

bony:[英 [ˈbəʊni] 美 [ˈboʊni] ]


bony 基本解释

形容词骨的; 骨瘦如柴的; 多骨的; 骨头突出的

bony 相关例句


1. bony

1. The old horse was bony.


2. The fish we caught were too bony to eat.


bony 网络解释

1. 波尼:他笔下的原住民和白人混血神探拿破仑.波纳帕特(NapoleonBonaparte),办案的场所就是羊口比人口多的澳洲不毛大后方(Outback),侦探的名字和法国名将拿破仑完全相同,只是澳洲人讲话喜欢简略,这个名字因而只叫波尼(Bony).

2. 多骨的:bonus 奖金 | bony 多骨的 | bonze 和尚

3. (皮包骨的瘦):skin and bones) (皮包骨的瘦) | bony (皮包骨的瘦) | scrawny (骨瘦如柴,有点惨不忍睹的瘦)

4. 多骨的, 瘦骨嶙峋的:slim 苗条的, 纤细的 | bony 多骨的, 瘦骨嶙峋的 | well-built (男)身材健美的

bony 双语例句

1. CT can accuratelly display the bony change and characteristic findings of mucocele and play an important role in diagnosis and differential diagnosis.



2. Multiple myeloma also frequently involves the spine and often causes pain by weakening of bony structures, causing pathologic fractures. Intradural spinal tumors are less common than metastases in adults and include neurofibromas, meningiomas, and ependymomas.


3. Multiple myeloma also frequently involves the ine and often causes pain by weakening of bony structures, causing pathologic fractures. Intradural inal tumors are le common than metastases in adults and include neurofibromas, meningiomas, and ependymomas.


4. This bony, armour-plated structure gives the body of the fish great rigidity, protects it from injury and is also the secret of its outstanding manoeuvrability, as tiny vortices form along the edges on the upper and lower parts of the body to stabilise the fish in any position and ensure that it remains safely on course even in areas of great turbulence.

同时,在 boxfish 身体上部和中部边缘产生的一些小漩涡能够使它在水中的任何位置都保持稳定,即使在紊流区域。

5. bony

5. That foamed up over the bony ridges decorated with shiny mauve sand.


6. We return to the restaurant for another banquet, this time including the bony wildfowl.


7. Ribs, lumbar vertebrae, pelvic bones and all bony prominences evident from a distance.


8. Ribs, lumbar vertebrae, pelvic bones and all bony prominences easily visible.


9. bony的近义词

9. Results: Base on the dissection, the rabbits'sciatic nerve was composed of the seventh lumbar nerve and first and second sacral nerves. The sciatic trunk descended in front of the sacroiliac joint and escaped between the sacral bone and ilium, then left the pelvis from the greater sciatic notch. The segment of sciatic trunk which ran between the sacrum and ilium was stable and feasible for localization according to the related bony structures in CT scanning, so it was selected as irradiation target. After high dose of stereotactic radiation, the degeneration and necrosis in nerve fibers could be observed under microscope.


10. The rabbits were immobilized according to the standard of X_knife before CT scanning. The interrelation of the silica gel tube and bony structures was analyzed, a nerve segment was selected, which could be localized according to the related bony structures as irradiation target. A radiosurgery treatment planning was performed on the selected nerve segment, its changes of pathology and ultrastructure were observed. Results: Base on the dissection, the rabbits'sciatic nerve was composed of the seventh lumbar nerve and first and second sacral nerves.


11. A radiosurgery treatment planning was performed on the selected nerve segment, its changes of pathology and ultrastructure were observed. Results: Base on the dissection, the rabbits'sciatic nerve was composed of the seventh lumbar nerve and first and second sacral nerves. The sciatic trunk descended in front of the sacroiliac joint and escaped between the sacral bone and ilium, then left the pelvis from the greater sciatic notch. The segment of sciatic trunk which ran between the sacrum and ilium was stable and feasible for localization according to the related bony structures in CT scanning, so it was selected as irradiation target.


12. This article will introduce the main composition of bioactive glass particles and discuss the bone healing around this alloplast in the bony defect.


13. Fruit a pome, with persistent sepals at apex; carpels bony when mature, each locule with 1 seed; seed erect, cotyledons plano-convex.


14. Most species have paired fins and skin covered with either bony or tooth-like scales.



15. These are bony fish with paired rounded fins.


16. A member of the Crossopterygii, a group of bony fishes with paired, rounded fins that are extinct except for the coelacanths and are regarded as ancestors of amphibians and other terrestrial vertebrates.



17. Only the front waist of the abdominal cavity and soft iliopsoas, only in the vicinity of some of the muscles, ligaments and fascia, and other non-bony structures of protection, or lack of coordination in the weight-bearing exercise, vulnerable to injury.


18. The bony defects were created on 15 bilateral pars articularis. The range of motion were measured on machine at following direction, extension-flexion, axial rotation and bilateral bending, 10Nm-torque was applied on the specimens in two different conditions as follows: 1 intact spine, 2 bilateral pars defects on the L5. The ROM at different motion between two groups were compared.


19. bony的意思

19. Others were fixed with titanium plates as control. all the rabbits were sacrificed at 1, 2, 4, 8 weeks after operation. gross observation, radiographical, histologic and bony mechanics examinations of the fracture site were carried out after rabbits were sacrificed.


20. Twelve weeks following repair, coronal defect regions were filled with callus. 3D reconstruction showed that defects were repaired. Defect region and surrounding bony tissues had bony connection, with thick bone trabecula and mature Haversian system.


bony 词典解释

1. 骨瘦如柴的;瘦骨嶙峋的

Someone who has a bony face or bony hands, for example, has a very thin face or very thin hands, with very little flesh covering their bones.

e.g. ...an old man with a bony face and white hair...


e.g. He poked a long bony finger in Billy's chest.


2. (人体或动物的器官)骨质的

The bony parts of a person's or animal's body are the parts made of bone.

e.g. ...the bony ridge of the eye socket.


3. (鱼)多骨的,多刺的

If you describe fish that you are eating as bony, you mean that it has a lot of bones.

e.g. ...a delicious but extremely bony fish.


bony 单语例句

1. The technique is used to treat chronic injuries, soft tissue disorders as well as abnormal bony growths that cause acute pain.

2. However, here " slim " doesn't mean bony but refers to a kind of fit shape.

3. The bony man dominates every scene he appears in and his gifted comedic touch even makes up for the ordinary script.

4. The creatures were described as having bony plates on their heads that became burning hot, allowing the animals to bore through ice at high speed.

5. The early split of the jawed vertebrate and the origins of bony fish play very important roles in the evolutionary history of vertebrates.

6. We all know that obesity arouses many diseases, while too bony causes health problems as well.

7. More popular fishes during the Chinese New Year are those that are less bony, such as the pomfret or snapper.

8. Those fossils were not adequate to piece together the comprehensive features of the bony fish ancestors.

9. Still, there are many doubts and questions on the Silurian bony fish which remain unsolved.

bony 英英释义


1. having bones especially many or prominent bones

e.g. a bony shad fillet

her bony wrist

bony fish

Synonym: boney

2. very thin especially from disease or hunger or cold

e.g. emaciated bony hands

a nightmare population of gaunt men and skeletal boys

eyes were haggard and cavernous

small pinched faces

kept life in his wasted frame only by grim concentration

Synonym: cadaverousemaciatedgaunthaggardpinchedskeletalwasted

3. composed of or containing bone

e.g. osseous tissue

Synonym: osseousosteal