

lifestyle:[英 [ˈlaɪfstaɪl] 美 [ˈlaɪfˌstaɪl] ]



lifestyle 基本解释



lifestyle 网络解释

1. 生活品味:是台湾生活品味(LIFESTYLE)文化传播有限公司正式授公出版的中文简体牍图书,该书分别介绍了用微波炉可以做出蒸、炖、烤、煎各种口味的菜肴,包括猪肉、牛

lifestyle 双语例句

1. Healthy lifestyle We believe that health care consumers should be able to make educated choices about their health, and should have the tools and resources necessary to be a full participant in their health care team.


2. The most widely recognized risk factors for atherosclerotic cardioascular disease include age, gender, cigarette smoking, sedentary lifestyle, eleated LDL, reduced HDL, hypertension, and diabetes. The consistency of associations between these factors and ASCD risk across populations is substantial.


3. It can change a woman`s lifestyle, self-image and ability to work.


4. Your lifestyle can then be said to be carbon neutral or balanced.


5. And 70 percent of people said they would pass judgment about a person's lifestyle and character based on their name.


6. Two very important principles make it impossible for the movie house to be a part of the Adventist lifestyle.


7. The red zone is defined by the counter picking up the service topic and the lifestyle aspect in the pink area is characterised by a lounge.


8. They don`t want to admit they have no ability to actually pay off the debt they`ve incurred by pursuing a flamboyoant lifestyle, blowing wads of cash on high-priced wines, luxury vehicles, and an occassional line of coke — they desperately want to imagine they can keep living on money that appears from nowhere, regardless of how much they owe to everybody else and the fact that their incomes don`t even come close to matching their expenditures.


9. Discover how desire affect your lifestyle and subsequently your futur health.


10. Rural passenger transport developed, rural masses can be walked out of close, accept modern culture, improve integrated quality, the lifestyle; that establishs civilized science can improve a country to teach a level greatly, lower the rate of children discontinue one's studying of a rural area, the hospital with the better to the condition in the city farmer of OK and convenient sicken goes to the; of literacy knowledge structure that improves a farmer go to a doctor, get hurt accidentally or break out acute disease to also can in time undertake rescue to the hospital, the rate of go to a doctor that raises sicken farmer effectively, reduce cost of time of go to a doctor, save the life of sicken farmer, improve the healthy quality of the farmer.


11. It`s not an all-or-nothing lifestyle.


12. Taking part in some form of sport is also critical to the management of a healthy lifestyle.


13. The lifestyle of the mogul is an attractive one, but not for investors in their businesses.


14. No matter if people are living a traditional or modern lifestyle, helps each other is always the bridge of creating up the relationship of harmony, and it is also the basis of human advancement.


15. This year the Climate Camp has to talk about capitalism as a social process, and not slip back into talking about ethical lifestyle choices.


16. It has always been the ethic of bodybuilders to plumb the depths of human physical behavior to determine a lifestyle that would ensure optimum function.


17. President Lin Chun-shin pointed out that the lifestyle mode of consumers of the Internet era is individualized and specialized, so it is difficult to apply the traditional mass marketing tactics to them. He also shared a case of a story-like ad triggering self-reflection and a sense of loyalty among consumers. Such new cases were only pilot cases pointing out a direction. As for more delicate tactics, it would have to rely on you to ponder them out.


18. I`m still learning to do it, but living a lifestyle of value is my goal these days.


19. And I think Chinese food is delicious and the lifestyle of Chinese people is healthy.


20. Players define their online persona through the customization of their vehicles, and the acquisition of property, clothing and all the accoutrements of a luxurious car-based lifestyle.


lifestyle 词典解释

1. 生活方式

The lifestyle of a particular person or group of people is the living conditions, behaviour, and habits that are typical of them or are chosen by them.

e.g. They enjoyed an income and lifestyle that many people would envy.


e.g. ...the change of lifestyle occasioned by the baby's arrival.


2. (杂志、电视节目或产品)有关时尚生活的

Lifestyle magazines, television programmes, and products are aimed at people who wish to be associated with glamorous and successful lifestyles.

e.g. This year people are going for luxury and buying lifestyle products...


e.g. Her dream is to present a lifestyle show on television.


3. (药物)改善生活品质的

Lifestyle drugs are drugs that are intended to improve people's quality of life rather than to treat particular medical disorders.

e.g. 'I see anti-depressants as a lifestyle drug,' says Dr Charlton.


lifestyle 单语例句lifestyle

1. The businessman only came across the idea of " green collar " a year ago but has been familiar with such a lifestyle for quite a while.

2. I am a moderate environmentalist who strongly believes that a little compromise in our lifestyle should add a few good points to a greener tomorrow.

3. Jennifer Aniston is embarking on a new healthy lifestyle and has cut out cigarettes and eliminated caffeine from her diet.

4. Doctors prescribe calcium supplements for patients with osteoporosis - and also recommend lifestyle changes, such as more exercise and greater exposure to the sun.

5. The issue is dedicated to calling for people to change their lifestyle in 21 days, as part of the UNDP's awareness campaign to promote environmental sustainability.

6. He attributes the more active lifestyle of adults in other countries to their greater access to mass transit.

7. In order to continue bringing a glimpse of Korean lifestyle to all capital diners, the hotel will further expand the festival this year.

8. The public will surely positively respond to my appointment, as promoting a low carbon lifestyle is equivalent to doing charity.

9. The singer denied suggestions that she is motivated by being a celebrity or earning cash to fund her expensive lifestyle.

10. Fishermen cast nets on the green water, impressing visitors with their natural lifestyle.

lifestyle 英英释义


1. a manner of living that reflects the person's values and attitudes

Synonym: life stylelife-stylemodus vivendi