

insipid:[英 [ɪnˈsɪpɪd] 美 [ɪnˈsɪpɪd] ]


insipid 基本解释

形容词枯燥的,无生气的,乏味的; 索; 平淡无奇; 索然

insipid 网络解释

1. 淡:(13)寡淡(insipid) 咖啡的不良味道.由于香味成分的丧失,咖啡水缺少活力,没有生气.焙制好的 咖啡豆在煮制之前氧化,受潮导致有机物的丧失是产生这一现象的原因.

2. insipid什么意思

2. 没有味道的, 平淡的:capacity pickup 电容传感[拾音]器 | insipid 没有味道的, 平淡的 | Anglify 使英国化, 使英语化

3. 无味的:insinuating 讨好的 | insipid 无味的 | insipience 感觉迟钝

4. insipid的解释

4. 没有味道的:insinuative 讽刺的 | insipid 没有味道的 | insipidity 枯燥无味

insipid 双语例句


1. Main trend of market of Hua Dongshun anhydride clinchs a deal 5400-5500 yuan/ton around send, manufacturer start working is much stabler, market merchandise on hand is supplied enough, the market is handed in project aura general; Supply of goods of market of Hua Nashun anhydride is general, trafficker receives goods intent discretion, the market exchanges views the price to be in 5450 yuan/ton around send, quote of Shanxi supply of goods is in more 4900-5000 yuan/ton leave factory; Market level of China north area is maintained basically, clinch a deal to be in roughly 5100-5300 yuan/ton around, integral market exchanges views insipid.


2. Because digestive juice exudation of hyperpyrexia patients reduces, and all kinds energy of digestive enzyme declines, at this time they are inadvisable to eat high-protein, indigested eggs, they only eat some insipid diet, or else it will bring in abdominal distention, laxness and such symptom of indigestion and so on, and not beneficial to get well.


3. Dry website editor is really very insipid vivid, just go everyday mechanical stickup and duplicate, because Olympic Games China is returned in those days, be a way station, need not consider what copyright, the director says to be in charge of his what copyright, you wanted good good much hair to go only, so in those days is so stickup and duplicate, although salary is drab, but I return work manner active, although stickup and duplicate I also should be treated seriously, so caption is mixed format, the sky between paragraph and paragraph goes, literal join, the examination of wrongly written or mispronounced characters I am done seriously.


4. She was not of so ungovernable a temper as Lydia; and, removed from the influence of Lydia's example, she became, by proper attention and management, less irritable, less ignorant, and less insipid.


5. She was not of so ungovernable a temper as Lydia; and, removed from the influence of Lydia's example, she became, by properattention and management, less irritable, less ignorant, and less insipid.


6. insipid

6. A mixture of milk and water is a insipid drink.


7. Shrub of United States Pacific coast bearing small red insipid fruit.


8. It includes cap, shoe, headgear, bag to wait a moment, dress is tasted ornament, perfect effect is having in modern dress design, a common dress, because tie-in design goes out to be acted the role of well, taste what can make up for dress not only to be short of regret, and can make insipid dress becomes Yi Yi is unripe brightness, be full of life.


9. Market respect, mood of market of suitable July anhydride is unusually insipid, supply in home superfluous, the benefit sky with export less order for goods is hit pressure below, the city after together with trafficker is right looks weak influence of more state of mind, integral market one have diarrhoea and below, discuss atmosphere low fan, expect the market as home market supply of goods abundant, still have low tendency.


10. insipid

10. Red Dust Lane was always watching other people performing, listening to other people's stories of his paintings that seem insipid.


