

revoke:[英 [rɪˈvəʊk] 美 [rɪˈvoʊk] ]


过去式:revoked;   过去分词:revoked;   现在分词:revoking;

revoke 基本解释


及物动词废除; 撤销,取消



revoke 同义词



revoke 反义词



revoke 相关词组

1. beyond revoke : 不能撤销的, 不能废除的;


revoke 相关例句



1. The police revoked his driver's license.


revoke 网络解释

1. revoke的解释

1. 撤销:perm 的值可以是下面其中一个:撤销 (Revoke) 指定使用者的权限,需和 /E 同时使用. 取代 (Replace) 指定使用者的权限. perm 的值可以是下面其中一个:拒绝 (Deny) 指定使用者存取,相当於 /P user:n

2. 撤消:第2章 使用SQL数据定义语言(DDL)创建数据表和其他数据库对象第3章 使用SQL的数据操纵语言(DML) 在SQL表内插入并操作数据第6章 使用数据控制语言(DCL)建立数据库安全性技巧116 使用GRANT ALL(以及REVOKE ALL)语句授予(GRANT)或撤消(REVOKE)对数据库对象的权限

3. 吊销:输入定单号,不仅可以在颁发之前查询您的证书颁发状态,还可以在证书颁发后重新颁发(Reissue)、替换(Replace)和吊销(Revoke)您的证书.

4. revoke什么意思

4. 取消:管理者已经取消(revoke)了国家免检(examption)制度(这个制度允许一些优秀品牌公司可实行自我检查). 中国向世界卫生组织做了通报(alert),这与它过去总是希望平息(hush up)事态的倾向形成了鲜明的对照,这是一个令人欢迎的转变.

revoke 双语例句

1. If the resident representative office of a foreign enterprise takes one of the following actions, the city`s competent department for foreign economy and trade shall impose disciplinary warning, instruct it to correct in a certain time; where it refuse to correct, the city`s competent department for foreign economy and trade shall revoke the approval, and the city`s administration for industry and commerce shall revoke the business license


2. We revoke them even if unresolved suits about them are pending, and we end these suits.


3. When the traitors are found, the sender can revoke them without involvement of the remaindering receivers.


4. To revoke these works would strengthen the tyranny of Rome and open a wider door to many and great impieties.



5. Unfortunately, you alone have the ability to revoke it.


6. revoke

6. We've decided not to revoke your privileges.


7. Click on it to revoke access to your Twitter account.


8. In data security, the right of users to dispense and revoke privileges for objects they own, e. g.


9. I'm just saying that if you gonna try and revoke her sentence.


10. I want to report loss of the credit card and revoke it.


11. This is a when certificate revoke checks better standard.


12. Article 211 CAA can revoke the business permit of public air transport and all-purpose aviation enterprises, in addition to the penalties meted out to them in accordance with provisions of this law, for relatively serious offenses against this law.


13. Years 2 months, approval of the State Council made a major administrative divisions, Hangzhou adjust, revoke Xiaoshan and Yuhang City, City, Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou City and the establishment of Yuhang District, urban construction land expansion from 143.69 sq km to 229.01 sq km, the urban population expanded from 177.18 to 2, 537, 200 people.


14. Years 2 months, approval of the State Council made a major administrative divisions, Hangzhou adjust, revoke Xiaoshan and Yuhang City, City, Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou City and the establishment of Yuhang District, urban construction land expansion from 143.69 sq km to 229.01 sq 1000 meters, the urban population expanded from 177.18 to 2, 537, 200 people.


15. We understand and accept that CIB may revoke its approval of this application if it comes to the knowledge of the CIB that we have obtained approval by any incorrect statement or misrepresentation or fraudulent means.



16. The tests will create and revoke some test certificates, so afterwards your CRLs will be populated with a few entries.


17. revoke

17. To doing business charter is absent inside period of efficacy, before buy examines and approve a license to expire of invalidation, instruct its to stop to run an activity, deadline fills handle license; Exceed the time limit did not deal with, order conduction change or cancel register; Do not deal with formalities to refus, lawfully revoke business charter.



18. Mrs Clinton proposes that Congress revoke the authority it gave Mr Bush in 2002 to wage war.


19. Since no 2 groups are identical we want a rights system where possible so that we can assign/revoke rights per group.


20. Somebody think that revoke the business license is equal to the corporations organization is canceled too.


revoke 词典解释

1. 取消,废除,撤销(许可、法律、协议等)

When people in authority revoke something such as a licence, a law, or an agreement, they cancel it.

e.g. The government revoked her husband's license to operate migrant labor crews.



The Montserrat government announced its revocation of 311 banking licences.

蒙特塞拉特岛政府宣布吊销311家银行机构的从业许可证。revoke 单语例句

1. Tong added that the SARFT will issue warnings for cinemas that do not submit actual box office revenue and revoke licenses for " serious " violators.

2. Roman Catholic nuns and priests joined the campaign to revoke the law, saying that water was a human right that should not be subject to market rules.

3. It therefore rejected Xu's request to revoke the bureau's decision not to provide information.

4. The administration added that Lee's heirs should initiate legal proceedings to revoke trademarks that already passed initial examination or have been registered.

5. Of course, it is not only impossible but also inhuman to revoke the free ride policy.

6. " The government will also revoke the license for the overloaded school bus, " Zhi added.

7. They understand very well that it would be impossible given the present political situation in Hong Kong to revoke the Handover and call for independence.

8. A lawyer told Zhang that their marriage was invalid and she could bring the case to the marriage registration department and revoke the certificate.

9. The district wants to revoke her teaching certification, which would keep her out of Texas classrooms permanently.

10. The law permits state authorities to revoke the business licenses of companies that knowingly hire illegal workers.

revoke 英英释义


1. the mistake of not following suit when able to do so

Synonym: renege


1. cancel officially

e.g. He revoked the ban on smoking

lift an embargo

vacate a death sentence

Synonym: annulliftcountermandreverserepealoverturnrescindvacate

2. fail to follow suit when able and required to do so