

radiance:[英 [ˈreɪdiəns] 美 [ˈrediəns] ]


radiance 基本解释


名词辐射; 光辉; 发光; 欣喜的神色

radiance 网络解释

1. 辐射率:辐射率(radiance) 辐射率是与表面的视觉亮度紧密对应的物理量. 对于光辐射(包括不可见的红外和紫外辐射光)人射束,测量其(平均)辐射率的简单辐射计是由一个圆柱管构成的,管的每个端盖上有一个孔,以确定该处束的截面,

2. 辉耀:* 辉耀(Radiance) 的范围效果范围由 400 增加到 550. * 暗灭刀(Desolator) 配方价格从 1580 减为 1500. * 不朽(Aegis)从 -dm 模式中去除. 其他:* 新的装载画面. * 更简洁的游戏结束对话框和更平顺的退出.

radiance 双语例句

1. radiance的反义词

1. They were now illuminated by the morning radiance of a young child's disposition, but, later in the day of earthly existence, might be prolific of the storm whirlwind.



2. In analogous fashion, the Tathagata-garbha (the immanent Buddha-Self) is perfect, of gold-like radiance and value, and complete within every being - but is hidden deep inside, removed from worldly sight.


3. According to some versions of the Pan Gu legend, his tears flowed to make rivers and the radiance of his eyes turned into thunder and lightning.



4. The honest, pitiless joy of a fanatic in the full flood of his atrocity preserves a certain lugubriously venerable radiance


5. radiance

5. What`s the force causes us to stretch a hand of brotherhood when the crisis comes. The radiance of art shocks our heart and calls for selfless love.


6. Annabel Lee Shanghai is a Shanghai-based luxury home accessories brand, which focuses on the radiance of the finest Chinese silk and intricate embroidery. The neo-oriental brand is created by a group of domestic designers who are fascinated by profound Chinese tradition and culture.

Annabel Lee Shanghai是一个创立于2000年的上海本土奢华家居生活品牌,把自古以来为中国人所熟悉的丝绸面料和传统的刺绣工艺融入现代设计,将中国古代贵族绣口锦心演变为现代都市家居生活的实用创意。

7. A method to measure the spectral radiance luminance is introduced.


8. radiance的意思

8. Certain optical systems, such as projection systems and automobile headlights, require light sources with high radiance or luminance.


9. In accordance with an embodiment of the present invention, the luminance or radiance of an optical system is improved by pumping a wavelength converting element, such as phosphor, through an optical concentrator with a high refractive index and producing the generated light through a low refractive index medium, such as air.


10. The spectral radiance luminance at the exit of a largediameter hightemperature blackbody was reconstructed with the method based on a hightemperature blackbody. At the same time, the acquired magnitude of the spectral radiance luminance for the standard lamp is transferred by the aid of the relative method. It is found that the acquired magnitude has lower measurement uncertainty. The measurement results are presented in this paper.


11. The radiances and OLR at the top of atmosphere for 3812 sounding profiles, the channel radiance for FY-2D window channel 1, 2 and water vapor channel, and the narrow-band radiative flux of three FY-2D channels for 3812 soundings are calculated, and the limb-darken correction equations for the...

通过3812条廓线的窄波段辐射通量密度与OLR的X-Y坐标散点图,建立OLR回归关系式;并通过NOAA-17 AVHRR通道5 OLR反演模式与FY-2D窗区通道2 OLR反演模式形式的互比,得出两星的OLR反演模式接近,给出2007年2~4月OLR产品个例和产品精度分析。

12. radiance

12. The repeatability for radiance measurement is±0.5% to ±1.5%.


13. radiance的近义词

13. A conclusion is given that the radiance responsivities of the spectroradiometer obtained through these two kinds of diffusers are consistent within 1%.


14. radiance是什么意思

14. The theory and the method used to build spectral radiance standard with the synchrotron radiation are presented, and the spatial spectral power distribution of the synchrotron radiation source is calculated accurately.

介绍了国家同步辐射实验室计量光束线站的装置,该装置利用同步辐射波长范围宽、亮度高、辐射特性可精确计算等特点,可用于标定传递标准氘灯的光谱辐射亮度(115~350 nm),并进行了不确定度分析。

15. In order to obtain infrared spectral radiance distribution of some infrared sources, such as spectral radiant flux density, spectral radiant intensity, spectral radiance and spectral irradiance, the instrument response function under different conditions must be known.


16. But if we find ourselves in the presence of a person, or people, in a grumpy mood, it can feel like a dark cloud approaching to dim our radiance and block our positive way of seeing the world.


17. White Radiance Essence Lotion 120ml Ingredients: arbutin, vitamin E, whitening moisture factor, collagen and etc.

焕白莹采神仙水120ml 成份:熊果苷、维他命E、美白保湿因子、胶原蛋白等。

18. The collection features decency and luxury, employing chic high-grade fabrics and pairing up mystic exotic colors and an undissembled radiance given off by honorable Swiss crystal ornaments.


19. Each one of these mysterious lines shone before her eyes and inundated her heart with a strange radiance.


20. Each one of these mysterious lines shone before her eyes inundated her heart with a strange radiance.


radiance 词典解释

1. 容光焕发;喜气洋洋

Radiance is great happiness which shows in someone's face and makes them look very attractive.


e.g. She has the vigour and radiance of someone young enough to be her granddaughter...


e.g. There was about her a new radiance.


2. 光辉;发光;闪烁

Radiance is a glowing light shining from something.

e.g. The dim bulb of the bedside lamp cast a soft radiance over his face.


radiance 单语例句

1. Gong Li is a perfect Turandot, with the radiance and imperial haughtiness to kill both royal princes and commoners alike.

2. If you answered'yes'to three or more questions, then peeling may be the right choice for you to regain your former radiance.

3. The cards cost RMB 150 for small cards and RMB 200 for larger ones and are available for purchase through the Shunyi furniture store Radiance.

4. The red sun rises slowly from Poyang Lake, adding radiance to the peak.

5. She does not have the radiance of a typical movie star, but her acting has depth and resonance.

6. In addition to natural scenery, all the above add radiance and beauty to each other.

7. Welcome to travel in Baoding, a land where ancient civilization and modern culture add radiance and beauty to each other.

8. Those streets which were brilliant with the radiance of electricity at night manifested local governments'enthusiastic pursuit of economic progress.

radiance 英英释义


1. the quality of being bright and sending out rays of light

Synonym: radiancyshineeffulgencerefulgencerefulgency

2. the amount of electromagnetic radiation leaving or arriving at a point on a surface

Synonym: glowglowing

3. an attractive combination of good health and happiness

e.g. the radiance of her countenance