t take that job, go on that date, poke that skunk - take heed.


17. unconscious什么意思

17. And probably the half-unconscious rhapsody was a Fetichistic utterance in a Monotheistic setting; women whose chief companions are the forms and forces of outdoor Nature retain in their souls far more of the Pagan fantasy of their remote forefathers than of the systematized religion taught their race at later date.


18. Sometimes, I tired and hungry and thirsty, lying unconscious on the way; sometimes, late at night in the quiet of the forest ecology, I am head of a full moon, sitting in a tree on the bend, let me wear a foot injury has been a little rest, Then, in the dim pre-dawn Hey close the eyes, trapped by the very few disabled people to send Rumeng Xiang, and deep sleep.


19. This thesis consists of three parts: individual unconscious, racial unconscious and collective unconscious of human beings, and each part is correlative for psychological fantasies, cloths, gunshots and drumbeats


20. unconscious

20. Doctors` unconscious racial biases may influence their decisions to treat patients and explain racial and ethnic disparities in the use of certain medical procedures, according to Alexander Green from Harvard Medical School and his team.

sciencedaily ( 2007年8月22日)-医生无意识种族偏见,可能影响他们的决定来治疗病人,并解释种族和民族差异,使用某些医疗程序,根据亚历山大绿色,从哈佛大学医学院和他的团队。

unconscious 词典解释

1. 不省人事的;失去知觉的;神志不清的

Someone who is unconscious is in a state similar to sleep, usually as the result of a serious injury or a lack of oxygen.

e.g. By the time ambulancemen arrived he was unconscious...


e.g. He was dragged from his van and beaten unconscious by a gang of salmon poachers.



He knew that he might soon lapse into unconsciousness.


2. 不知道的;未觉察的;没注意到的

If you are unconscious of something, you are unaware of it.

e.g. He himself seemed totally unconscious of his failure...


e.g. Mr Battersby was apparently quite unconscious of their presence.



'I was very unsure of myself after the divorce,' she says, unconsciously sweeping back the curls from her forehead.


3. 潜意识的;无意识的

If feelings or attitudes are unconscious, you are not aware that you have them, but they show in the way that you behave.

e.g. Unconscious envy manifests itself very often as this kind of arrogance...


e.g. 'You're well out of it,' Christopher said with unconscious brutality.



Many women whose fathers left home unconsciously expect to be betrayed by their own mates...


I think racism is unconsciously inherent in practically everyone.


4. 无意识

Your unconscious is the part of your mind that contains feelings and ideas that you do not know about or cannot control.

e.g. In examining the content of the unconscious, Freud called into question some deeply-held beliefs.


unconscious 单语例句

1. Investigators also have been examining whether a sudden decompression sucked oxygen out of the cabin and cockpit and rendered those on board unconscious.

2. When Cai discovered that the two victims lying on the dark road were unconscious, he urged the driver to flee before anyone else came along.

3. A powerful left hand to the jaw sent Hatton to the canvas unconscious and on his back when referee Kenny Bayless ended the fight.

4. These might include rescuing an unconscious colleague from a crevasse or tackling carbon monoxide poisoning from a stove.

5. He confirmed that Sharon had been in a coma for nine days, but stressed the length of time such patients remained unconscious varied from case to case.

6. A sanitation worker who fell unconscious while clearing the streets of snow remains in a coma Thursday.

7. A sanitation worker who fell unconscious while clearing the streets of snow remains in a coma yesterday.

8. The guide stresses that elderly people need different types of help depending on whether they are conscious or unconscious after they have fallen over.

9. The star was reportedly found unconscious by her mother while in the shower, with paramedics performing CPR upon arrival.

10. In South Korea, hospitals customarily respect " do not resuscitate " orders that are signed before patients become unconscious.

unconscious的反义词unconscious 英英释义


1. that part of the mind wherein psychic activity takes place of which the person is unaware

Synonym: unconscious mind


1. not conscious

lacking awareness and the capacity for sensory perception as if asleep or dead

e.g. lay unconscious on the floor

2. without conscious volition