

leap:[英 [li:p] 美 [lip] ]


过去式:leaped; leapt;   过去分词:leapt; leaped;   现在分词:leaping;   复数形式:leaps;

leap 基本解释


不及物动词跳; 冲动的行动

及物动词跳过,跃过; 使跳跃

名词跳跃,飞跃; 跳跃的距离


leap 相关词组


1. leap at : 欣然接受; 抓住;

leap 相关例句


1. The fish leaped out of water and landed on the shore.


2. The idea leaped into his mind.


3. His heart leaps up.



1. The boy took a leap from the window.


2. The dog made a leap over the fence.


leap 情景对话

A leap in the dark-(冒险举动)

A:Are you sure you can make profits out of the investment?



B:I am not sure. Its only a leap in the dark.


A:And its the only chance for you to lead your company out of difficulties, isnt it?


B:Yeah. So I have to have a try.


leap 网络解释

1. 跳:向后大回环转体180,后团下1.105 跳(leap)成纵劈叉坐-允许有单手支撑过程1.205 跳(jump)成纵劈叉坐1.107 跳(jump)成前滚翻(木端或中部):也可时从木端分腿支撑(clear)起-后摆前滚翻1.210 跳/压/摆上成横/纵木手倒立(保持两秒),

2. leap是什么意思

2. leap:lightweight exo atmosphere projectile; 轻型大气层外导弹

3. leap:language for the expression of associative procedures; 用于表达关联规程的语言

4. leap

4. leap:life education activity programme; 生活教育活动计划

5. leap:late embryogenesis abundant protein; 胚后期丰富蛋白

leap 双语例句

1. If one sheep leap o'er the dyk e, all the rest will follow.

一羊 跳过沟,众羊跟着跳。

2. Lan dark blue river in virtue Qin the 150 kilometers of racing current, is most precipitous, most magnificent, the 150 kilometers of most turbulent, mountain shape enter river directly in, river in nearly vertical two mountains between as sleepy beast general, roar as Fei, Xuan Lan succession not unique, wave leap megalith, splash 4 split.


3. Besides, the countryman also expects more indigenous industries can find a crack in predicament refluent leap forward, bristly at the world numerous in strong cavalcade.


4. leap的解释

4. Delight your baby boy or girl with embroidered leap frog crib bedding.


5. Thus, 1600, 1984, and 2000 are leap years, but 1800 and 1900 are not.

因此,1600 ,1984年和2000年的飞跃年,但1800和1900是没有意义的。

6. Year-old has just weeks to a brutal way to leave this world: to kill his wife and 7-year-old son, his housekeeper from the bridge floor, Huarong Building, 21 The next leap.


7. leap在线翻译

7. Performance: I have looked for threeassistants to leap together


8. Prometheus heroes subsequently killed, the first drop After the neck in a cavity emitting毒血that leap from being毒血with this horse Pegasus winged Pegasus.


9. leap的反义词

9. Austrian base jumper Felix Baumgartner, 38, scaled a security barrier to leap off the world's tallest building, the 509-metre Taipei 101 Tower in Taiwan.


10. leap的翻译

10. 372He executes a daredevil salmon leap in the air and is engulfed in the coalhole.



11. Tiger Leaping Gorge, 17 kilometers in length, up and down between 200 meters above the river cross-strait xuefeng more than 3000 meters, and its potential thriller, intake soul, in the upper reaches of the Jinsha River at the entrance to Tiger Leaping Gorge, a recumbent stone river, in the white water from only 30 meters wide on both sides of the boulder and had to wear flow, loudly, rolling whitecaps, Tigers legend often rely on huge leap across the river, named Tiger Leaping Gorge.


12. With their heavy winter clothing changed for lighter spring wear they could leap or crouch down much more freely and nimbly.

二。意译法 1。脱掉棉衣换上春装的人们,好象卸下千斤重载,真是蹿跳觉得轻松,卧倒感到利落。

13. Is a geologically Alxa - Mazongshan to Taiwan a part of the ridge from the Near East to the uplift and depression depressions arranged for flying geese, from north to south there are four major groups:(1) is a leap forward in the most northern mountain - qijiaojing sub - Hill, elevation 200 meters from top to bottom, the relative height of 100 meters from top to bottom, its wide and 40-50 km south of the Mustang spring - Lian-Quan depressions; (2) Mazongshan peak elevation of 2791 meters, the general ridge 200 meters above the relative height of up to 70 -900 m, but Kuanjin 10 km south of the tree nest well - in the beach spring low; (3) Small Mazongshan to the longest, reaching more than 500 kilometers, but the elevation is only 1, 500 meters from top to bottom, its south is an elevation of 1, 400 meters up and down the valley; (4) and the most southerly Daqingshan, the altitude of 1400 meters from top to bottom, the relative height of only a few tens of meters to Bai Yumi, mountains are not always continuous, namely, its south western section of the Hexi Corridor, Dunhuang - Anxi edge of depression.


14. This paper analyzes the problem of finding the state leap under impulse excitation in Liner Normal Network systematically in detail with the method of equivalent circuit, and presents a specific solution to the problem.


