

hire:[英 [ˈhaɪə(r)] 美 [haɪr] ]


过去式:hired;   过去分词:hired;   现在分词:hiring;   复数形式:hires;

hire 基本解释

及物动词雇用; 聘用; 租用; 录用

不及物动词受雇; 得到工作

名词租金; 酬金,工钱; [非正式用语] 被雇佣的人

hire 相关词组


1. on hire : 雇用, 出租;

hire 相关例句


1. The owner of the house refused to hire the mowing done.


2. They hired a big hall.


3. She hired the sewing done.


4. We hired a driver to take us on a tour of the city.



1. This car is for hire.


hire 情景对话


A:You have a lovely house, Jack.



B:Thank you. Yeah, its home, but a number of things have been going wrong lately.


A:Thats too bad. What problems are you having?


B:Oh, the whole house needs re-painting, for starters. The carpet in the living room is worn out, and Id like to put in new wall-to-wall carpeting. Last week, I had to call the plumber to fix the toilet. Anyway, all par for the course when you own a house, I guess. I think Im going to hire an interior decorator to look the place over.


A:Ive studied Western home decoration as a hobby. Could I make some suggestions?


B:Go right ahead.


A:Well, I think a crystal chandelier would look great in your living room, and maybe some new drapes for the windows. Also, a grandfather clock would look great in the den. Perhaps you could buy some potted plants for the dining room.



B:Wow! You really do have a talent for this, Ethabella. Thanks for your suggestions.


A:You are welcome, Jack. Glad to be of help.


hire 网络解释

1. 雇佣:土地拥有者雇佣(hire)人们来为自己耕种. 在百年战争期间,许多好战的贵族都在法国征战. 战争结束后,他们带着大批的雇佣军(mercenary soldiers)回到了英格兰,并且想在国内获得财富和权力. 1455年,

2. 租:从前有一对夫妻,他们的日子过得非常清贫. 由于房子和土地都是从地主那里租(hire)来的,所以他们每年要给地主交纳许多租税.

hire 双语例句

1. Wilson wonders why House is reluctant to hire a team while he goes over Megan's tests, and suggests he might be gunshy of being hurt.


2. We are sorry, Your application for hire purchase is rejected. We will refund the first payment to you.


3. hire

3. In a conversation with a flight attendant on board, she saw the Red Cross spent 12 dollars per hour hiring people to help those who suffered. The stewardess was quite opposed to that idea. She said:The people in disaster area have no jobs and they are poor. Why not hire some reliable to do the distribution?


4. I mean, you can hire people to do it for you.


5. Production, of the hire of labour and of the


6. India retains rigid labour laws that make it almost impossible to fire an employee or to hire contract labour.


7. Farm labour used to hire themselves out for the summer.


8. At the same time, however, the importance of wage regulation for workers` welfare was diminished by its incomplete coverage and the prevalence of destandardised, fragmented systems of labour hire.

在同一时间,不过,最重要的工资调控为工人的福利是削弱其完整的覆盖面和患病率destandardised ,零零碎碎的系统外劳雇用。

9. In Asia, Singapore's stimulus package gives incentives to companies to hire local labour and the United Arab Emirates'labour ministry has issued rules making it all but impossible to layoff Emirati staff.


10. Japan's blue-chips took full advantage of Koizumi's special labour legislation in 2003, which enabled large manufacturing firms to hire non-regular labour for the first time.


11. The collection of land rent is his main form of exploitation; in addition, he may lend money, hire labour, or engage in industry or commerce.


12. Also as there is no mechanism of encouraging employers that provide childcare facilities for their employees, employers are not only interested in creating these facilities but are also reluctant to hire people with small children.


13. hire

13. I've got an ego and all that, but i know i need help. So i go and hire the very best people.


14. hire

14. When the word of the price on Aces'head spreads into the community of ex-cons and cons-to-be, it entices bounty hunters, thugs-for-hire, deadly vixens and double-crossing mobsters to join in the hunt.


15. This is all we can find to hire Master Suer for this task.


16. hire的解释

16. If you need to write up a contract, and you're not a lawyer, hire one.


17. Let me make a request of the deans and the professors – the intellectual leaders here at Har var d: As you hire new faculty, award tenure, review curriculum, and determine degree requirements, please ask yourselves


18. A sum not exceeding the gross freight or hire of the first passage and next succeeding cargo passage plus the charges of insurance.


