

mostly:[英 [ˈməʊstli] 美 [ˈmoʊstli] ]


mostly 基本解释

副词大部分,多半; 主要地; 基本上; 通常

mostly 相关例句


1. The audience consisted mostly of women.


2. Lizards live mostly in warm climates.


3. mostly什么意思

3. We are mostly out on Sundays.


4. The earth here is mostly clay.


5. Our weather has been mostly warm.


mostly 情景对话

Setting a Budget Financial Plan-(建一个预算和财政计划)

A:O.K. So, where do you think we can save more money?


B:Well, we could eat in more. That $300 for entertainment is mostly going to restaurants.


A:Yeah, that’s a good idea, and you like to cook. What about the books?



B:No, I need my books.


A:Come on, if we save more money we can retire earlier, and you’ll actually have time to read all those books you buy.


B:Well, what about the $50 you spent on a shirt? You could’ve gotten something for less.



A:O.K. Let’s compromise, if you agree to only spend $75 on books, I’ll agree to only spend $40 for my next shirt.



B:All right. That sounds fair.


Easy and Difficult-(易学的和难学的语言)

A:People always say that Chinese and English are very hard to learn. Sometimes I wish I were learning French or Japanese. Maybe theyd be easier.

人们常说汉语和英语是很难学的。有的时候我想要是我学法语或日语就好了。 也许这两种语言容易些。

B:Maybe, but maybe not too. It all depends on what language you already speak.


A:Why should that be? What diffrence does it make?


B:Well, languages are more or less equally difficult.Most of the things one language says must be said by every language in some way.


A:You mean I could learn Chinese easily?


B:No, because your native language is Spanish. But Italian might be easy. It has a lot of words that are similar to words in Spanish. Even the sound systems are more similar than that of Chinese is to Spanish. How difficult a language is to learn depends mostly on how much it resembles your own language.


mostly 网络解释

1. 主要地:most#最 | mostly#主要地 | pretty#十分;颇

2. 主要地,基本上:mosquito 蚊子 | mostly 主要地,基本上 | motion 打手势,点(或摇)头示意

3. 大多数的:l generally一般地 | ├mostly大多数的 | ├chiefly主要的


4. 主要的,大部分:lead 领导,主角 | mostly 主要的,大部分 | air (音乐)曲调,旋律,乐曲

mostly 双语例句

1. I don't think many of my birds are visitors, because they come back every day no matter what the weather, so they must be mostly resident birds.



2. My rough drawing is mostly complete and I am laying in some preliminary tones and colors.


3. The purity and high-purity nitrogen generator is one of the main products of the company, which mostly adopts one/two column and common-flow/reverse-flow expansion process.


4. The US company has already acquired 40 per cent of Sampoerna, mostly from the family, and has made a tender offer for remaining shares.


5. Growth in China's car sales, which are mostly cash-based, is expected to slow to three to four percent this year due to worsening economic conditions, according to Global Insight.


6. Slow future productivity growth virtually ensures a collision between the heavy costs of retiring baby boomers-mostly for Social Security and Medicare-and younger workers'living standards. Higher taxes will bite deeply into sluggish incomes.


7. Are all active, with the focus very much on town center development, mostly because of tough planning laws which make it more difficult to build out-of-town.


8. Besides, types and function parameters of mostly single bucket excavator factory was provided in the software which convenient for user to consult and compare with new design.


9. A series of bis (2-ethylhexyl polyoxyethylene) sulfosuccinates and bis (2-ethylhexyl polyoxypropylene) sulfosuccinates based on isooctanol were synthesized through alkoxylation, esterification and sulfonation. Their molecular structures are similar to AOT bis (2-ethylhexyl sulfosuccinate, which was mostly used in the field of reversed micelles, except there exist a polyoxyalkylene chain between the polar head and hydrophobic tail.


10. Results In 111 cosmetics, 30 cosmetics were detected containing oxytetracycline, 62 cosmetics containing tetracycline, 7 cosmetics containing chlortetracycline and 1 cosmetic containing chloramphenicol. The detection rate was 78.4% and the detection rate of antibiotics among various kinds of cosmetics had no significant difference. The antiseptics used in cosmetics were mostly para-hydroxyl compound ester and there were four cosmetics detected containing antiseptics.

结果 共检测111件样品,30件检出土霉素,62件检出四环素,7件检出金霉素,1件检出氯霉素,阳性检出率是78.4%,不同类别化妆品抗生素的检出率差异无统计学意义;多数化妆品添加对羟基混合酯类的防腐剂,有4件样品防腐剂超标。

11. In China, areas suitable for building wind farms are mostly located on the periphery of power grids.



12. However, if the picture or the composition of that stone and another stone there is a balanced and a good balance of all, how much length can be, but 15cm above is only a display of water originally stone, water stone Shelf mostly used as a miniature bonsai Shelf with production, such as the use of the actual display at the exhibition are mostly five and three used by the two, that reason is that five used or Shelf Display with three large-scale water stone better than worse.



13. Generally in the ordinary houses with mostly Chinese Iron; in duplex apartment and villa in the more European-style options.


14. The major adverse Effects of treatment of uterine fibroids by RFA were virginal discharge and light febris (Fever 38.2±0.4℃in 1-3 days post-procedure mostly).


15. mostly

15. Even so, I was mostly happy, for I had an age group to play with.


16. Call quality is pathetic, she adds, mostly because the tiny speaker has to be perfectly aligned with your ear canal to work.


17. mostly

17. They were mostly herdsmen and fisherfolk, perhaps driven out from the lost West over some land-bridge that no longer exists.


18. This text try to make a case study of Zelu, in the base of the research and experience of formers. and the time span of this text is mostly limited in the period of Lius family.


19. Having said that small capitals are capitals on x-height, it's mostly not 100% true.


20. Admittedly, specified education will cultivate individual to be a smart scientist or a skilled engineer. How ever, in today's world, the progress in human society, such as CPU designed by Intel or AMD, are mostly created by cooperation, not by individuals. People who can better communicate and copperate with other is in great need, where a skilled but wordless one is surely not accepted. Same circumstances need to be considered in other aspects of social science.


mostly 词典解释

1. 大多;多半;主要地

You use mostly to indicate that a statement is generally true, for example true about the majority of a group of things or people, true most of the time, or true in most respects.


e.g. I am working with mostly highly motivated people...


e.g. Cars are mostly metal.


mostly 单语例句mostly

1. About 90 percent of GT's business is in Asia, mostly China.

2. If you look at our organization design, it is mostly focused on servicing the export business.

3. Thus a business was controlled and managed mostly by family members and relatives, with support through networking with those in an established relationship of trust.

4. What mostly affects the Chinese shoppers'decision when buying clothes - price, style or fiber?

5. Another newcomer failing to generate much buzz was the comedy " Monte Carlo, " which stars Selena Gomez and was aimed mostly at young women.

6. Investigations show that there is almost no chance of any gambler winning in online games, which are controlled by gambling firms mostly based abroad.

7. But the current success rate in China is less than 50 per cent, and even that is achieved mostly by chance.

8. It was built mostly by hand with the techniques used to make its forerunner, but sports modern engines and navigation equipment.

9. De Juan said flight disruptions are mostly caused by drunken passengers, but this time alcohol hadn't played a part.

10. Tencent Weibo users are mostly teenagers who use the company's instant messaging service QQ, which has nearly 630 million active accounts.

mostly 英英释义


1. in large part

mainly or chiefly

e.g. These accounts are largely inactive

Synonym: largelyfor the most part

2. usually

as a rule

e.g. by and large it doesn't rain much here

Synonym: by and largegenerallymore often than not