15. leap

15. When he left Barcelona to join Manchester United, aged 17, it felt like a great leap ahead.


16. As successful investment old hair cultivates violet gold mining industry 2007 with a list of names posted up of plute of 19.93 billion yuan of leap forward the 16th, but old hair pays close attention to to cultivate He Xinhua truly beyond Fujian the person is not much.



17. The intangible, throttling grip was gone; Simon's eyes popped open in time to see a sleek gray shape skitter past, leap over Pryrates'boots and streak to the hatchway, where it bounded down into darkness.


18. Several people leap out to attack them.


19. He earnestly studies the domestic and foreign wonderful stone famous experts'theory monographs, and unifies his own stone collection to conduct the research. Now he has gradually formed his unique stone--appreciating insight, and realized the qualitative leap of the stones idea.


20. In the ancient tradition, Phaon is the cause of Sappho's suicidal leap from a sea cliff.


leap 词典解释British English usually uses the form leapt as the past tense and past participle. American English usually uses leaped. 英国英语通常用leapt作过去式和过去分词,美国英语则通常用leaped。

1. 纵身;跳;跃

If you leap, you jump high in the air or jump a long distance.

e.g. He had leapt from a window in the building and escaped...


e.g. The newsreels show him leaping into the air...


2. 迅捷地移动

If you leap somewhere, you move there suddenly and quickly.

e.g. The two men leaped into the jeep and roared off...


e.g. With a terrible howl, he leapt forward and threw himself into the water.


3. (车辆)飞奔,疾驶

If a vehicle leaps somewhere, it moves there in a short sudden movement.

e.g. The car leapt forward.


4. 骤变;激增;飞跃

A leap is a large and important change, increase, or advance.

e.g. The result has been a giant leap in productivity.


e.g. ...the leap in the unemployed from 35,000 to 75,000...


5. 骤变;激增;飞跃

If you leap to a particular place or position, you make a large and important change, increase, or advance.

e.g. Warwicks leap to third in the table, 31 points behind leaders Essex.


6. (因吃惊、害怕、高兴等心脏)猛地跳动

If you say that your heart leaps, you mean that you experience a sudden, very strong feeling of surprise, fear, or happiness.

e.g. My heart leaped at the sight of her.


7. 赶紧抓住(机会)

If you leap at a chance or opportunity, you accept it quickly and eagerly.

e.g. The post of principal of the theatre school became vacant and he leapt at the chance.


8. (改善或增长)非常迅速地,飞跃地

You can use in leaps and bounds or by leaps and bounds to emphasize that someone or something is improving or increasing quickly and greatly.


e.g. He's improved in leaps and bounds this season...


e.g. The total number of species on the planet appears to be growing by leaps and bounds.


9. 冒险举动;瞎闯

If you take a leap in the dark or a leap into the unknown, you do something without having any previous experience in that activity or knowledge of it.

e.g. Prudent people are not going to take a leap in the dark...


e.g. Once more he's making a leap into the unknown without a plan.


leap 单语例句leap的解释

1. The report also predicted that China would leap from being the world's sixth largest wine producer by volume to the leading producer by 2058.

2. A few leap from the screen and into reality, mostly as drinking games or goofy poses to imitate for the camera and post online.

3. China's bank card industry will take a giant leap forward following the announcement on Tuesday that a unified national payment system is to be introduced.

4. Mao assumed the primary responsibility for the " Great Leap Forward " and the central authorities categorically repudiated the devastating " cultural revolution ".

5. But the WHO fears bird flu is highly adaptable and might leap the species barrier, combine with a human flu virus and create a dangerous new form.

6. So it seems that fleas leap by channeling stored energy down to the tips of their legs.

7. Costumed performers will twirl and leap from the Strand through Charing Cross and Shaftesbury Avenue.

8. Showing rich details of Chinese ink and brush techniques, the painting is called Magpies Leap in the Plum Blossom.

9. He had daydreamed for a long time about cliff diving before making the first leap and sometimes shared these fantasies with his family.

10. Synchronized diving requires two divers to leap at the same time from adjacent boards, with nine judges inspecting the individual dives and synchronization.

leap 英英释义


1. a light, self-propelled movement upwards or forwards

Synonym: leapingspringsaltationboundbounce

2. the distance leaped (or to be leaped)

e.g. a leap of 10 feet

3. an abrupt transition

e.g. a successful leap from college to the major leagues

Synonym: jumpsaltation

4. a sudden and decisive increase

e.g. a jump in attendance

Synonym: jump



1. pass abruptly from one state or topic to another

e.g. leap into fame

jump to a conclusion

jump from one thing to another

Synonym: jump

2. move forward by leaps and bounds

e.g. The horse bounded across the meadow

The child leapt across the puddle

Can you jump over the fence?

Synonym: jumpboundspring

3. cause to jump or leap

e.g. the trainer jumped the tiger through the hoop

Synonym: jump

4. jump down from an elevated point

e.g. the parachutist didn't want to jump

every year, hundreds of people jump off the Golden Gate bridge

the widow leapt into the funeral pyre

Synonym: jumpjump off