

seaweed:[英 [ˈsi:wi:d] 美 [ˈsiˌwid] ]



seaweed 基本解释


seaweed 相关例句


1. The rocks had green seaweed growing on them.


seaweed 网络解释


1. 海藻:[编辑本段]海藻(seaweed)简介 海产藻类的统称,通常固著于海底或某种固体结构上,如︰绿藻、红藻和褐藻. 其根状固著器只有固著功能,而不能吸收营养. 海藻在浅水中常密生成片. 在水深50公尺(约165呎)以内的岸边形成明显区带.

2. 紫菜:佢d 头发发质仲好靓tim, 佢话佢成日食紫菜(seaweed)有关佢d 头发发质仲好靓tim, 佢话佢成日食紫菜(seaweed)有关


3. 海藻系列:海藻系列:(Seaweed)适合混合偏油皮肤1 美白洁面粉,这个在专柜经常断货,不知为啥,去了几次都没看到. 据说一瓶能用好久~(广告~含苏俄甘草萃取、维他命C衍生物(MAP)及高岭土等成份,泡沫细致,能彻底清洁毛孔污垢及多余油脂,

seaweed 双语例句

1. Such a vaginal gel containing tenofovir results for microbicide research community is an incentive, which in recent years are facing a series of setbacks, including the use of cellulose sulfate of a microbicide ended in early clinical trials (see Safety concerns led to HIV microbicide trial suspended), as well as scientists announced in February based on seaweed extract of a microbicide gel Carraguard does not prevent the spread of AIDS.


2. An edible, mild - flavored seaweed.


3. Not only is it much better for your skin than using a normal concealer (it contains a variety of inflammation-busting ingredients, such as salicylic acid and a seaweed extract that helps reduce sebum production), it also has an excellent non-slip matt texture which ensures it stays put for hours.


4. In addition food dried small shrimps, seaweed, beans and绿叶菜calcium content are also higher.


5. Yandun Jiao village, on the north-eastern shore of the peninsula, is famous for its traditional seaweed-thatched cottages.


6. Almond Oil*, Jojoba Oil*, Apricot Kernel Oil*, Parfum**(Citral, Geraniol, Citronellol, Limonene, Linalool), Seaweed Extract, Vitamin E Tocopherol


7. Shares in Lululemon Athletica, a Canadian firm that sells yoga clothing and equipment, fell after news reports claimed that tests had failed to find any trace of seaweed fibre in some of its garments, which were supposed to contain the stuff.

销售瑜伽服装和器械的加拿大公司Lululemon Athletica的股票下跌了,因为实验没能在其服装里发现海草纤维成分。

8. The formation of cell, dendrite and irregular interface morphology--seaweed crystal and degenerated crystal in the crystal growth was observed.


9. You can also imagine that your spine is as loose as seaweed on the ocean floor.


10. seaweed什么意思

10. The miraculous properties of Aloe Vera, Seaweed and organic English Lavender are captured perfectly in this light and refreshing hydrating gel.


11. seaweed在线翻译

11. A method for extracting the mixture enzymes from the di gestive glands of Acanthochiton rubrolineatus and Patelloida pygmaea in order to obtain the more effective tool enzyme for seaweed cytogenetic research is described in this paper.

摘 要 以藻类为食的石鳖和拟帽贝的消化腺中含有酶解藻类的消化酶,从这两种海产贝类中提取混合酶能够成为对海藻细胞遗传学研究有效的工具酶。

12. Ingredient:Microcystis sugar source, chamomile extract, soft malt extract, seaweed polysaccharides, epidermal growth factor.


13. When the seaweed plants die, they will be disposed of by being burned for fuel.



14. My family later mailed me a large relief bundle filled with vermicelli, seaweed, mushrooms, ramen, pork jerky, and other precious food items. I couldn't let them out of my hands for joy. And when the canister of soy sauce that one of my girlfriends from Europe sent arrived, my home-style Chinese restaurant was open for business - too bad the only customer ate for free.


15. seaweed是什么意思

15. In order to help the plight of farmers from coming out of the city government has also decided to Fuding funded from the County RegistrarPutian Ocean Development Co., Ltd. and the purchase of seaweed seedlings free of charge to farmers affected by the.


16. In order to help the plight of farmers from coming out of the city government has also decided to Fuding funded from the County Registrar坞村Putian Ocean Development Co., Ltd. and the purchase of seaweed seedlings free of charge to farmers affected by the.


17. seaweed是什么意思

17. Beans, fish and shrimp, hazelnuts, peanuts and other dried fruits, seaweed, edible fungus, mushroom, sesame, and many green vegetables are good sources of calcium.


18. seaweed的解释

18. Kyauk Kyaw or above, major in seaweed jelly spread coconut milk.

Kyauk Kyaw或海草果冻,主要在上面铺椰奶。

19. seaweed

19. Heterotrophic nitrogen-fixing bacteria on Caloglossa body and the relation between the bacteria and Caloglossa seaweed were first investigated too. Concentration of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and sodium of Caloglossa in spring was the highest in the whole year while that of calcium and magnesium was the highest in autumn and winter respectively.


20. Ingredients: cactus extract, Arbutin, Vitamin C, Hyaluronic acid, aloe vera, seaweed extract, natural moisturizing factor, grapefruit extract, Chamomile extract, glycerin, calendula extract, cucumber extract.

成 分:仙人掌萃取液、熊果素、维他命C、玻尿酸、芦荟、海藻萃取物、天然保湿因子、葡萄柚萃取、洋甘菊萃取液、甘油、金盏花萃取液、小黄瓜萃取液。

seaweed 词典解释

1. 海草;海藻

Seaweed is a plant that grows in the sea. There are many kinds of seaweed.

e.g. ...seaweed washed up on a beach.


seaweed 单语例句seaweed在线翻译

1. The nature wonder is created by leaves of Suaeda salsa, a kind of seaweed that turns reddish purple in autumn.

2. But bringing raw fish and seaweed to middle America takes some work - Ishii cautiously described the sales as " decent ".

3. The plant was mainly used for extracting cheap industrial iodine only a few years ago, when a local company saw new possibilities in the seaweed.

4. " Seaweed and seagulls are coming back, " he says cheerfully.

5. But if it is not timely disposed, mats of the seaweed garbage on shore would incur new pollution.

6. The gelling agent we used most often was agar agar, a seaweed extract that sets to a translucent jelly at room temperature.

7. Oysters heavily encrusted with growth and seaweed are older, tougher and probably not properly acclimatized for export.

8. Sarah Harding has revealed her secret to staying in shape is seaweed.

9. Melbourne China Town president Danny Doon says pig trotters with lettuce or seaweed ensure that " everything goes smoothly ".

10. The fences with mechanical devices have proved effective in facilitating the seaweed collection.

seaweedseaweed 英英释义


1. plant growing in the sea, especially marine algae