

appoint:[英 [əˈpɔɪnt] 美 [əˈpɔɪnt] ]


过去式:appointed;   过去分词:appointed;   现在分词:appointing;

appoint 基本解释


及物动词任命,委派; 约定,指定; 装设,布置

appoint 相关例句


1. appoint的翻译

1. They appointed a place to exchange stamps.


2. They appointed him (to be) manager.


3. He was appointed mayor of the city.


4. appoint什么意思

4. Our visitors arrived at the appointed time.


5. appoint的反义词

5. The time appointed for the meeting was ten o'clock.


appoint 网络解释

1. 任命:相对独立于政府是OA最大的特点,其首席顾问(Chief Counsel)必须来自私人部门,并由总统任命(appoint)、参议院批准(confirm),负责在国会、白宫、各政府部门、联邦法院和州政府讨论有关议案之前,考虑与小企业有关的意见和利害关系.

2. 委托:l 必须委托(appoint)一l 必须委托(appoint)一台币 (MOF)决定收入准公布于众 (MOF)决定资产秋公布于众 (MOF)决定分配亿美元;减去负债3 亿,公司的净资产(NAV)为8.11亿美元.

appoint 双语例句

1. appoint

1. Chinese edition assist game is versed in appoint secretary-general Liu Jie China affirm to media, total arrange of edition of new first quarter this year scent swims requirement net enterprise in the net You Zhongquan face executes real name attestation plan, and this program is effective it is the net swims prevent indulge one part of the system.


2. Chinese edition assist game is versed in appoint Hua Xiangji of secretary-general Liu Jie person affirm, total arrange of edition of new first quarter this year scent swims requirement net enterprise in the net You Zhongquan face executes real name attestation plan, and this program is effective it is the net swims prevent indulge one part of the system.


3. A bequest of the personal estate of the testator, or any bequest of personal estate described in a general manner, shall be construed to include any personal estate, or any personal estate to which that description shall extend, as the case may be, which he may have power to appoint in any manner he may think proper, and shall operate as an execution of that power, unless a contrary intention shall appear by the will.


4. appoint的解释

4. The Beiyang Government after the 1911 Revolution attempted to establish a set of systems to appoint head of county. The procedures included such systems as distribution, discrimination, training, appointment and so on.


5. He see at that time of society the productivity don't be to is prosperous, the material wealth isn't very abundant, promote to reduce expenses stanza to bury, the whole moderation in order to like, need not excessiveness waste, in managing home he lay claim to don't offend, still wise, break high and low and high or low grade boundary to appoint an able men, still together make public have unify of thought, unify not same, not durance human nature of of freedom development, but lay claim to one country inside have basic of unify of race believe in, at personal development top he lay claim to non- life, the person's destiny oneself should control, go to development oneself, perfect oneself, his non- life be the day life of opposite Confucianism to put forward of, day life's thinking the person's destiny be a God arrangement of okay, personal how effort all useless, this kind thought with profoundly durance human nature of freedom, bar person of development, rather than put forward of life then lay claim to people effort development oneself, pursue self-interest, control oneself of destiny.


6. appoint在线翻译

6. Parliament has legislative power, the president of Congress the power to veto a bill passed by Congress also have the right under certain conditions, to overturn the presidential veto; the president the right to appoint senior officials, subject to Congress recognized that Congress shall have the right to impeach the president and senior civil service; the Supreme Court judges appointed by the president and approved by Congress, the Supreme Court but also on laws passed by Congress was unconstitutional on the grounds declared invalid.


7. appoint是什么意思

7. Steps includes: first revise the comprehensive efficiency index of element awaiting assignment, then find out t he most allocation element of comprehensive efficiency index after revising, while appoint the assignment element appearance is shooting; as to the element awaiting assignment, which has sparking conflict with the forenamed element, appoint its appearance is fireless.


8. appoint的意思

8. Steps includes: first revise the comprehensive efficiency index of element awaiting assignment, then find out the most allocation element of comprehensive efficiency index after revising, while appoint the assignment element appearance is shooting; as to the element awaiting assignment, which has sparking conflict with the forenamed element, appoint its appearance is fireless.


9. appoint的意思

9. If the Court publishes the list of Suksaha's Twenty-Four Heinous Crimes, it will be plain for everyone to see that he was a rogue and a villain, and they will ask themselves how His Late Majesty came to appoint such a wicked person as Regent?


10. appoint是什么意思

10. They agreed to appoint Momus as judge, and to abide by his decision.


11. They agreed to appoint Momus as judge, and to abide by his decision. Momus, however, being very envious of the handicraft of each, found fault with all.


12. David commanded the chiefs of the Levites to appoint their brethren as chanters, to play on musical instruments, harps, lyres, and cymbals, to make a loud sound of rejoicing.


13. And David spoke to the chiefs of the Levites, to appoint some of their brethren to be singers with musical instruments, to wit, on psalteries, and harps, and cymbals, that the joyful noise might resound on high.


14. As a top manager, he should appoint none but people on their merit.


15. We'll appoint your company as our sole agent for our products in China.


16. Appoint a wicked man over him, And let an accuser stand at his right hand.



17. Appoint an evil man to oppose him; let an accuser stand at his right hand.


18. appoint的翻译

18. NIV Appoint an evil man to oppose him; let an accuser stand at his right hand.



19. Owners of not less than 10% of the shares may apply to the Lands Tribunal for an order to convene an owners'meeting. At that meeting, owners may appoint a management committee by a resolution passed by a majority of the votes of the owners voting either personally or by proxy

由合计拥有不少於 10%业权份数的业主向土地审裁处申请颁令以召开业主会议,由业主亲自出席或委派代表出席会议投票而以多数票通过的决议,委任管理委员会

20. In particular, the Israeli law recognizes two types of cases in which a court may appoint a guardian over an adult.


appoint 词典解释

1. 任命;委派;指派

If you appoint someone to a job or official position, you formally choose them for it.

e.g. It made sense to appoint a banker to this job...


e.g. The commission appointed a special investigator to conduct its own inquiry...


appoint 单语例句

1. China's State Council agreed on August 10 to appoint Chui Sai On as the new chief executive of the Macao SAR.

2. The document says organizations that use volunteers should appoint personnel to administer volunteer records.

3. The National Electoral Commission meets on Sunday to finalize the schedule and appoint an election committee.

4. And only the NPC should have the authority to appoint judges in these administrative courts.

5. The judge said he would decide next week on the children's request either to remove the trustees or appoint a special administrator for the estate.

6. The central government still retains the constitutional right to approve and appoint these political officials.

7. Erdogan raised concern with his efforts as prime minister to make adultery a crime and appoint former Islamists to key positions.

8. There are also reports that Obama will move to appoint a czar or board to oversee the companies.

9. Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra also offered to resign if asked to do so by a neutral national reconciliation committee that he would appoint.

10. Previously, the developers used to appoint their own subsidiaries to provide management services for the estate.

appoint 英英释义


1. furnish

e.g. a beautifully appointed house

2. create and charge with a task or function

e.g. nominate a committee

Synonym: namenominateconstitute

3. assign a duty, responsibility or obligation to

e.g. He was appointed deputy manager

She was charged with supervising the creation of a concordance

Synonym: charge