

tackle:[英 [ˈtækl] 美 [ˈtækəl] ]


过去式:tackled;   过去分词:tackled;   现在分词:tackling;   复数形式:tackles;

tackle 基本解释

名词用具,装备; 索具; 阻挡; 阻截队员

及物动词着手处理; [橄榄球]擒住并摔倒(一名对方球员); 给(马)配上挽具


tackle 相关词组


1. tackle to : 劲头十足地开始工作;

tackle 相关例句



1. The policeman tackled the thief.



2. He tackled the problem.


3. He was tackled before he had a chance to shoot.



1. That big fullback tackles hard.




1. John forgot to bring fishing tackle with him.


tackle 网络解释

1. 铲球:●铲球(tackle) 足球比赛中,常常为了防守和进攻目的而铲球. 对铲球的判罚原则是:凡是先铲到球,没有附加动作而使对方摔倒,为不犯规;反之,先铲到对方,再触到球,则判为犯规. ●罚球(penalty kick) 罚球点距球门正中端线11公尺(12码).

2. 截锋:根据场上站位不同,从开球点中心向外分别为中锋(Center)、截锋(Tackle)和护锋(Guard). 中锋还是开球者,负责将球准确的传递到四分卫手里. 他们通常是整个球队中最强壮的人,目标是对方的半卫和传出球之前的四分卫. 他们冲过对方的进攻内锋,

3. 处理:不要去碰她(bump),哥哥大傻瓜(gump),长个大肿块(lump),丰满才漂亮(plump),死了才脱落(slump) a 部分(fraction)i 摩擦(friction),部分无花是党派(faction),摩擦无花是小说(fiction) 图钉在前是处理(tackle),明明在前是混合(mingle),

4. 擒抱:[擒抱(tackle)] 橄榄球中最常用的阻止进攻的手段就是擒抱--将持球队员连人带球按倒在地. 当攻方持球队员被擒抱或被逼出边线时一次进攻就宣告结束了. [得分] 橄榄球比赛的最终目的是得分. 共有4种得分的方法. 达阵(touchdown)得6分,

tackle 双语例句

1. A great amount of post tensioned pre-stressing concrete single box beam for double track (as called the Box Beam hereinafter) has been used on the line. It is of infeasibility in adoption of the traditional practice of pre-fabrication in precast factory and erection of the Box Beam with the track laying machine for that this type of beam is characterized by new structure, complicated workmanship, large volume and difficulty in transportation. Therefore, the key and hardest problem to tackle is that what processing should be adopted to precast the Box Beam on site and that what kind of machinery should be used to transport and erect the Box Beam.


2. To tackle readability, I replaced Verdana with Trebuchet MS for my main body copy and increased overall type size.


3. The amount of stuff youhave in your life and the amount of things you have to do can be toobig a mountain to tackle.


4. ANSYS software was used to analyze the frame structure to check structural members in the alternate path structure, i. e. the structure after removal of a single column, and 3D finite element model was built up by using element Beam 188 and Shell63with the method of killing element s to tackle the colume.

利用有限元软件 ANSYS 用对框架结构进行分析,采用 Beam188 和 Shell63 单元建立三维框架结构有限元模型,生死单元法杀死失效的柱,评估结构在移除一根关键柱后是否具有防止连续性倒塌的能力。


5. Each pipe shall be carefully lowered onto the prepared sand bed by means of the necessary slings and tackle.


6. Detailed 3D graphics and a dynamic camera make sure you see every kick and tackle as if you were watching in the stands.


7. tackle的意思

7. With more than $4 billion of assets under management and extraordinary depth of experience, we tackle ambitious projects that require substantial financial resources and intellectual capital.


8. Researches show that the lack of Chinese football is omnidirectional, which embodies in the following aspects: lacking of technical and basic football skills, especially the poor ability in goaling, controlling and block tackle; lacking of stamina, which makes the players can't catch up with the match's speed; lacking of go all out spirit; moreover, there are problems in hiring and training coaches, which are the reasons why the teaching level is so low in China; the way of selecting and training players is so unreasonable that it is difficult to find suitable and perfect players for our national team.


9. WEIFANG RUIDE fishing tackle co. ltd located in the beautiful city of WEIFANG which is famous for being called the kite city of the world.



