

blond:[英 [blɒnd] 美 [blɑnd] ]



blond 基本解释

形容词白肤金发碧眼的; 亚麻色的,金色的; 浅色的

名词肤色白皙的金发女人; 白肤金发碧眼人

blond 相关例句


1. This blond man delivers newspaper every morning.


2. The girl has long blond braids.


blond 网络解释

1. 金发:北欧人的特征是皮肤似乎要比一般洋人来得皙白,蓝眼睛、金发(blond)人. 他们有些国家的地区大多数都看不到太阳. 夜长昼短. 虽然有白天,但阳光却似乎总是触摸不到肌肤. 或许因为这样,北欧人也有个特性--就是热爱大太阳!

2. blond什么意思

2. 金发碧眼的:brown hair棕发 | blond 金发碧眼的 | blond hair金发

3. 金发的:audition: 试演 | blond: 金发的 | flawless: 无瑕疵的

blond 双语例句

1. Not the usual greasy dark guinzo husband but crew-cut blond, huge golden-haired forearms and broad shoulders and thin waist. And he knew he was physically stronger than any of those so-called hard guys that worked for the family.


2. Wow! Long blond hair like a waterfall on her shoulder, a shining necklace around her white neck, a golden bracelet on her slim wrist, a neatly cut fringe over a pair of big, bright, beautiful eyes, surrounded by long eyelashes painted in black, a little mouth under an impressive but not aggressive nose, a svelte and graceful body timidly hidden in a shining gold skirt, small feet well fitted into a pair of black high-heeled shoes decorated with gold ornaments, a sunny smile on her face, she looked elegant, graceful, but a little bit shy.



3. He had alighted and toss hi bridl reins to a pickaninni and stood look up at her, hi drowsy grai ey wide with a smile and the sun so bright on hi blond hair that it seem like a cap of shine silver.


4. Do we go from tall to short or blond to redhead?


5. blond什么意思

5. Most of his family have blond hair.


6. So I may stay blond if I don't cut my hair.


7. blond的解释

7. He`s quite blond with grey eyes, and he`s almost four years old.


8. I don't go for blond girls.


9. I wouldn't want you to lose a chunk of that pretty blond hair!


10. If you want to dye your hair blond, I'll have to bleach it first.


11. A thickset man with piggish eyes and sparse blond hair, he looked nothing like Harry Potter.


12. My son was born with a bush of blond hair, just like me.


13. Her long blond hair spilled down over her shoulders.


14. Her long blond hair spill ed down over her shoulders.


15. When you travel and tourism in Qingdao, when, perhaps not far from the villa, is a blond, blue-eyed beautiful girl, is the balcony top grade of coffee, affectionate towards you smile...


16. I'm a blond and I always use to use the cheapest eyebrow pencils and pay too much for clear mascara to set my brows.


17. blond的翻译

17. In my next project, I would definitely have a leggy, blond waitress!


18. We were all surprised when a leggy blond came out of the cake.


19. Thousands of miles away in the ocean on the other side, a blond, blue-eyed foreigner can Yangshuo so deep love and understanding, it is my own shallow knowledge of the unforgivable.

W.u0?{C0Z0 在千万里之遥的大洋彼岸,一个金发碧眼的外国人能对阳朔有那麽深的钟情和了解,那是我对自己的浅识所不可原谅的。

20. DwD$H0w0 Thousands of miles away in the ocean on the other side, a blond, blue-eyed foreigner can Yangshuo so deep love and understanding, it is my own shallow knowledge of the unforgivable.

_:E :Tm0 在千万里之遥的大洋彼岸,一个金发碧眼的外国人能对阳朔有那麽深的钟情和了解,那是我对自己的浅识所不可原谅的。

blond 单语例句

1. The girls slumped in wheelchairs look barely conscious, their blond heads lolling above the plastic vomit bags tied like bibs around their necks.

2. Keyes'yearbook photo shows a smiling blond girl with blue eyes.

3. He sported a metal stud under his lip and his hair was dyed blond on top and shaved close around the sides and back.

4. Jack's blond knots may be a poor attempt at dreadlocks, but those around him gradually realize he has a way of inspiring good vibes.

5. Only her blond hair mixed with gray betrayed her age, perhaps one of the oldest among the media corps that day.

6. The drinking glass should be clear and cleaned so that one can enjoy the light blond color as the beer foams up.

7. The page also featured pictures of the blond teenager posing with friends in London and Brazil and holding a baby in her arms.

8. But that didn't send her into hiding as she was later seen wearing an inexpensive blond wig.

9. Peeples as though she were trying to snatch a white baby when she took the blond Riley out of his crib.

10. One of his most famous designs was a shining conical bra, which Madonna wore during the 1990 Blond Ambition Tour.

blond 英英释义


1. a light grayish yellow to near white

Synonym: blonde

2. a person with fair skin and hair

Synonym: blonde



1. being or having light colored skin and hair and usually blue or grey eyes

e.g. blond Scandinavians

a house full of light-haired children

Synonym: blondelight-haired