

invalid:[英 [ɪnˈvælɪd] 美 [ˈɪnvəlɪd] ]


过去式:invalided;   过去分词:invalided;   现在分词:invaliding;   复数形式:invalids;

invalid 基本解释

形容词无效的; 不能成立的; 有病的; 病人用的

及物动词使伤残; 使退役; 失去健康

名词病人,病号; 残废者; 伤病军人

不及物动词变得病弱; 因病而奉命退役

invalid 同义词



invalid 反义词



invalid 相关例句


1. He helps to look after his grandfather who is an invalid.


invalid 网络解释

1. 无效:MOESI协议由6个状态组成,这些状态说明如下:无效(Invalid) 在无效状态的Cache行不能持有数据的有效拷贝. 数据的有效拷贝可能在主内存或其他处理器的Cache中. 独占(Exclusive) 在独占状态的Cache行持有数据最近的和正确的拷贝.

2. 无效的:客户将提供它的证书给服务,并且必须(MUST)服务必须(MUST)验证客户的证书是有效的. 服务将通常检查证书是被已知的CA签发的,以及在客户的证书链中没有哪个证书是无效的(invalid)和被撤销(revoked). 服务做这些

3. invalid什么意思

3. 非法:不久之前,TomTom为此吃了苦头,只得向微软妥协了事. Tridgell想了一个办法,其实很简单,把一个长文件名转化为11个非法(invalid)字符组成的字符串从而躲过操作系统(被操作系统所忽视),此想法确实很妙也.

invalid 双语例句

1. The editor tries to correct any invalid HTML code that was pasted, but for best results try using the HTML tab or one of the paste buttons that are on the second row.



2. 12 Share diseased materials of Mink, 7 share diseased materials of fox, 5 share diseased materials of raccoon dog with regular skin disease and invalid Iremectin treatment were collected for microbiology diagnosis, the results showed that the dermatomycosis was cultured and examined from 24 share diseased materials.


3. It is invalid to have an addressing mode of immediate with a store opcode; that is, we cannot try to store the contents of a register into the operand specifier.


4. invalid

4. The second part is about the limitation of actions when the contract is affirmed to be invalid.


5. Therefore the invalid contract system is not restricted by the limitation of actions.


6. Article 101 In case of a pledge of bills, bonds, deposit certificates, warehouse receipts or bills of lading, the re-transfer or pledge by the pledgee is invalid.


7. Since we fail to receive your payment certificate, your online registration will soon be invalid.


8. Parliament has legislative power, the president of Congress the power to veto a bill passed by Congress also have the right under certain conditions, to overturn the presidential veto; the president the right to appoint senior officials, subject to Congress recognized that Congress shall have the right to impeach the president and senior civil service; the Supreme Court judges appointed by the president and approved by Congress, the Supreme Court but also on laws passed by Congress was unconstitutional on the grounds declared invalid.


9. Cause: You tried to transfer an invalid value to a selection using the addition SIGN.


10. By studying of the invalid-fractures, we demonstrate that the formation and development of the invalid-fractures have affected the producing ability and reservation ability of Fuyu reservoir in Toutai area of Daqing.


11. Assays for HIV-1 p24 antigen using the kit from manufacturer D on both samples were so weakly reactive that neutralization assays were invalid; however, after the samples were subjected to base dissociation to disrupt immune complexes, the p24-antigen results became strongly reactive and neutralizable.

检测病毒1 p24抗原用包从制造d对两样本等功弱,检测中被无效;然而,当样品受到基地离破坏免疫复合物,p24抗原结果成了强烈反响neutralizable 。

12. Switched-combination is partitioned into GPS/GLONASS mode and DR mode. If satellites position singals are less than limited value or invalid, DR mode is switched.


13. invalid的翻译

13. In the event that any provision of these Terms and Conditions shall be unenforceable or invalid under any applicable law or be so held by any applicable arbitral award or court decision, such unenforceability or invalidity shall not render these Terms and Conditions unenforceable or invalid as a whole.


14. Here is the turnover volume: actual volume, brush out of volume if too many modified baby price is invalid.


15. The information that you provided is invalid, please give the vaild one.


16. 4W%OW9f%x *The information that you provided is invalid, please give the vaild one.


17. Parameter {0} is invalid. It should be of type {1

参数 {0}无效。其类型应该是{1

18. The first is when some other component calls your method and supplies an invalid argument.



19. Stating that exceptions are thrown in the event of invalid parameters.


20. ERROR 1: Parameter: invalid, too large, missing, or out of range.


invalid 词典解释The noun is pronounced /'ɪnvəlɪd/. The adjective is pronounced /ɪn'vælɪd/ and is hyphenated in|val|id. 名词读作 /'ɪnvəlɪd/。形容词读作 /ɪn'vælɪd/,分音节为in|val|id。

1. 病人;病弱者;伤残者

An invalid is someone who needs to be cared for because they have an illness or disability.

e.g. I hate being treated as an invalid.


2. 无效的;作废的

If an action, procedure, or document is invalid, it cannot be accepted, because it breaks the law or some official rule.

e.g. The trial was stopped and the results declared invalid...


e.g. We cannot accept liability if you are refused entry because of invalid documents.



...the invalidity of the marriage ceremony.


3. (论据、结论)站不住脚的,错误的

An invalid argument or conclusion is wrong because it is based on a mistake.


e.g. We think that those arguments are rendered invalid by the hard facts on the ground.


invalid 单语例句

1. " Any unilateral action by Japan regarding the Diaoyu Islands is illegal and invalid, " Hong Lei said at a routine press briefing.

2. " Any unilateral action by Japan regarding the Diaoyu Islands is illegal and invalid, " spokesman Hong Lei said at a routine press briefing.

3. The US team argues that the Spanish syndicate is an invalid challenger since it never held a regatta as required in the regulations.

4. Tickets are invalid for entertainment purposes, which require a separate admissions charge.

5. According to the " MOI ", the divorce apparently violates Article 87 of the Civil Law and thus was ruled invalid.

6. The court ruled that the restaurant regulations are invalid as it takes away the consumers right to choose and conflicts with the relevant legal code.

7. The three plaintiffs said the bureau's Outline for Beijing's Transportation Development goes against the Administrative Licensing Law and thus should be made invalid.

8. The court deemed the marriage invalid since Liu and Tan were closely consanguineous.

9. Since it violates the relevant provisions of Contract Law and Consumer Protection Law, the party being deceived can invalid the contract and ask for double indemnity.

10. The contract and enterprise rules will be declared invalid and the enterprise registration authorities will not register it or will nullify the registration.

invalid 英英释义


1. someone who is incapacitated by a chronic illness or injury

Synonym: shut-in


1. injure permanently

e.g. He was disabled in a car accident

Synonym: disableincapacitatehandicap

2. force to retire, remove from active duty, as of firemen


1. no longer valid

e.g. the license is invalid

2. having no cogency or legal force

e.g. invalid reasoning

an invalid driver's license