

budge:[英 [bʌdʒ] 美 [bʌdʒ] ]


过去式:budged;   过去分词:budged;   现在分词:budging;

budge 基本解释


及物/不及物动词(使)稍微移动; (使)改变主意,(使)让步; (立场等)动摇; 推动

名词(毛向外翻的)羔羊皮; 革囊; 〈美方〉酒

形容词用羔羊皮装饰的; 浮夸的; 自负的; 庄严的

budge 相关例句


1. He was unable to budge the boulder.


2. Money can't budge me.


3. I can't budge him.




1. The car won't budge an inch.


2. She won't budge from her opinions.


budge 网络解释

1. 预算:[摘要]目前应用于网格的一些调度算法过于简单,不能满足对QoS的多样化需求,比如DBC(deadline and budget constrained)调度算法只支持两维的QoS需求,即截止期限(deadline)和预算(budge).

2. 使稍微移动,改变:12. Capitol Hill 美国国会 | 13. budge 使稍微移动,改变 | 14. lucrative 有利可图的,赚钱的

3. 移动:buddy-buddy 非常亲密的 | budge 移动 | budgerigar 相思鹦鹉

4. budge的翻译

4. 改变立场和态度(移动,转变):avid 热切的 | budge 改变立场和态度(移动,转变), | budget 预算,

budge 双语例句

1. But the door did not budge. Kasim named every grain of wheat he could think of.


2. If you won't budge at all, we will get nowhere.



3. Not to turn a hair; It won't budge an inch.; keeping one's body unmoved; Not a wrinkle was touched.; not the slightest stir; not to move a muscle; not to stir an eyelid


4. House of Budge committe chairman, democradic representive, Jonhs sprend quoted as deriding in his words that President Bush`s dismal legacy in fiscal matters converting record surplus into record deficits.

国家预算委员会主席,民主党人士,JS 讽刺说,总统任后在财政方面留下的可怜的遗产使得史无前例的赢余变成了极其可怜的赤字

5. budge的近义词

5. This week's summit will not budge fiscal policy, least of all in the US.


6. I lay like a log: didn`t budge, didn`t hear, and didn`t speak


7. budge是什么意思

7. For the change of product in WHQ shop catalog, avoiding waste (Double and mis-applying), over loading of secretary'work and limited District budge, we decide to use the following new policy for the name badge issue.


8. To budge the belly fat, you have to look at what you eat and how active you are.



9. Even the Wall Street Journal, which habitually wrinkles its nose at the faintest whiff of garlic, gave a rave review to a speech this week in which Mr Sarkozy said he could not let Iran acquire a nuclear bomb, would not budge on Israel's security and would step up France's military contribution in Afghanistan.



10. I don't budge till I get the word from Mike.



11. In the wrong order, they don't budge the cylinders in the lock.


12. I don't budge till I get the word from Mick.


13. Sh! don't budge, and let me speak.


14. budge的解释

14. Fix your district, fix your price, then don't budge.


15. Yes, there would be an amount of stress especially during the initial few months but if you don't budge and keep going you will be able to beat that stress easily.


16. If they don`t budge, plans for an international fuel bank of last resort, to help dissuade countries going for nuclear power from thinking they need proliferation-prone uranium-enrichment and plutonium-making capacities too, are likely to fail.


17. These include the life circle model, organization framework of the developer, duty assignment, target management and PRI, technics and CASE tools, and the detailed schedule, budge and resource distribution.


18. budge

18. Haulier Craig Eley, who launched the roadblocks that became a feature of the earlier action, warned: It will be a mega-protest if the government does not budge.

Craig Eley警告说:「如果政府未动摇本意的话,这将会是一个声势浩大的抗议活动,且影响英国甚钜,而国家将受到空前的重创」。

19. I was bending over backwards to get you to budge.


20. She wouldn't budge, so we have nothing to talk about.


budge 词典解释

1. (使)改变主意;(使)让步

If someone will not budge on a matter, or if nothing budges them, they refuse to change their mind or to come to an agreement.

e.g. Both sides say they will not budge...


e.g. The Americans are adamant that they will not budge on this point...


2. (使)移动;挪动

If someone or something will not budge, they will not move. If you cannot budge them, you cannot make them move.

e.g. Her mother refused to budge from London...


e.g. The window refused to budge...


budge 单语例句

1. But there are three good reasons for central banks not to budge this time around and let adjustment take its more natural course.

2. While coal companies demand a large price hike, power companies refuse to budge.

3. Harris has refused to budge since Yi's party requested a trade immediately after the draft.

4. The situation has become so alarming that authorities are mulling mounting surveillance cameras on ambulances to film drivers who refuse to budge.

5. It is generally believed that if Iran does not budge, it is likely the Security Council will step in.

6. The lemon juice in the tea contained sugar, but she simply refused to budge.

7. The seasoned " black taxi " drivers are very confident in their own " quoted price " and are not likely to budge.

8. They've basically hit a stalemate and neither side is willing to budge.

9. That blemish thwarted Federer's chance of holding the full set of majors at once, achieved by Laver and Don Budge.

10. But her husband has the same argument and neither of them is planning to budge.

budge 英英释义


1. move very slightly

e.g. He shifted in his seat

Synonym: stirshiftagitate