

fret:[英 [fret] 美 [frɛt] ]


过去式:fretted;   过去分词:fretted;   现在分词:fretting;   复数形式:frets;

fret 基本解释


名词[建筑]回纹饰,状饰物; 烦躁,烦恼; 腐蚀处,磨损处; 弓上木头的毛病

动词磨损,腐蚀; 焦急; 使烦恼; 用回纹装饰

不及物动词烦恼; 磨损; 焦急

fret 相关例句


1. She'll fret herself to death one of these days.


2. The metal is fretted with the acid.


3. The stream from the mountain slope fretted a channel through the soft earth along the mountain foot.


4. The breeze fretted the surface of the water.



1. It won't help to fret about the problem.



1. She gets in a fret whenever we're late.


fret 网络解释

1. 品:琴腹呈三角形,有3根弦,品(fret)可移动. 通常用手指拨奏,也可用皮革制的拨子弹奏. 有大、小6种型号,最大的秦身高度相当于普通人的身高. 这种琴由于尺寸和大小不同,音域和音高不一,倘若十几架一起演奏,可以抵上一个交响乐队.

2. 品丝:被成为品丝(fret)的薄金属条镶嵌在这片木料上. 这样就将指板分成了以半音递升的12半音音阶,于是当琴弦被按在不同的品上时,就形成了不同的音符. 作为原声吉他指板最常见的木材时紫檀木(rosewood,玫瑰木)和黑檀木(ebony).

3. fret:fluorescent resonance energy transfer; 荧光共振能量转移

4. fret什么意思

4. fret:fluorescence resonance energy transfer; 荧光共振能量传递

fret 双语例句

1. fret的反义词

1. Don't fret because now you can become a vegetarian and at the same time enjoy your meaty meals.


2. Don't fret because it won't be one of those teen slasher movies.


3. Nothing too much to fret about here, a simple page with a few divs and some text is about all we need.


4. From late Friday and on into the weekend, have fun hanging out with friends, and don't fret about getting things done.


5. fret

5. Call me what instrument you will, though you can fret me, yet you cannot play upon me.


6. fret

6. Water is one of the few things that I don't fret over with oil pastels and one of the quickest areas to work on for me.


7. The reasoning was that in French the word for this rough material, which was used to smooth and polish things, was extended to the notion of troubles that fret and annoy a person.


8. fret什么意思

8. Many students fret over their college entry exam.



9. There is a poverty of indolence-where virtues sleep and passions fret and bicker.


10. The 1st fret of my guitar is fret buzz, what can I do?


11. If it was only a matter of grey hair and wrinkles, Brown would not fret too badly.


12. They fret that tradition-minded voters are left perplexed, if not outraged, both by the goings-on and the high-handed way in which the government and its friends seems to brush them off.


13. I see him chafe and fret at every pore.


14. Eg. I see him chafe and fret at every pore.


15. Pyronine B adheres to on the surface of CdS and prevents CdS aggregating, which leads to the decrease of fluorescence quantum yield of CdS. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer happens from CdS to Rhodamine B, Butyl rhodamine B and Rhodamine 6G, respectively. There is a higher FRET efficiency between CdS and Neutral red with the value being 0.282. Moreover, coupling reaction between -NH_2 of Neutral red and -COOH of CdS -TGA leads to red shift of CdS fluorescence spectrum. The reaction also occurs between Safranine T and CdS. At the same time, the Fluorescence of ST is quenched by forming ST -CdS ground state complex. Chapter 6, CdS QDs modified by chitosan and polyethyleneimine can be quenched by Cu~(2+). According to the experimental result, we develop the novel sensor for Cu~(2+).


16. If you`re one of those hooked in this trend, there`s no need to fret or brood over your existing mobile if it`s not a recently released model.


17. The two armchairs in the cockpit (the pilot's cabin), clad in black and white leather and also featuring the Maison's Greek fret symbol, have an aerodynamic, wraparound shape.

