

applause:[英 [əˈplɔ:z] 美 [əˈplɔz] ]


applause 基本解释

名词掌声; 喝彩; 热烈鼓掌

applause 相关例句



1. His every sentence was followed by a burst of applause.


2. The tax reform was met with unanimous applause.


applause 网络解释

1. 喝彩:531、喝彩(Applause)云南茶花(牡丹茶)品种与云南茶花约翰斯顿品种杂交而得,桔粉红色,巨型花,松散的牡丹型,相当活泼可爱,叶宽大,浓绿,叶齿尖. 叶面粗糙,嫩叶泛红,长势旺盛,立性生长. 花期中.

2. 掌声:鼓错掌的法国观众 在400米决赛时,美国选手(player)马克西.郎首先到达终点,法国(France)观众却以潮水般的掌声(applause). 这是什么原因呢?原来,马克西.郎身穿哥伦比亚大学(University)蓝白相间的条纹(stripe)背心,

applause 双语例句

1. Applause is sweeping through the trees.


2. Let me close with a word to the people of the state of Texas. Cheers, applause.


3. The guests tell their stories wisely and drolly, which wins deafening applause.


4. When the eighth chevron engages and the wormhole whooshes open, there's a murmur of relief and a smattering of applause, and Sheppard clenches his fist tighter, fingernails digging into his palm.


5. Here, no hymn, no applause of others; here, only one person quiet cup of coffee, that bitter taste in fragrance; here, only one person I need silence, silence into a tree waiting for you again, passing be able to rely on Camphor Tree.


6. His words were greeted with long and thunderous applause.


7. In thunderous applause, I am very deep to get back to the seat.


8. applause

8. He tried to fire her into joining his applause, but she wouldn't.



9. An old man in people's warm applause, go out and stand in the metal.


10. Finally, the speech is over in warm applause.


11. And we hope that everybody gives us warm applause.


12. Let us take the warm round of applause to celebrate this wonderful time to come!


13. First, let us welcome with a warm applause from Sweden to my school friends to visit.


14. applause什么意思

14. Finally, the speech was over in warm applause.


15. This one, particularly warm applause from the audience.


16. Applause. Members from the statehouse, state government, are here: Lt.


17. If a movie tells a boring story, how can filmmakers expect applause from the audience?


18. If you are really a super star, pls. show your genuine talent to us and you will gain more applause from your audience.


19. applause的反义词

19. Applause. We will fight -- we will fight neglected tropical disease.


20. applause

20. Have requested the first day ⑴ classes for all students Zhangbei Lei speech, we welcome the applause.

有请 初一⑴班张蓓蕾同学为大家演讲,大家掌声欢迎。

applause 词典解释

1. 掌声;喝彩

Applause is the noise made by a group of people clapping their hands to show approval.

e.g. They greeted him with thunderous applause.


e.g. ...a round of applause.


applause 单语例句

1. Clinton declined to discuss her father's relationship with the White House intern, drawing applause when she told the young man that it was none of his business.

2. And the crowd erupted in a wild applause when the buzzer went on.

3. When a pair was eventually found, the by now quite substantial crowd erupted in spontaneous applause.

4. The two rescued Beaconsfield miners arrived to cheers and applause from a large crowd at a formal reception at Parliament House in Canberra.

5. Beijing lawmakers deserve applause for coming to terms with the ineffectiveness of a categorical ban.

6. A charismatic virtuoso, he could start a storm of applause wherever he appears.

7. The closing ceremony of the Beijing Olympics on Sunday night has drawn worldwide attention and Beijing's successful hosting of the Games has earned global applause.

8. Large crowds turned out in support of Colet, who received a rapturous applause at the end of his speech.

9. SHANGHAI - A controversial Shanghai standup comedian's sponsorship of the famed Fudan University has met with pockets of applause and loud booing.

10. When the story ended, the congregation of about 400 burst into applause.

applauseapplause 英英释义


1. a demonstration of approval by clapping the hands together

Synonym: hand clappingclapping