

anthology:[英 [ænˈθɒlədʒi] 美 [ænˈθɑ:lədʒi] ]



anthology 基本解释



anthology 网络解释

1. 选集:她的精选辑有1980年的(Anthology)和1982年的(Farewell Songs). 她在1967年的蒙特利音乐节中使全场乐迷为之疯狂,乃因她是这么地强悍、性感、与众不同. 她的演唱风格热力十足,沛然莫之能御.

2. anthology

2. 文集:阅读性图书包括教科书(Textbook)、专著(Monograph)、文集(Anthology)等. 它提供系统、完整的知识,有助于全面、系统地了解某一领域的历史发展与现状,将人们正确地引入自己所不熟悉的领域.

3. 文集, 文选:complete works 全集 | anthology 文集, 文选 | scientific literature 科学文献

anthology 双语例句

1. The Prairie Schooner Anthology of Contemporary Jewish American Writing, ed.


2. The last section is a comparison of the three editions of the anthology.


3. All that goes to show that all live creatures and sensitive human alike are prone to the feeling of depth, remoteness, severity and bleakness.

我虽则外国诗文年的不多,也不想开出帐来,作一片秋的诗歌散文钞但你若去一翻英德法意等诗人的集子,或各国的诗文的 anthology 来,总能够看到许多关于秋的歌颂和悲啼各著名的大诗人的长篇田园诗或四季诗里,也总以关于秋的部分,写得最出色而最有味足见又感觉的动物,有情趣的人类,对于秋,总是一样的能特别引起深沉,幽远,严厉萧索的感触来的说明,证明 v。

4. Readers who are interested in further explorations of the many dimensions of this text may also consult the anthology A Companion to Heidegger`s Introduction to Metaphysics, which is being published by Yale University Press as a sequel to this volume.

愿意进一步对这个文本进行多维度深察的读者可参考论文集《与海德格尔之〈形而上学导论〉同行》( A Companion to Heidegger`s Introduction to Metaphysics ),作为这个译本的后续成果将由耶鲁大学出版社出版。

5. anthology

5. But as the improving reputation of ZhuYiZhun and Widespreading of Six man's Anthology from ZheXi, ZhuYiZhun became the leader of Cischool in ZheJiang.



6. Shakespeare`s sonnets was an anthology about love and beauty, and life and immortality.


7. anthology的意思

7. Not long ago I came across a current translation theory anthology and read some of its selections.


8. Shakespeare's sonnets was an anthology about love and beauty, and life and immortality.


9. They selected and compiled an anthology of essays according to criticisms on the Internet.


10. As a final step, we utilized reviewers ` comments to make the anthology relevant and useful.


11. As one kind of literature sylloge, anthology having preserved large amount of poet does, have important document value, .At the same time the excellent poetry anthology`s choice, not only having embodied the anthologist`s individual sight, but also implied the social aesthetic trend that time, has the nature and functions of literary criticism.


12. This is a good anthology, in particular, can display both characteristics.


13. anthology

13. Heyueyingling Anthologyhas not selected and included the Du Fu poetry, has the subjective and objective two aspect reasons, but to an popular poetry anthology, which completely selected famous poets and poems regarding the glorious age of Tang nearly, is also a regret.


14. Results: Cystic hydatidosis, because of the different cause and anthology, displayed as non enhancement single cyst, daughter cyst, calcification, merging infection and rupture; Alveolar hydatidosis displayed as non enhancement hepatic ca...


15. The questions it raises foreshadow much of the subject matter of this anthology.


16. By princess status, Ningguo, Chonghui, Xian`an, Taihe four princesses married Huihe chams, their deeds not only recorded in history book, but also in ancient anthology.


17. In the bedroom, I found a hand-sewn book containing an anthology of civil war poems.


18. In the bedroom, I searched a hand-sewn book containing an anthology of civil war poems.



19. I know that this essay will never be long enough to list the entire anthology. I instead attempt to retell this intriguing chronicle of my mom`s life as briefly as possible, though I am aware that this effort will be fruitless in portraying an accurate picture of her.


20. anthology的解释

20. Acute/chronic bronchitis, pulmonary emphysema, asthma, acute/chronic pharyngitis, rhinitis, chronic colitis, enterelcosis, hepatitis, diabetes, the complicating diseases caused by diabetes, rectocele, hemorrhoids, constipation, prostatitis, prostatauxe, spermatorrhoea, impotence, hernia, concretion, cyst, postpartum wind, pelvic inflammation, ovarian cyst, appendagitis, hyperplasia of mammary glands, and the other diseases of gynecopathy and anthology.


anthology 词典解释

1. (不同作家的作品的)选集

An anthology is a collection of writings by different writers published together in one book.

e.g. ...an anthology of poetry.


anthology 单语例句

1. I have seen one of mine in an anthology, attributed to Dorothy Parker.

2. A local neighborhood committee has collected and printed out many of Zhang's poems and is considering publishing a special anthology of his works.

3. The debut collection is called An Anthology Of Rebellion - how very showbiz - and has been featured in a glossy spread in Vogue.

4. But the loveliest thing about this mini anthology is the spotlight focused on the relatively unknown voices.

5. The paintings are permeated with a subtle tone of reminiscence, unfolds into an assorted anthology of personal tales.

6. In the Name of Poetry is her seventh poetry anthology and includes about 50 pieces, mostly written after 2005.

7. ARB content is currently available online and on mobile phone apps, but will also be published in a quarterly print anthology.

8. A book containing idioms mentioned in the anthology of former president Jiang Zemin was published by the People's Publishing House yesterday.

9. They ended up accepting the money and used it to purchase copies of the Mao Zedong Anthology to give soldiers.

10. He published many poems in magazines and a poetry anthology in the past 10 years.

anthologyanthology 英英释义



1. a collection of selected literary passages