另有两张充满流线形的座椅安置在驾驶舱中,同样也是以黑白混色的皮革包裹,并装饰著 Maison 一贯的希腊苦恼头像。


18. The Grand has a passenger cabin designed to accommodate six people in comfort, each with an armchair clad in full grain black and white leather, embroidered by hand with Versace's signature Greek fret motif.

Grand 宏伟直升机有一个可轻松容纳六名乘客的客舱,每张扶手椅以黑白混色的粒面皮革包裹,并且缝制有手工刺绣的凡赛斯希腊苦恼头像。

19. The first two helicopters, a Grand and a 109 Power, combine elegance, performance and sophistication, qualities expressed through the aerodynamic form of the machines and the external livery featuring the iconic Greek fret motif, symbol of the house of Versace, as well as the meticulous attention paid to the details and finish of the interiors.

至於这两架机型,Grand 宏伟直升机以及109 Power 一零九威力直升机,更是结集了优雅、高尚、精致於大成,除了机体本身材质带出了空气力学的流畅线条之外,其机身外观更以凡赛斯的象徵,希腊苦恼肖像为主题,以高度的表现力展现内外兼俱的绝佳状态。

20. The lower section of the instrument panel, the doors, the roof panel, the central console and the seats are all upholstered in opulent full grain nappa, featuring the Greek fret motif, the unmistakable and distinctive emblem of the Maison Versace.


fret 词典解释

1. 苦恼;烦恼;发愁

If you fret about something, you worry about it.

e.g. I was working all hours and constantly fretting about everyone else's problems...


e.g. But congressional staffers fret that the project will eventually cost billions more...


2. (吉他等弦乐器琴颈处的)品

The frets on a musical instrument such as a guitar are the raised lines across its neck.


fret 单语例句fret

1. Rather than seeing those days as the golden carefree days of youth, Zheng says he was forced instead to constantly fret about the people around him.

2. But if you are unable to come to China, don't fret.

3. Economists fret that the slump in housing will drag down growth as the slowdown affects consumer spending and the construction industry.

4. India is already rapidly emerging as an investment hot bed for multinationals, which fret that some of China's lustre could be fading.

5. No wonder Germans fret over the new French president, because he constitutes a challenge for Germany's austerity worship.

6. The latest rebound also comes as the public fret over fuel price hikes that have triggered a fresh wave of inflation concerns.

7. Markets fret that the Democrats could increase Japan's borrowing to fund their programmes, expanding a public debt burden that is already the biggest among developed economies.

8. The unemployed fret about losing generous benefits, while high prices and low pay are squeezing household budgets.

9. Several GOP strategists close to McCain's campaign privately fret that his chances for victory are starting to slip away.

10. US stocks and oil market plunged as investors fret over the broader impact of eurozone debt crisis on global growth.

fret 英英释义


1. a small bar of metal across the fingerboard of a musical instrument

when the string is stopped by a finger at the metal bar it will produce a note of the desired pitch

2. an ornamental pattern consisting of repeated vertical and horizontal lines (often in relief)

e.g. there was a simple fret at the top of the walls

Synonym: Greek fretGreek keykey pattern

3. a spot that has been worn away by abrasion or erosion

Synonym: worn spot

4. agitation resulting from active worry

e.g. don't get in a stew

he's in a sweat about exams

Synonym: stewsweatlatherswither


1. wear away or erode

Synonym: eat away

2. remove soil or rock

e.g. Rain eroded the terraces

Synonym: erodeeat away

3. cause friction

e.g. my sweater scratches

Synonym: rubfraychafescratch

4. be too tight

rub or press

e.g. This neckband is choking the cat

Synonym: chokegag

5. decorate with an interlaced design

6. carve a pattern into

7. be agitated or irritated

e.g. don't fret over these small details

8. gnaw into

make resentful or angry

e.g. The injustice rankled her

his resentment festered

Synonym: eat intoranklegrate

9. cause annoyance in

10. worry unnecessarily or excessively

e.g. don't fuss too much over the grandchildren--they are quite big now

Synonym: fussniggle

11. become or make sore by or as if by rubbing

Synonym: chafegall

12. provide (a musical instrument) with frets

e.g. fret a guitar