

outlaw:[英 [ˈaʊtlɔ:] 美 [ˈaʊtˌlɔ] ]


过去式:outlawed;   过去分词:outlawed;   现在分词:outlawing;   复数形式:outlaws;

outlaw 基本解释

名词逃犯; 歹徒,亡命之徒; 被剥夺法律保护者,丧失公权者; 烈马

及物动词宣布…为不合法; 将…放逐; 剥夺…的法律保护

outlaw 相关例句


1. When was slavery outlawed in that country?


2. The government will outlaw the rebels unless they surrender immediately.


3. outlaw是什么意思

3. I hope the sale of tobacco will be outlawed someday.



1. outlaw的近义词

1. The motor vehicle becomes an outlaw on the highways if operated without new registration.


2. outlaw什么意思

2. He was accused of giving shelter to a hunted outlaw.


outlaw 网络解释


1. 逃犯:游戏设置了像逃犯(Outlaw)和赏金猎人(Bounty Hunter)一类天然对立的阶层,并允许战胜方从战败方身上掠夺物品. 通过这些方法,游戏鼓励了玩家间的战斗. 游戏的编码人员说游戏的升级速度更快了,从而使得新来的玩家可以很快就参与玩家间的战斗(PVP).

2. 法外之法:相似类型的电影还有(Outlaw)、(Straightheads)、(Underground)、(Hooligans)等许多电影,除了相对质量比较高之外,其它的同类型电影跟和几乎没有可

3. 亡命之徒:White Mage 白袍法师 | Outlaw 亡命之徒 | Assassin 刺客

outlaw 双语例句

1. If hypocrisy is the tribute that vice pays to virtue, then furtiveness is the true outlaw`s salute to the force of law-and-order.


2. The push for tighter rules is led by Shintaro Ishihara, the conservative governor of Tokyo, who made his name in the 1950s as the author of salacious novels, involving sex among minors, that his own legislation might outlaw.


3. Isn't there some way I can cultivate some outlaw image?


4. A group of people who feel betrayed by their government and let down by their police force form a modern-day outlaw posse in order to right what they see as the wrongs of society.



5. A group of people who feel betray ed by their government and let down by their police force form a modern-day outlaw posse in order to right what they see as the wrongs of society.


6. Learn about Aboriginal leader and outlaw Jandamurra on the Pigeon Heritage Trail and discover the art of the Mowanjum Aboriginal Community.


7. What exactly is it the drafters of the council resolution are trying to outlaw?


8. Moammar Gadhafi's seizure of power and the resumption of outlaw activities.


9. After almost five years, since the superb campaign'The Adventures of Robin Hood'by Gregory Koteles, you can witness another great fictional adventure about the most famous outlaw of all times that made it to the best of AoK.

终于等到了……自从 Gregory Koteles 在差不多五年前推出一流作品《罗宾汉冒险记》后,今天你终于可以在 AoKH 见证到有史以来最有名之义贼的另一次冒险。

10. Therefore, Xuanyan Poem also is subjected to an outlaw and ignores. Its value is always neglected. The writer thinks that Xuanyan Poems, which can change the characteristic of one generation with it special of one the noodles, must have its value and meaning.


11. outlaw是什么意思

11. Above all, our principles and our security are challenged today by outlaw groups and regimes that accept no law of morality and have no limit to their violent ambitions.


12. How about a parallel law to outlaw buying stocks that have ticked up and permitting people to buy only after a downtick, to prevent excessive bullishness?



13. The Japanese government has refused to outlaw possession of child pornography on the grounds it would limit individuals'freedom of expression, local media reported Saturday. The National Police Agency said it received 4486 complaints from the public of child pornography on the Internet in 2009 and a record 650 people were charged with offenses related to child pornography.



14. They proclaimed him to be an outlaw.


15. I mean, you say I'm an outlaw, you say I'm a thief...


16. outlaw

16. Like how he said you were a wanted outlaw in the future.



17. This is an outlaw country.


18. If you remember your foolish and outlaw'd deeds, do you think I


19. B:I like that one, too. In fact, he was a noble man, not an outlaw.


20. And who is a merciless Outlaw, willing to kill him?


outlaw 词典解释

1. 宣布…为非法;使成为非法

When something is outlawed, it is made illegal.

e.g. In 1975 gambling was outlawed...


e.g. The German government has outlawed some fascist groups.


2. 逃犯;亡命之徒

An outlaw is a criminal who is hiding from the authorities.

e.g. Jesse was an outlaw, a bandit, a criminal.


outlaw 单语例句

1. The first Spanish region to outlaw bullfighting was the Canary Islands, in 1991.

2. When the NPC Standing Committee talked about collusion between public servants and outlaw mine owners, society saw a political will to deal with one of our chronic headaches.

3. Bloggers have started to demand the government steps in to protect the privacy of Internet users and outlaw unfair and damaging competitive practices.

4. My concern is that the government has lost all constitutional responsibility and has become an outlaw.

5. Lawmakers in China's capital Beijing are drawing up regulations to enhance advertisement quality, which will hopefully outlaw heavy billboards atop residential buildings.

6. Thousands of Christians staged a rally outside government headquarters last Saturday to demonstrate their opposition to proposed legislation that would outlaw discrimination against sexual minorities.

7. We should standardize the order of income distribution, properly regulate the excessively high income of some monopoly industries and outlaw illegal gains.

8. Glover laid the blame squarely on world leaders for their failure to outlaw land mines.

9. This is a gruesome, glorious beast from American cinema's greatest outlaw.

10. Blair vowed to outlaw hunting with hounds when he took power in 1997 but fierce opposition has repeatedly stalled that.

outlaw 英英释义


1. someone who has committed a crime or has been legally convicted of a crime

Synonym: criminalfeloncrookmalefactor


1. declare illegal


e.g. Marijuana is criminalized in the U.S.

Synonym: criminalizecriminaliseillegalizeillegalise