

strident:[英 [ˈstraɪdnt] 美 [ˈstraɪdn:t] ]


strident 基本解释


形容词刺耳的; 尖锐的; 轧轧叫的; 吱吱叫的


strident 网络解释

1. strident

1. 刺耳的:stridence 刺耳 | strident 刺耳的 | stridulate 发出尖声

2. 刺耳:tone-deaf五音不全 | strident刺耳harsh | shrill尖叫

3. strident的意思

3. 尖度;阻擦度:stridency 阻礙 | strident 尖度;阻擦度 | strident-mellow 刺耳的;發生嘶嘶尖銳音;阻擦;粗糙性

4. strident什么意思

4. 吱吱尖叫的:strideforwardwithoneschinupstrideproudlyaheadprance 昂首阔步 | strident 吱吱尖叫的 | strobe 起滤波作用

strident 双语例句

1. strident

1. They may assume a strident command- and-control approach or else turn passive — by clamming up, being indirect, failing to ask for what they want or need, and refusing to delegate junior-level tasks and responsibilities.


2. They may assume a strident command-and-control approach or else turn passive by clamming up ( If someone clams up, they stop talking, often because they are shy or to avoid giving away secrets.


3. strident的近义词

3. It was a strange, strident cry - a flare of light in an old flicker ing life


4. It was a strange, strident cry - a flare of light in an old flickering life


5. The antitrust policy avoided US from the strident confliction and massive collision between few extravagant magnates and the masses, it was a cornerstone of the economical prosperity, social stability and political democracy.


6. Then He tells us His secrets, great and wonderful, eternal and infinite; He causes the eye which has become dazzled by the glare of earth to behold the heavenly constellations; and the car to detect the undertones of His voice, which is often drowned amid the tumult of earth's strident cries.


7. First, I am delighted with the balance to the classroom I took notice of competition, students were awarded the temptation, and they talk loudly, and talk with a smile, tease, no matter how much I was screaming decibels, and regardless of percussion eraser more strident voices, they said the co-ordination, with a smile, I do go off in a huff angrily out of the classroom door as my tears poured out of the tide, it seems so difficult for me to love them.


8. There, he meets strident kleptomaniac Beatrice with whom he forms an inexplicable bond.


9. strident

9. Every time you revile or slander others, you will feel empty, bored, and vacuous afterwards. To fill the boredom and emptiness, you have to revile and slander with even more stridency. Once those strident words leave your mouth, your feeling of boredome and emptiness will increase.



10. Yeah, we're strident and shrill and thing...


11. Of speech or dialect pleasing in sound; not harsh or strident.


12. Shaw produced his first play, Widower's Houses, a strident attack on London's slumlords, in 1892 with a private progressive theater company.

邵氏制作他的第一出戏,鳏夫之家,一个刺耳的攻击伦敦slumlords ,于1892年与一家私营公司逐步影院。

13. Next to it, I noticed the line of hemp, grapeseed, red palm and canola oils, all smartly packaged, all making strident health claims.


14. strident

14. He is a strident advocate of nuclear power.


15. strident的意思

15. The news organization's coverage of China, however, is strident and critical.


16. Moreover, the need for supporting Quality of Service in Web service has become more strident recently.


17. In belittling conspicuous consumption, I may be a little too strident, but there's a reason.


18. Patrick's writer's voice is clear, logical, enthusiastic, and strident.


19. strident什么意思

19. Larry's strident voice was difficult to listen to for more than five minutes.

拉里粗哑的声音让人听五分钟就受不了。本新闻共2页,当前在第1页 1 2

20. While the Global Times` editorial stance leans towards the nationalistic, the tone of the English version is less strident than its Chinese version, and the paper has been developing something of a reputation for fairly insightful stories that don`t simply hew to the Party line and discussing topics


strident 词典解释

1. 强硬的;咄咄逼人的;坚定的

If you use strident to describe someone or the way they express themselves, you mean that they make their feelings or opinions known in a very strong way that perhaps makes people uncomfortable.

e.g. She was increasingly seen as a strident feminist.


e.g. ...the unnecessarily strident tone of the President's remarks...



He was arrested in 1984 on suspicion of being a spy — a charge he stridently denies...

他因涉嫌从事间谍活动于 1984 年被捕——他对这一指控极力否认。

In the late 1920s the party began to adopt a more stridently nationalistic posture.

在 19 世纪 20 年代后期,该党开始执行一种更加坚定的民族主义路线。

2. 刺耳的;尖锐的

If a voice or sound is strident, it is loud, harsh, and unpleasant to listen to.

e.g. She tried to laugh, and the sound was harsh and strident...


e.g. He could hear Hilton's strident voice rising in vehement argument with Houston.


strident 单语例句strident

1. But unless the intangible qualitative integrity of its soft power is retained in this expansion, the messages may sound strident rather than soft.

2. They were entertained by musicians and dancers swaying to the hypnotic but strident rhythms of music played by the Etruscan virtuosos.

3. Though many of the settlers were strident in their denunciations of Sharon and his policies, leaders insisted resistance would be nonviolent.

4. Calls to hold a referendum on whether Britain should leave the EU will become more strident.

5. Most Hong Kong people probably recognize this, but the most strident and loudest voices often set the tone of the debate.

6. That deal was eventually abandoned in the face of strident opposition to important US assets being controlled by Chinese interests.

7. His strident voice is his main work qualification since he stopped teaching.

8. Mukherjee on Wednesday adopted a more strident tone against longtime rival Pakistan.

9. Her measured words and appeals for calm have balanced the strident pose of Saakashvili, the main force behind some of the biggest Georgian protests in a decade.

10. The musical accompaniment was updated and the singing was more pop than strident.

strident 英英释义


1. unpleasantly loud and harsh

Synonym: raucous

2. being sharply insistent on being heard

e.g. strident demands

shrill criticism

Synonym: shrill

3. of speech sounds produced by forcing air through a constricted passage (as `f', `s', `z', or `th' in both `thin' and `then')

Synonym: fricativecontinuantsibilantspirant

4. conspicuously and offensively loud

given to vehement outcry

e.g. blatant radios

a clamorous uproar

strident demands

a vociferous mob

Synonym: blatantclamantclamorousvociferous