

depart:[英 [dɪˈpɑ:t] 美 [dɪˈpɑ:rt] ]


过去式:departed;   过去分词:departed;   现在分词:departing;

depart 基本解释


动词离开,出发; 去世; 离职; 脱轨

depart 同义词


动词go awaydeceaseexitdiepass awayperishleave

depart 反义词



depart 相关例句


1. When does the next train depart?


2. depart的意思

2. He is unwilling to depart from regular practice.


3. depart是什么意思

3. They departed at noon.


depart 情景对话


A:Could you give me some information on your European tours?


B:Our pleasure.We have several package tours you may choose, from ten days to three weeks in Europe.


A:I would be interested in a ten-day trip around Christmas time.



B:I have one ten-day tour that is still available. It will depart from New York on Dec. 24.


A:What is the cost?


B:The price for one person for a ten-day tour is only $ 1088, which includes round-trip airfare.


A:That sounds reasonable. Let me think it over. And Ill call you back to make reservations.


B:OK. But dont delay too long. Or that trip will be all booked.


depart 网络解释

1. 出发:火车站有出发(Depart)和到达(Arrival)两块大指示牌,上有该班次停靠的月台号. 火车票是不对号的,上去随便坐,上车也没人查票,就自己买了在月台旁的机器上check一下(打一下表明上车). 之前看功略说靠近餐车的6、7号车厢通常较空,

2. 离开,放弃:denude 剥下,脱去,剥夺 | depart 离开,放弃 | deplete 耗尽,使空竭

3. 离开:depancreatize 截除胰腺 | depart 离开 | departed 过去的

depart 双语例句

1. We depart for the north with the tide.


2. The three wooden race elders deeply respect to me one bow, floating to depart.


3. If thou wilt take the left hand, then I will go to the right; or if thou depart to the right hand, then I will go to the left.


4. depart在线翻译

4. That, which I was about to depart on.


5. Put me down and depart on your way.


6. They will depart from Beijing for Canada on May 23, 2005 to undertake 5 week research in Canada.

他们将在今年 5月23日集体赴加拿大进行为期5周的访问。

7. depart的翻译

7. They haven't made up their mind when to depart on the journey.



8. Some companies have taken measures to depart women from hazardous subtance on the work in order to protect unborn baby.


9. depart在线翻译

9. After the phone call from his wife, he resolved to depart for Haiti on Sunday, the very next day.


10. And the unstanding on the human life can not depart from the unstanding on the universe.


11. depart的解释

11. Depart from Macau Maritime Ferry Terminal and pass through Macau Fishman's Wharf, Friendship Bridge


12. depart在线翻译

12. Strong heart don't with year all old, depart from this life to still can do ghost male.


13. We have all the administrative depart- ments there.


14. And they baked the meal, which a little before they had brought out of Egypt, in dough: and they made earth cakes unleavened: for it could not be leavened, the Egyptians pressing them to depart, and not suffering them to make any stay: neither did they think of preparing any meat.


15. A 12-night cruise from Hong Kong back to Singapore features two-day calls at Hanoi, Vietnam; and Bangkok, Thailand; as well as day-calls at Hue, Nha Trang and Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam; and Sihanoukville, Cambodia. On May 8, 2009, Legend will depart the region from Singapore in a repositioning cruise to Dubai and onward to Rome.


16. Email us your flight number, terminal, time, both arrival and departure, if your time is during 8:00am-6:00pm, we could pick you up, if you arrive or depart during 6:01pm to the next day 7:59am, you could come by taxi (please find the map with chinese on about) or find a hotel(on your own cost, and please send us the address for picking up).


17. depart

17. I acknowledge that this means that the 8503 condition has been imposed on my visa, that I am required to depart Australia before the end of the

我承认,这意味着,我的签证上附加了 8503 条件,我必须按要求在我的签证所授权的逗留期限结束之前离开澳大利亚,而且我也明白 8503 条件对我

18. I acknowledge that this means that the 8503 condition has been imposed on my visa, that I am required to depart Australia before the end of the period of stay authorised by my visa and that I understand the restriction that condition 8503 places on me.

我承认,这意味着,我的签证上附加了 8503 条件,我必须按要求在我的签证所授权的逗留期限结束之前离开澳大利亚,而且我也明白 8503 条件对我所加的限制。

19. Please calculate all goods quantity and packing before our deliveryman depart.


20. After graduation, our classmate depart to different places.


depart 词典解释

1. 离开;启程;动身;出发

When something or someone departs from a place, they leave it and start a journey to another place.


e.g. Our tour departs from Heathrow Airport on 31 March and returns 16 April...

我们这次旅行于 3月 31 号从希思罗机场出发,4 月 16 号返回。

e.g. In the morning Mr McDonald departed for Sydney...


2. 背离;违背

If you depart from a traditional, accepted, or agreed way of doing something, you do it in a different or unexpected way.

e.g. Why is it in this country that we have departed from good educational sense?...


e.g. It takes a brave cook to depart radically from the traditional Christmas menu.


3. 辞(职);离(职)

If someone departs from a job, they resign from it or leave it. In American English, you can say that someone departs a job.

e.g. Lipton is planning to depart from the company he founded.


e.g. ...a number of staff departed during his reign as rector of the Royal College of Art...


4. 去世;离开人世

When someone departs this life, or departs this earth, they die.

e.g. He departed this world with a sense of having fulfilled his destiny.


depart 单语例句depart

1. National team training will commence in Shenyang on July 22, and the team will depart for South Korea six days later.

2. It is scheduled to depart for Seattle on Saturday, according to ANA.

3. But trade experts widely believe the Bush administration may depart from its current moderation and toughen its stance ahead of the 2004 presidential elections.

4. Though Halliwell was the first to depart the group to pursue a solo career, she was enthusiastic about hitting the road with her fellow Spice Girls once more.

5. They may also depart if expectations for yuan appreciation diminish or the mainland economy shows any sign of slowdown again.

6. Kim was to travel later yesterday to China and then depart today for the DPRK, for a visit expected to last up to three days.

7. For travelers to have sufficient time to enjoy the natural beauty on the plateau, the passenger trains will depart in the morning and arrive in the evening.

8. One of the lines from her poem from that scene goes " They arrive pure and depart pure ".

9. The incident raised new tensions between Washington and Tehran as President Bush prepared to depart Tuesday on his first major trip to the Middle East.

10. Coach Matthias Sammer also let goalkeeper Jens Lehmann depart for Arsenal, all of which has forced the club to restock in a hurry.

depart的反义词depart 英英释义


1. move away from a place into another direction

e.g. Go away before I start to cry

The train departs at noon

Synonym: gogo away

2. go away or leave

Synonym: take leavequit

3. leave

e.g. The family took off for Florida

Synonym: partstartstart outset forthset offset outtake off

4. wander from a direct or straight course

Synonym: sidetrackdigressstraggle

5. remove oneself from an association with or participation in

e.g. She wants to leave

The teenager left home

She left her position with the Red Cross

He left the Senate after two terms

after 20 years with the same company, she pulled up stakes

Synonym: leavepull up stakes

6. be at variance with

be out of line with

Synonym: deviatevarydiverge