

conclude:[英 [kənˈklu:d] 美 [kənˈklud] ]


过去式:concluded;   过去分词:concluded;   现在分词:concluding;

conclude 基本解释


及物/不及物动词推断; 结束,终止; 议定

及物动词缔结; 得出结论; 推断出; 决定

不及物动词终了; 作出决定或达成协议

conclude 相关例句


1. To be concluded.


2. They concluded (a) peace.


3. He concluded that he would wait a little longer.


4. We concluded our meeting at 9 o'clock.



1. The meeting concluded at ten o'clock.


conclude 网络解释

1. 断定:如果你断定(conclude)是由于optimization level引起的,那就用一个不同的level来re-explain.推荐你测试3此,因为有些复杂的query在optimization level为0的时候超慢但是3的时候可能会更好(be better).

2. 总结:1、一定要有想法(Idea)、一定要有计划(Plan)、一定要有行动(Action)、一定要有总结(Conclude)


3. 推论:3、推论(conclude)题:略读(或称为跳跃式阅读)(skimming)的重点在于快速了解文章的中心思想. 略读的方法是首先看一下标题(在有标题的情况下). 接着读第一段,抓住中心思想. 再浏览一下其他段落的首句和末句. 最后读完结尾段.

conclude 双语例句

1. By studying on self-similarity and Fano factor curve of time series of spontaneous discharge of auditory nerve in guinea pig, we conclude that time series of spontaneous discharge of auditory nerve differ from random noise, and have the certain temporal structure that exits in re-ordered guassian time series.


2. We also analysis 10 cases of stock-for-stock business combinations in which the Pooling of Interests Method all is applied, and conclude that the Pooling of Interests Mediod is used intended aiming to profit manipulation and therefore it should be forbidden.


3. To conclude, we have agreed to sell you 500 tons Dried Potato Slices at the terms


4. By subordinate function analysis, we could conclude that No.


5. We conclude that postbiopsy anuria associated with a subcapsular hematoma and acute absence of diastolic flow on doppler ultrasound should be considered pathognomonic of APK.


6. conclude

6. We can conclude that the critical micell concentrations of tetraethanolammonium hydroxide aqueous solution are 0.52 mmol/L and 39.5 mmol/L.


7. conclude的意思

7. Based on the investigation and statistical analysis of the statas quo of the mine ecological environment, we could conclude:at present, the mine eco-environment of Shouxian County was seriously destroyed in the course of development and utilization of the mineral resources, which destroyed the land area of the farmland, woodland, grassland and other types accounting for 54%, 19%, 18% and 9% respectively.


8. If, as I conclude will be the case, you send me full powers to act in your name throughout the whole of this business, I will immediately give directions to Haggerston for preparing a proper settlement.


9. conclude

9. They conclude that such dramatic technological innovations as the spinning jenny, the sewing machine, the typewriter, and the vacuum cleaner have not resulted in equally dramatic social changes in women`s economic position or in the prevailing evaluation of women`s work.


10. Thus we conclude that the expression patterns of the putative PIN gene may relate to its function.


11. It is safe to conclude from these that his thought in administering the officials was high salary against corruption.


12. According to the comparation of these numbers. we can conclude that patients initiatively coorparate with the treatment is an important principle to improve their illness.


13. conclude

13. We can pursue trade that is free and fair, and seek to conclude an ambitious and balanced Doha Round agreement.


14. As is well known, SY is the marker of synapse in myenteric nerve plexus and neuromuscular junctions in muscular layer. We conclude the functional element composed of motor nerve ending、ICCs and smooth muscle cell is destructed in IA.


15. We can conclude that croton tigiium and rhubarb have mutual inhibition through observing croton tigiium and rhubarb effect on the volume depletion of gut.


16. Judging by soil respiration, we can conclude that Chloroacetanilide herbicides are low toxicity or no actual harm-ness pesticide, in other words that they are almost harmless to soil microorganism.


17. The fifth chapter re-illustrates the principles and disciplines of strategic thinks and their developing procedures. In addition, this chapter conclude the puzzle of the Chun-Chiu Period Strategies by Sun Tze.


18. No wonder we conclude that organized living is best left to the childless, the single, or to incredibly stout-hearted parents!



19. With the Administrative Officer, conclude all contracts and payments.


20. In training, to conclude a contract, enterprises and the staff responsibilities and obligations of both parties.


conclude 词典解释

1. 推断出;推论出;断定

If you conclude that something is true, you decide that it is true using the facts you know as a basis.

e.g. Larry had concluded that he had no choice but to accept Paul's words as the truth...


e.g. So what can we conclude from this debate?...


2. 结束(讲话);总结

When you conclude, you say the last thing that you are going to say.

e.g. 'It's a waste of time,' he concluded...


e.g. I would like to conclude by saying that I do enjoy your magazine.



On the radio I caught Mr Hague's concluding remarks at the Blackpool conference.


3. 结束;终止

When something concludes, or when you conclude it, you end it.

e.g. The evening concluded with dinner and speeches...


e.g. The Group of Seven major industrial countries concluded its annual summit meeting today.


4. 达成(协议等);缔结(条约)

If one person or group concludes an agreement, such as a treaty or business deal, with another, they arrange it. You can also say that two people or groups conclude an agreement.

e.g. Mexico and the Philippines have both concluded agreements with their commercial bank creditors...


e.g. If the clubs cannot conclude a deal, an independent tribunal will decide.


conclude 单语例句conclude的翻译

1. The torch relay will conclude in Guangzhou with the lighting of the Asian Games cauldron during the opening ceremony on November 12.

2. " We conclude that Guangxu died of acute arsenic poisoning, " said the report.

3. The ornithologists involved in the project have yet to conclude what effect the dwindling number ducks and swans would have on the food chain.

4. The addenda conclude that Saddam's programs created a pool of experts now available to develop and produce weapons and many will be seeking work.

5. Some have taken the approach that rights the of the IP owner have been exhausted or conclude that there are circumstances of implied license.

6. New Zealand's close ties with Australia could increase pressure on Canberra to conclude a deal, experts said.

7. The European Commission will have a maximum of 15 months to conclude its investigation.

8. Iran's Foreign Ministry spokesman said on Tuesday that the government hoped to conclude a comprehensive agreement with the IAEA on Wednesday.

9. They also conclude that the " 1937 Nanjing Incident " was a massacre.

10. From the wave of illegal immigration that has lasted over a decade, one might conclude there has been massive famine or even war where they came from.

concludeconclude 英英释义



1. decide by reasoning

draw or come to a conclusion

e.g. We reasoned that it was cheaper to rent than to buy a house

Synonym: reasonreason out

2. bring to a close

e.g. The committee concluded the meeting

3. reach a conclusion after a discussion or deliberation

Synonym: resolve

4. reach agreement on

e.g. They concluded an economic agreement

We concluded a cease-fire

5. come to a close

e.g. The concert closed with a nocturne by Chopin

Synonym: close