

loosely:[英 [ˈlu:sli] 美 [ˈluslɪ] ]


loosely 基本解释

副词松散的,蓬松的; 轻易,轻松地,随手地,随意地; 大意,粗略地,不严格的; 无力地,软绵绵地


loosely 相关例句


1. He used words too loosely.


loosely 网络解释

1. loosely

1. 宽松地:looseleaf 活叶式的 | loosely 宽松地 | loosen 解开


2. 宽松地,松散地:limitation 限制;界限;极限;限制因素 | loosely 宽松地,松散地 | mammalian 哺乳动物(的)

3. loosely

3. 松松地,松散地:longitude 经线,经度 | loosely 松松地,松散地 | loosen 解开;使松驰


4. 不严谨地;不确切地:phonetic 语音的;发音的 | loosely 不严谨地;不确切地 | fry 油炸;油煎

loosely 双语例句

1. Technically, the term work size describes the size of an operand register, but it is also used more loosely to describe the size of the pathway to and from the processor.


2. Technically, the term word size describes the size of an operand register, but it is also used more loosely to describe the size of the pathways to and from the processor.


3. Aneurysm group: The aneurysm wall was mostly or only made of collagenic fiber, but arranged loosely, unorderly, the colouration shoaled compared with the control group.



4. For the task oriented system, we should consider not only the loosely coupled cooperation such as autonomous task allocation, but also the real time tightly coupled coordination within the limited capacity of AUV.


5. Branchlets covered with grayish white silky pubescence of loosely appressed hairs, with distinct ± rounded lenticels; old branchlets grayish brown.


6. Recognized as a tourist area of real estate experts, Beijing Group Chairman Huang Kun-wave express anger, including timeshare, including tourism real estate investment as a investment in a new way of managing money, it is potential for development, but it also faces the industry is not a leader, do not have the relevant laws and regulations constraints, fragmented, loosely development embarrassment.


7. loosely的翻译

7. The Chaoshan mue is very watery with the rice sitting loosely at the bottom of the bowl.


8. I even slept with them bound, although bound so loosely that I didn`t have to lie on them, but just one cord so that my arms were actually bound down to my sides.


9. loosely

9. When eating nigiri sushi or sushi rolls, use your hands, not your chopsticks (since the loosely packed rice in well-made sushi will fall apart if pinched).


10. loosely

10. It is indicated that loosely compacted soil is of strain-softening behaviour under undrained conditions, accompanied with a rapid increase in excess pore water pressure. In anisotropically consolidated constant shear stress tests, a very small axial strain was required to induce the failure and the excess pore water pressure increased quickly at failure.


11. To hang loosely and swing or sway to and fro.



12. Don Riso is the head of the Enneagram research and study — and I use the term'research'very loosely — in New York city.

这位Don Riso先生是九点阵规图的研究首领,在纽约市。我用「研究」一词其实有点牵强。


13. We used potassium antimonate to precipitate exchangeable cellular Ca(superscript 2+)-calcium that is sufficiently loosely bound to combine with antimonite, to investigate the feature of calcium distribution during anther development of Lycium barbarurn L.

摘要在枸杞花药发育过程中,用焦锑酸钾沉淀的钙颗粒显示出了一个与花药发育事件有关的分布特征:在孢原细胞时期的花药中钙颗粒很少。你知道它的英文吗?· a。过于纤弱的,过于微妙的

