

noose:[英 [nu:s] 美 [nus] ]


过去式:noosed;   过去分词:noosed;   现在分词:noosing;   复数形式:nooses;

noose 基本解释

名词套索; 绞刑; 束缚

及物动词用套索捉; 使落入圈套; 处以绞刑

noose 网络解释

1. 套索:noorder 银行不指定人 | noose 套索 | noosphere 人类圈

2. 活结环:noon 中午 | noose 活结环 | NOR circuit 或非电路

3. 轮索活结;活结;绳套:nonspotted-halfbeak 乔氏鱵 | noose 轮索活结;活结;绳套 | northern bluefintuna 长腰鲔

4. 绳索 消灭画面上的敌人:MISSILE 导弹 攻击敌人 | NOOSE 绳索 消灭画面上的敌人 | INVISIBLE 无敌药水 应用后无敌一段时光

noose 双语例句

1. noose的翻译

1. One morning, in cool blood, I slipped a noose about its neck and hung it to the limb of a tree.


2. I yanked hard on the noose, harder than he thought he could live through, harder than he knew could happen to him.


3. You'll meet half the town comin'after me with a noose, thanks to you.


4. Obligingly she drove over, only to find him hanging by a noose from a tree in his front yard.


5. He did not see that the hunter was hiding in it, with his noose trap ready.


6. On the news or is it the noose?



7. I found a piece of rope, made a noose, slipped it about the kitten's neck


8. IT throws him the noose and motions to him instructions about how to use it.



9. It is a simple noose, fashioned from stolen telephone wire, which tightens each time the animal struggles to get free.


10. Rather than combining the two ends into the one noose, it's also possible to make each end into a separate noose.


11. Anybody got a length of rope about 6 feet long, with a noose at the end?


12. Several cars will pull up, and the last one is a NOOSE truck.


13. A small slip noose made with.


14. A small slip noose made with seizing.


15. N.循环bend, circle, coil, curl, curve, eyelet, hoop, kink, loophole, noose, ring, turn, whorl


16. A long rope with a running noose at one end, used especially to catch horses and cattle.


17. The Fair One winced as the noose pulled tighter, but made no sound.


18. noose的反义词

18. A cord with a noose at one end for hanging a person.


19. noose的反义词

19. In the midst of my hatred and terror (now that it no longer matters to me to speak of terror, now that I have outwitted Richard Madden, now that my neck hankers for the hangman's noose), I knew that the fast-moving and doubtless happy soldier did not suspect that I possessed the Secret一the name of the exact site of the new British artillery park on the Ancre.


20. In addition, the magnetic noose tool was used to outline the contour line of inside and outside boundary, and obtain the inside and outside contour line of every layer of the femur. The rabbit femur was scanned by industry CT starting from the upper extreme of the femur, vertical to femoral ordinate axis line (slice space=1 mm).

再用磁性套索工具勾勒各层图像的内、外边界线,得到各层面股骨内、外轮廓曲线,采用CT 扫描机对兔股骨进行扫描,自股骨头上端起,由近端向远端垂直于股骨纵轴行CT 扫描,层间距为1 mm。

noose 词典解释

1. 绳套;套索;活扣

A noose is a circular loop at the end of a piece of rope or wire. A noose is tied with a knot that allows it to be tightened, and it is usually used to trap animals or hang people.

2. 束缚;圈套;陷阱

You can refer to something that traps people in a difficult situation as a noose around their neck.

e.g. The rebels are tightening the noose around the capital...


e.g. Too often women find their jobs turning into nooses around their neck.


noose 单语例句noose的翻译

1. The film then interweaves three narrative threads that will at the climax combine in a horrible noose.

2. The cop got suspicious and on running his details realized their wanted man had put his head in the noose.

3. The Iraqi government had released an official video showing a dignified Saddam refusing a hood as the noose was placed around his neck.

4. Handcuffs hang on the walls as does a dummy with its head in a noose.

5. An official video of the execution of Saddam's half brother showed that the hangman's noose decapitated him.

6. Bush also said the noose was a tool for intimidation and killing that conveyed a sense of powerlessness to millions of blacks throughout the country.

7. Now that a noose has closed around two men in the sniper investigation, perhaps the hole through which to see the answer may be cut.

8. The noose was being drawn around the Red Army slowly but surely.

9. The Justice Department says it is actively investigating a number of noose incidents at schools, work places and neighborhoods around the country.

10. The Justice Department says it is actively investigating a number of noose incidents at schools, workplaces and neighborhoods around the country.

noose 英英释义



1. a loop formed in a cord or rope by means of a slipknot

it binds tighter as the cord or rope is pulled

Synonym: running nooseslip noose

2. a trap for birds or small mammals

often has a slip noose

Synonym: snaregin


1. secure with a noose

2. make a noose in or of