10. We propose location-aware and profile-based methods to tackle problems signal strength prediction in WLAN.



11. That is why Mr Obama now needs to produce a credible plan to tackle America`s vast budget deficit.


12. tackle是什么意思

12. Therefore, network mesurement becomes the most feasible way to tackle the problem.


13. tackle

13. In this addition Mike and Althea tackle T. O., Tank Johnson and Allen Iverson...


14. If Illinois's politicians were trying to demonstrate how not to tackle a serious issue, they could hardly do better.


15. Learn, share and discuss key English phrases, techniques and tips to tackle any negotiation.


16. Those who had caught sharks had taken them to the shark factory on the other side of the cove where they were hoisted on a block and tackle, their livers removed, their fins cut off and their hides skinned out and their flesh cut into strips for salting.


17. Those who had caught sharks had taken them to the shark factory on the other side of the cove where they were hoisted on a block and tackle their livers removed, their fins out off and their hides skinned out and their flesh cut into strips for salting.


18. Those who had caught sharks had taken them to the shark factory on the other side of the cove where they were hoisted on a block and tackle, their livers removed, their fins cut off and their hides skinned out and their flesh out into strips for salting.


19. And I can make every tackle at the sound of the whistle.


20. He is invariably alert, usually enthusiastic, and always willing to tackle a new problem, usually with verve and irrepressibility.


tackle 词典解释

1. (果断或高效地)应对,处理,解决(难题或任务)

If you tackle a difficult problem or task, you deal with it in a very determined or efficient way.

e.g. The first reason to tackle these problems is to save children's lives...


e.g. Firemen later tackled the blaze.


2. (曲棍球、足球等比赛中)抢断,阻截,铲断;(英式、美式橄榄球比赛中)擒抱摔倒

If you tackle someone in a game such as hockey or football, you try to take the ball away from them. If you tackle someone in rugby or American football, you knock them to the ground.


e.g. Foley tackled the quarterback.


3. (坦率地)与…交谈,与…交涉

If you tackle someone about a particular matter, you speak to them honestly about it, usually in order to get it changed or done.

e.g. I tackled him about how anyone could live amidst so much poverty.


4. 攻击;与…打架

If you tackle someone, you attack them and fight them.

e.g. He claims Pasolini overtook and tackled him, pushing him into the dirt.


5. (体育等活动的)器具,器材;(尤指)渔具

Tackle is the equipment that you need for a sport or activity, especially fishing.


e.g. ...fishing tackle.


6. (吊拉物体用的)索具,滑轮组

Tackle is the equipment, usually consisting of ropes and pulleys, needed for lifting or pulling something.

e.g. I finally hoisted him up with a block and tackle.


tackle 单语例句

1. Only recently has the national curriculum started to tackle this problem by shifting away from rote learning to putting English into practice.

2. WASHINGTON - US President Barack Obama on Tuesday urged world powers to take " bold, comprehensive and coordinated " action to tackle the current global crisis.

3. " He will be an end that will play some tackle, " Raiders coach Tom Cable said.

4. The unprecedented number and size of wildfires burning in California this year has forced firefighters to strategically choose which ones to tackle.

5. Venezuela's state oil company PDVSA has activated an emergency plan to tackle the leak, local media reported.

6. French President Nicholas Sarkozy called the meeting very " helpful " for Asia and Europe to tackle the global financial crisis and build up common cause.

7. Water stays in a lake much longer than in a river, so it can take 100 years to tackle a polluted lake.

8. Former US vice president and environmental activist Al Gore praised on Tuesday China's efforts the country has devoted to tackle climate change.

9. Pu vowed the authorities would seriously tackle the Sanlu case and study the hidden factors which might lead to serious quality incidents.

10. The respondents thought that the future CE should tackle economic restructuring and the widening poverty gap first before improving education system.

tackle 英英释义



1. (American football) grasping an opposing player with the intention of stopping by throwing to the ground

2. (American football) a position on the line of scrimmage

e.g. it takes a big man to play tackle

3. gear used in fishing

Synonym: fishing gearfishing tacklefishing rigrig

4. gear consisting of ropes etc. supporting a ship's masts and sails

Synonym: rigging

5. the person who plays that position on a football team

e.g. the right tackle is a straight A student


1. seize and throw down an opponent player, who usually carries the ball

2. put a harness

e.g. harness the horse

Synonym: harness

3. accept as a challenge

e.g. I'll tackle this difficult task

Synonym: undertaketake on