14. The character, loosely based on Frank Sinatra, is a famous crooner and washed-up movie star.


15. Via XRD analysis, we found that the ZnO nanoparticles had been dissolved more severely as the portion of acrylic acid in the ABM copolymer raised. In DSC and DMA analysis, we found that ZnO nanoparticles and ABM copolymers had no apparent influence on the glass transition temperature and the mechanical strength of PMMA matrix. Data from TGA analysis indicate that ZnO nanoparticles evidently enhance the thermal stability of PMMA matrix. However, the addition of the easily decomposed ABM copolymers in PMMA reduces the thermal stability of PMMA matrix. Via UV-vis analysis, we observed that adding ZnO nanoparticles into PMMA matrix dramatically decreased the transparency of ZnO/PMMA nanocomposites films. Whereas adding ABM copolymers into ZnO/PMMA nanocomposites as the compatibilizers can increase the transparency of ZnO/PMMA nanocomposites films. Hence, it`s obvious that the ABM copolymers improved the dispersibility of ZnO nanoparticles in PMMA matrix. After inspected by SEM and TEM analysis, we found that if ZnO/PMMA nanocomposites containing ABM copolymers as compatibilizers, ZnO nanoparticles would loosely and widely disperse in PMMA matrix. In addition, the capability of ABM copolymer to improve the dispersibility of ZnO nanoparticles increases with the portion of acrylic acid in the ABM copolymer. Therefore, we suggest that the amount of carboxylic acid groups in ABM copolymer is one of the important factors to aid the dispersion of ZnO nanoparticles in PMMA matrix.

由XRD分析得知当复材中的ABM共聚物的AA比例越高时,其溶解ZnO粒子的现象就越严重;由DSC与DMA分析得知ZnO粒子与ABM共聚物并不会对PMMA高分子的玻璃转移温度与机械强度有显著的影响;由TGA分析得知ZnO粒子可有效地提升PMMA高分子的热稳定性,而复材中加入易热裂解的ABM共聚物却会降低PMMA高分子的热稳定性;由UV-vis分析得知当PMMA基材中加入ZnO粒子时会大幅降低可见光(550 nm)对ZnO/PMMA复材薄膜之透射度,而复材中加入ABM共聚物会则会提升ZnO/PMMA复材薄膜的可见光之透射度,显示ABM共聚物可改善ZnO粒子於PMMA基材中的分散性;而由SEM与TEM分析亦可以观察出当ZnO/PMMA复材中加入ABM共聚物时,其ZnO粒子的分散情形较松散且分散范围较广;另外,当ABM共聚物中AA的比例越高时,其帮助ZnO粒子分散的功能就越显著,由此可知ABM共聚物中的羧酸官能基是本研究中提升ZnO粒子分散性的一个主要因素。


16. The control of population density is evaluated loosely and the official population control volume is too high.


17. loosely

17. The gaunt, 7-foot frame levitates ominously above the ground, trailing a freezing cloud of frost; several frost-rimmed chains wind loosely around the thing, floating in mid-air.


18. MMUSIC working group [5] focus on loosely coupled conferences as they exists today on the MBONE.


19. They work in hazardous conditions; and they are often loosely


20. We played loosely and with great attention.


loosely 单语例句

1. He said there is some contact between authorities and the insurgents, and said the resistance is loosely organized.

2. With countless images featuring cuddly pandas and the stunning landscapes of rural Sichuan, this feature feels more like a nature documentary with a story loosely attached to it.

3. They have been recruiting heavily on the engineering and aerodynamic side in recent weeks while De Ferran's job has always been loosely defined.

4. Remedios Ramirez sold religious trinkets to the faithful, her mask dangling loosely around her neck.

5. But the use of loosely regulated online business and online payment to defraud consumers has also been on the increase.

6. Police have set up checkpoints on isolated desert roads north of Sharm, entrances to the region that previously had been only loosely guarded.

7. Many of the " ultra " groups loosely attached to clubs have a political leaning, with the majority distinctly right wing.

8. Truman believes that BRIC nations can expect increased representation, but cited divergent interests and a loosely defined agenda as potential hurdles in the alliance.

9. Throw one loosely around your neck, and you can take any boho chic outfit from fall to spring.

10. That's part of the loosely governed Federally Administered Tribal Areas of northwest Pakistan where the border with Afghanistan is largely unrecognized and unmarked.

loosely 英英释义


1. knitted in a loose manner

e.g. loosely knit

2. in a relaxed manner

not rigid

e.g. his hands lay loosely

Synonym: slackly

3. without regard to specific details or exceptions

e.g. he interprets the law broadly

Synonym: broadlybroadly speakinggenerally

4. in a loose manner

e.g. a union of loosely federated states