

stark:[英 [stɑ:k] 美 [stɑ:rk] ]


stark 基本解释

形容词完全的; 荒凉的; 光秃秃的; 僵硬的

副词完全; 一丝不挂,赤裸; 明显地; 质朴地



stark 相关例句


1. stark

1. The tree has only stark branches.


2. The little girl was almost stark with cold.


3. The fool is talking stark nonsense.


4. stark在线翻译

4. His actions were in stark contrast to his words.


stark 网络解释

1. 斯塔克:这种现象称为塞曼(Zeeman)效应,当磁场影响不很大,分裂线的频率差较小,仪器的分辨率有限时,表现为宽的一条谱线;光源在电场中也能产生谱线的分裂,当电场不是十分强时,也表现为谱线的变宽,这种变宽称为斯塔克(Stark)变宽.

2. 史达克:民国初年,北京正阳门瓮城之拆除,两侧增辟门洞,但保存箭楼,作为纪念建筑,由内务总长朱启钤主持其事,由瑞典建筑师史达克(Stark)设计监工,颇费慎思,为市政上一新献.

3. stark

3. 斯塔克号:1987年,伊拉克的一枚飞鱼导弹(Exocetmissile)错误地击中了美国在波斯湾的一艘驱逐舰斯塔克号(Stark),造成37名美军士兵死亡. 令人难以置信的是,美国竟然没有怪罪伊拉克,相反却指责伊朗将战争扩大到了波斯湾.

4. 死他可(他可死了) 僵硬:spoil,撕破呦(撕破了),损害;破坏 | stark,死他可(他可死了),僵 硬 | starvation,似他未死(没被饿死),饥饿;饿死

stark 双语例句

1. stark在线翻译

1. As a kind of typical alkaline earth atom, Ba atom has a larger atomic core and much more sensitive valence electrons, so, the study on the spectroscopic prosperities of Ba autoionizing states is significant on the understanding of the complicated configuration and the dynamics process inside the atom. On the experimental side, by introducing external electronic fields the Stark autoionizing states of Ba atom are produced.


2. It was the stark realization of his own inadequacies that brought Milarepa to Lama Marpa.


3. Peter Stark tells the physical story of his kayak trip along the Lugenda--he was the first white man to paddle the river--and weaves in the history of exploration in Africa, presenting us with a meditation on why we are so drawn to the African wilderness, why we feel we must explore the unknown.


4. It reflects the stark reality of what we`ve inherited – a trillion dollar deficit, a financial crisis, and a costly recession.


5. It reflects the stark reality of what we've inherited – a trillion dollar deficit, a financial crisis and a costly recession.



6. My budget does not attempt to solve every problem or address every issue. It reflects the stark reality of what we've inherited — a trillion dollar deficit, a financial crisis and a costly recession.


7. stark的意思

7. The arithmetic searching for oil is stark.


8. Nobody whom i know will know my 51 because of the special logo-name, but stark-naked of my up-body.


9. At this moment the widow is already stark-naked!!


10. There are three men of the stark-naked in surroundings and it seems to try to grope whole body of MIRI.



11. These principles are in stark contrast to the common view that monitoring and sanctioning are the responsibility of the state and should be conducted by public employees.


12. I do anything and everything that Mr. stark requites.


13. stark的意思

13. Stark circle of rock measuring about 60 feet [18 meters] in diameter lies in the T n r desert below the massif of Adrar Madet in Niger.

意译:岩石的完全的圆形物测量大约60英尺(18米)的直径大小卧在尼日尔的T n r 沙漠在Adrar Madet山丘的下面。

14. Stark circle of rock measuring about 60 feet [18 meters] in diameter lies in the Ténéré desert below the massif of Adrar Madet in Niger.


15. 19 Ténéré desert, Niger, 1997 Photograph by George Steinmetz Stark circle of rock measuring about 60 feet [18 meters] in diameter likes in the Ténéré desert below the massif of Adrar Madet in Niger.



16. The men of Ostland resist, as they always have, fighting with relentless tenacity, seeking out those who have turned to the ways of ruin and meeting the stark terror of bloody battle with uncommon valor.


17. stark

17. This stands in stark contrast to the plight of the destitute people in the old Tibet.


18. His armor magnifies Stark strength to superhuman levels, enabling him to lift roughly 85 times.


19. Results show that the less the Stark shift is, which will weaken the interaction between the field and atom, and the higher the fidelities of the three systems are.


20. stark的近义词

20. Ullah Omar's order, the latest in a long line of anti-cultural decress, appeared to be stark response to a visit by western diplomats who travelled to Kabul after reports that ancient statues in the capital's museum were being destroyed.


stark 词典解释

1. (选择、陈述等)严峻的,令人不快的

Stark choices or statements are harsh and unpleasant.

e.g. UK companies face a stark choice if they want to stay competitive...


e.g. In his celebration speech, he issued a stark warning to Washington and other Western capitals.



That issue is presented starkly and brutally by Bob Graham and David Cairns...


The point is a starkly simple one.


2. (对比)鲜明的

If two things are in stark contrast to one another, they are very different from each other in a way that is very obvious.

e.g. ...secret cooperation between London and Washington that was in stark contrast to official policy.



Angus's childlike paintings contrast starkly with his adult subject matter in these portraits...


The outlook now is starkly different.


3. 光秃的;简易的;荒凉的

Something that is stark is very plain in appearance.

e.g. ...the stark white, characterless fireplace in the drawing room.



The desert was luminous, starkly beautiful...


The room was starkly furnished.

房间陈设简陋。stark 单语例句

1. " This test does correlate significantly with cataract formation, " Stark says.

2. Every item on the shelves seemed classy, in stark contrast to the then drab looking goods in Chinese stores.

3. Though there are stark differences in the diets between China and the West, increasingly inactive lifestyles and not getting enough exercise are common factor for all modern societies.

4. The album's grimly confessional tunes stand in stark contrast to Moore's infamously sunny public disposition.

5. A stark departure from those in downtown areas, the construction plan once caused huge controversy.

6. She said she respects the president for his enduring ties with the common man - a stark contrast to the aloofness of many American politicians.

7. These White House projections are in stark contrast to representations made by Geithner in Beijing.

8. In stark contrast to cutbacks and slowdowns throughout the global economy, some 85 projects in Luyuan expected to begin construction in April.

9. Huawei's success in the handset market is a stark contrast to its past efforts in acquiring technology assets in the US.

10. The contrast with the United States - and to some extent Europe also - could not be more stark.

starkstark 英英释义


1. providing no shelter or sustenance

e.g. bare rocky hills

barren lands

the bleak treeless regions of the high Andes

the desolate surface of the moon

a stark landscape

Synonym: barebarrenbleakdesolate

2. complete or extreme

e.g. stark poverty

a stark contrast

3. severely simple

e.g. a stark interior

Synonym: austereseverestern


1. completely

e.g. stark mad

mouth stark open