11. To current market condition, element analyses Likongyin: 1, tradition of downstream not saturated colophony is at present off-season, start working is inferior, receive dish of intent insipid, sale of suitable anhydride manufacturer is small fan, each manufacturer merchandise on hand relatively early days increases, adopted more at present be restricted to produce or jockey measure; 2, price of benzene of cooking of upriver raw material drops, hua Dong is at present inferior clinch a deal roughly 7800 yuan/ton send, suffer raw material to glide influence, predict to still had recently glide space; 3, influence of green Olympic Games, draw near as the Olympic Games increasingly, domestic each haven is checked and accept to the exit of chemical increasingly strict, raised the threshold that chemical product exports, impact of exit of product of chemical industry of this pair of country is bigger, as we have learned, 7, volume of export of suitable anhydride of domestic each manufacturer decreased considerably August; 4, respect of trafficker state of mind, the businessman is empty to arranging the city after anhydride to still look, the intent that throw money is thicker, the intent that collects money further is inferior, and the low price goods that spits haing manufacturer as the near future reachs the area austral Hua Donghua, bigger to market impact.

对于当前的市场情况,利空因素分析:1、目前下游不饱和树脂传统淡季,开工较低,接盘意向平淡,偏苯三酸酐厂家销售低迷,各厂家现货较前期增加,目前多采取了限产或停车措施; 2、上游原料焦化苯价格下跌,目前华东较低成交大致7800元/吨送到,受原料下滑影响,预计近日仍有下滑空间; 3、绿色奥运影响,随着奥运会的日益临近,国内各港口对化学品的出口验收日益严格,并提高了化工产品出口的门槛,这对国内化工产品出口影响较大,据了解,七、八月份国内各厂家偏苯三酸酐出口量大幅减少; 4、贸易商心态方面,商家对偏苯三酸酐后市依然看空,抛货意向较浓,进一步采货的意向较低,而且随着近期吐哈厂家的低价位货物抵达华东华南地区,对市场冲击较大。

12. In the face of the positive attitude of the management, joint venture capital firms insipid response.


13. insipid在线翻译

13. And they put heart into calm, placid heart into caring to others still, a wide-wife; Put Mind is activated, nearly flat in recent appreciation of the immensely valuable and insipid to be felt at ease, which is the ability to support insipid.


14. insipid的近义词

14. We might also feel insipid and flat if we let him bear the full gravity of those cultural debts.


15. And pick the strings of our insipid lutes!


16. insipid

16. Sometimes frustrations to the ideals and objectives of their own where are doomed my life it is so insipid too?


17. It is both useless and insipid to play with the cards on the table.


18. This sauce has no taste it's really insipid.


19. It is flat and insipid to the taste, having been deprived of its atmospheric gases.



20. Maybe love is not a manifestation of that initial moment, but life in general inside each one of the most insipid a word, the love you have deep and selfless people boundless, it is a heart felt so warm as if冬阳, such as drunk after the voluntary indulgence of that sweet.


insipid 词典解释

1. (食物或饮料)淡而无味的,没有味道的

If you describe food or drink as insipid, you dislike it because it has very little taste.

e.g. It tasted indescribably bland and insipid, like warmed cardboard.


2. 枯燥乏味的;令人厌烦的

If you describe someone or something as insipid, you mean they are dull and boring.

e.g. On the surface she seemed meek, rather insipid...


e.g. They gave an insipid opening performance in a nil-nil draw with Peru.

他们与秘鲁队的揭幕战打得波澜不惊,最终以 0:0 战平。

insipid 单语例句insipid的解释

1. Each time we retreat from daring into the warm comfort of caution the more insipid we become as human beings.

2. A lunar new year holiday devoid of the spark of firecrackers would be insipid and incomplete.

3. The dryness of the pancake made the insipid chives almost too much to bear.

4. Italian boss Ancelotti is under no immediate danger but the alarm bells will surely be ringing following Chelsea's insipid defeat at Wigan.

5. After an insipid first half with little action and no goals, it sprung to life after the break.

6. Stephenie Meyer's offensive saga continues its offenses, making Bella even more insipid than she was in the first iteration.

insipid 英英释义


1. lacking interest or significance or impact

e.g. an insipid personality

jejune novel

Synonym: jejune

2. lacking taste or flavor or tang

e.g. a bland diet

insipid hospital food

flavorless supermarket tomatoes

vapid beer

vapid tea

Synonym: blandflatflavorlessflavourlesssavorlesssavourlessvapid