

allusion:[英 [əˈlu:ʒn] 美 [əˈluʒən] ]



allusion 基本解释

名词典故; 影射; 暗指,间接提到

allusion 相关例句


1. allusion的近义词

1. She made no allusion to the incident.


allusion 网络解释

1. allusion的解释

1. 典故:英语词汇中有很多用法已约定俗成,如一些成语(idiom), 比喻(metaphor),典故(allusion)和委婉语(euphemism)等. 只有依据特定的文化背景或历史知识才能正确理解词义. 而从表层的词义获得语义、望文生义或逐字对译等都会引起一些误会和语言理解障碍.

2. allusion

2. 典:在形式上,和一样运用排山倒海的用典(allusion)与文本互设(intertextuality)(注2),形式上的(textual)开放活泼已具的特色.

allusion 双语例句

1. Book synopsis Philosophy of science used to be identified with the logical and methodological analysis of scientific theories, and any allusion to values was considered as a deplorable intromission in a philosophical investigation that should remain strictly epistemological.


2. According to principle of colon allusion operation and clinical requirements, a colon affusion dialysis treatment machine based upon fuzzy neural network control is proposed.


3. In the adding value that in pluralism is served, for reach every several allusion quotation integration of the resources application of collection, extend service depth and scope, classical-collection of unit, can reduce operating cost, expand the income effectively, in order to as every classical-collection unit follow-up funds source, digitization of work, understand in depth that the commercialized course with commercialized procedure and goods of digit classical-collection has their necessities.


4. We adopt integrated policies in allusion to huge pressure that fastly going up price of food in native and overseas impact valorize.


5. In allusion to the merit and shortcoming of each kind of window, a kind of association analytical method is proposed, which conbines the advantages of hanning window and triangular window together, thus it can reach higher precision.


6. For water can run wherever it want to, as the allusion said:drops can make throngh the stones. It will not fight with the enemy face to face, while it go through without materialty and shape. The real GongFu stay in you mind where only you can release.


7. Some allusion itself is a summary of historical events.


8. To overcome the flaw of conditional quad-tree special indexing's large I/Otime and low query efficiency in processing large scale neighbor searching, we modify thequad-tree space indexing based on the Hilbert spce filling curve law, and then advance theHilbert space filling curve building method in allusion to the partition of un-filledquad-tree and block image data's organization strategy.



9. In allusion to dynamic nonlinear large-scale industrial processes, to bring up gained the method of decentralized identification for the strong consistency estimates of the divisible steady-state models, it is used that property of polynomial can infinitely approach to the nonlinear function and in optimization processes use step signals as input signals, the divisible steady-state models of dynamic nonlinear large-scale industrial processes, and the cognizable conditions are obtained.


10. In allusion to that the insert tube structure of fluid...


11. In this paper, in allusion to the overburden`s types and mining conditions in Xieqiao Mine, consulting the on-the-spot results of the water suture zone`s height, the author gains the main factors that influnce it with simulating method.


12. On basis of analyzing the state-of-the-art as well as discussing selection of the overall project, some key technologies in allusion to active phased array radar seeker, such as thermal design of the aerial array, integrative design of the microwave feeding network, strapdown decoupling, data processing and so on, are mainly discussed.


13. His writings are full of classical allusion s.


14. I didn't understand all the allusion to classical literature in Moby Dick.


15. allusion在线翻译

15. I didn't understand all the Allusion to classical literature in Moby Dick.


16. allusion的解释

16. The classical Chinese garden is Chinese classical allusion culture carrier. Her interest and aesthetics is infinite.


17. allusion什么意思

17. This is called the classical allusion utilitarianism like the utilitarianism that a period of time expects.


18. This paper analyses the relation and the present situation of researching of KDD and DM, in allusion to the challenge of DM research, introduces the architecture of knowledge discovery system based on database referring to the idealized KDD system model which Christopher M.

文章分析了知识发现和数据开采的关系及研究现状,针对数据开采面临的挑战,给出了参照Christopher M。


19. In speaking of his intelligence, my wife made frequent allusion to the ancient popular notion


20. allusion的翻译

20. In allusion to the problem regarding oil defile and smudginess, there are some preventing measures as follows: the production lines should be cleaned as often as possible to make sure of no oil defile and sub-exam on the packing increased so that the rejected gloves can be selected.


allusion 词典解释

1. 间接提到;暗指;影射;典故

An allusion is an indirect reference to someone or something.


e.g. The title is perhaps an allusion to AIDS.


allusion 单语例句

1. This allusion " pear orchard " is taken from the New History of the Tang Dynasty.

2. A revised draft dropped the reference to the " apparently deliberate targeting " but kept in the condemnation and an allusion to possible targeting.

3. " Being a world power means being together with the world community, " he said in an obvious allusion to the United States.

4. The number of 110 was chosen as an allusion to the 110 years of existence of the modern Olympics.

5. That was apparently an allusion to the feminist spunk displayed by Mattie, as portrayed by Kim Darby.

allusion什么意思allusion 英英释义



1. passing reference or indirect mention