

biblical:[英 [ˈbɪblɪkl] [ˈbiblikəl] ]


biblical 基本解释

形容词圣经的; 依据圣经的


biblical 网络解释

1. 圣经的:神学家习惯称耶稣为完全的神和完全的人,但这神学辞句并非圣经的(biblical)启示;初期教会的希伯来基督徒想来会说:他是施恩座和祭坛. 这两种说法,是同一神学信条的不同表达方式. 如果说一个人对摩西的礼仪指示皮毛认识,也可以成为基督徒,

2. 的:神学家习惯称耶稣为完全的神和完全的人,但这神学辞句并非圣经的(biblical)启示;初期教会的希伯来基督徒想来会说:他是施恩座和祭坛. 这两种说法,是同一神学信条的不同表达方式. 如果说一个人对摩西的礼仪指示皮毛认识,也可以成为基督徒,

3. biblical的反义词

3. 圣经上的:bible /圣经/经典/有权威的书籍/ | biblical /圣经上的/ | biblicist /圣经学者/圣经通/

4. biblical的近义词

4. 不像圣经里说的:Youre adopted. Its not like its...|反正你又不是亲生的,不像... | Biblical...|不像圣经里说的... | You just want to fuck that trashy waitress.|你只是想上了那个女招待

biblical 双语例句

1. biblical

1. We are using the facility of the Biblical Seminary of the Philippines as our study site.


2. biblical

2. In a Biblical story, when Adam and Eve were banished from the Garden of Eden, Eve stood with tears in her eyes, looking out over the icy, flowerless Earth around her, blanketed with snow.


3. If man is depraved and his behavior is the result of sin, the biblical counselor can offer solutions, hope, and a cure.


4. biblical的解释

4. Now, let me tell you an absolute biblical truth.



5. Kenotic theology is in reality a variant but new form of orthodox, biblical faith.


6. It is Hebraic; its source springs from the Biblical historians and prophets.


7. biblical的翻译

7. According to Catholic theology based on the Biblical account, the original condition of our first parents was one of perfect innocence and integrity.



8. Staged in a small living room, history Professor John Oldman tries to convinve his colleagues including an anthropologist, a biologist, an archaeologist, a psychiatrist and a Biblical Literalist that he has lived for 14, 000 years.

整个故事发生在一个客厅里,历史教授John Oldman试着说服他的同事,包括一个人类学家,一个生物学家,一个考古学家,一个心理学家以及一个圣经学家,他自己已经活了14000年。

9. biblical的意思

9. Yet it is still valid to differentiate the levels at which we work, so long as we realize that true interpretation must blend all five aspects, biblical, systematic, exegetical, historical, and homiletical.


10. The author deals more freely with the Biblical narrative than Jubilees, and departs from it much more widely.

作者处理更加自由的圣经叙事比Jubilees ,并背离更加广泛。

11. It is this latter extreme that is advocated by the Biblical critics.


12. In this respect, La Tristesse du roi is a reference to one of Rembrandt's canvases, David jouant de la harpe devant Saül (David Playing the Harp before Saul), in which the young Biblical hero plays to distract the King from his melancholy, as well as to the late self-portraits of the old Dutch master.


13. biblical

13. The assumption of Mary continues to be a fruitful field for Roman Catholic theologians even as biblical renewal, charismatic interest, and liberal theology also make their impact.


14. For the sake of brevity, Walton, in his polyglot Bible, indicated it by the letter A and thus set the fashion of designating Biblical manuscripts by such symbols.


15. Lutton: Based on biblical teachings, GBD is a nurturing, God-centered approach to parenting your child from birth to adulthood...


16. His extraordinarily fruitful and versatile literary activity as profound Latinist and incomparable revivalist of Greek, as critic and commentator, as educator, satirist, theologian, and Biblical exegete, it is impossible to dwell upon here.

他非常富有成果的和灵活的文学活动,深刻Latinist和无与伦比的复兴希腊,作为批评家和评论家,作为教育工作者,讽刺,神学,圣经和exegete ,就不可能在这里谈。

17. Let us pray for this huge group who with trainings and Biblical equipping can be a great work force for God.


18. Let us pray for the alarming trends of countless extreme and even un-Biblical teaching, especially in the impoverished areas.



19. A biblical student and exegete of great ability, Origen produced the Hexapla text of the OT.


20. In his Pensees he recommended the biblical religion because it had a profound view of man's nature.


biblical 词典解释

1. 《圣经》(中)的;与《圣经》有关的

Biblical means contained in or relating to the Bible.

e.g. The community's links with Syria date back to biblical times.


e.g. ...the biblical story of Noah.


biblical 单语例句biblical是什么意思

1. The name is partly based on a biblical allegory and also on the fact that salt is considered the source of all tastes.

2. But as miraculous as its biblical apparition may seem, manna is real and some chefs have been cooking with it.

3. Another difference between Renaissance and Baroque art is in the way they present Biblical stories.

4. A biblical exhibition will open in Hong Kong this afternoon to help promote an " objective " understanding of the Bible ministry on the mainland.

5. Israel's minority Orthodox Jews revere the West Bank as part of the biblical Jewish homeland.

6. Swank portrays an expert in disproving religious phenomena and is called to investigate a small town suffering what appears to be the Biblical plagues.

7. Yet internationally almost none of the correct names for Chinese thoughts and ideas have survived the onslaught of Western biblical and philosophical translations.

8. We showed that we are capable of caring for our fellow human beings, especially when hit by misfortune of biblical scale.

9. Opponents accuse him of caving in to Palestinian violence and abandoning the dream of full control over the biblical Land of Israel.

10. The pullout was seen by many evangelical groups as a retreat from biblical prophecy of Jewish sovereignty over the area.

biblical 英英释义


1. of or pertaining to or contained in or in accordance with the Bible

e.g. biblical names

biblical Hebrew

Synonym: scriptural

2. in keeping with the nature of the Bible or its times or people

e.g. biblical styles in writing

a beard of biblical proportions

biblical costumes