19. hire的解释

19. A sum not exceeding the gross freight or hire for the current cargo passage and next succeeding cargo passage (such insurance to include, if required, a preliminary and an intermediate ballast passage) plus the charges of insurance.

20.1.3 航次合同下的运费或租金:其金额不得超过本次及下次载货航程的毛运费或租金(如要求,本保险可以包括一个预备航次和一个中间空载航次在内)再加上保险费。

20. All was done by her alone, so there was no need to hire a casual laborer.


hire 词典解释

1. 雇用

If you hire someone, you employ them or pay them to do a particular job for you.

e.g. Sixteen of the contestants have hired lawyers and are suing the organisers...


e.g. The rest of the staff have been hired on short-term contracts...


2. (短期)租用

If you hire something, you pay money to the owner so that you can use it for a period of time.

e.g. To hire a car you must produce a passport and a current driving licence...


e.g. Her hired car was found abandoned at Beachy Head.


in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用 rent

3. 租赁(业);出租(业务)

You use hire to refer to the activity or business of hiring something.

e.g. They booked our hotel, and organised car hire...


e.g. Hire of skis, boots and clothing, is all available.


in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用 rental

4. 供出租;待租

If something is for hire, it is available for you to hire.

e.g. Fishing tackle is available for hire.


in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用 for rentDo not confuse hire, rent, and let. In British English, if you pay a sum of money to use something for a short time, you say that you hire it. In American English, it is more common to say that you rent it. He was unable to hire another car... He rented a car for the weekend. If you make a series of payments to use something for a long time, you say that you rent it. ...the apartment he had rented... He rented a TV. You can say that you rent a house or room to someone when they pay you money to live there. We rented our house to an American professor. You can also say that you let a house or room to someone. They were letting a room to a school teacher.

不要混淆hire, rent和let。表示短期租用某物时,英国英语用hire,而美国英语则更常用rent。如,He was unable to hire another car(他没钱再多租一辆车了),He rented a car for the weekend(他租了辆车度周末)。表示长期租用某物并分期支付费用时,要用rent,如,the apartment he had rented(他租住的公寓),He rented a TV(他租了台电视机)。也可以用rent表示将房子或房间租给别人住并收取租金,如,We rented our house to an American professor(我们把房子租给了一位美国教授)。出租房子或房间也可用let,如,They were letting a room to a school teacher(他们把一个房间租给了一名老师)。

相关词组:hire out

hire 单语例句hire的意思

1. Standard Chartered Plc plans to hire 500 employees this year for its wealth management business in Hong Kong.

2. Button also hit back at a jibe from Flavio Briatore about his driving, saying the Renault boss had tried to hire him this season.

3. The CAAC has issued regulations simplifying the process for airlines to hire overseas pilots to have enough experienced pilots for the time being at least.

4. He urged local governments to discharge unqualified substitute teachers and hire the capable substitute teachers as regular teachers with favorable policies.

5. The'Gandhi'actor attacked movie bosses who hire young people for their looks and casts them aside when audiences see they have no talent.

6. Some businesses even decline to hire people with the surname Pei since it's a homophone of another Chinese character meaning " losing money ".

7. Both in the US and elsewhere, most education systems aren't churning out the kinds of people startups need to hire.

8. Baker said the new facility will increase production capacity by 60 percent and will hire about 300 additional employees.

9. The government should budget more money to educate citizens and hire more officers to enforce civilized behavior.

10. He also said that he is seeking support from Congress to provide tax breaks for small businesses that hire additional workers.

hire的反义词hire 英英释义


1. the act of hiring something or someone

e.g. he signed up for a week's car hire

2. a newly hired employee

e.g. the new hires need special training


1. engage for service under a term of contract

e.g. We took an apartment on a quiet street

Let's rent a car

Shall we take a guide in Rome?

Synonym: leaserentcharterengagetake

2. engage or hire for work

e.g. They hired two new secretaries in the department

How many people has she employed?

Synonym: engageemploy

3. hold under a lease or rental agreement

of goods and services

Synonym: rentcharterlease