

termite:[英 [ˈtɜ:maɪt] 美 [ˈtɜ:rmaɪt] ]



termite 基本解释


termite 网络解释

1. 特米特铅基轴承合金:termite resistant cable 防蚁光缆 | Termite 特米特铅基轴承合金 | Termitkill 邻二氯苯

2. 白蚁;加热剂:terminus 终点;目标 | termite 白蚁;加热剂 | terms hereinafter 下述条款

termite 双语例句

1. Many of them are engaged in termite control, anti-chemical warfare Miehai years of practical work of experts, engineers and technicians who not only has a wealth of practical experience and professional counterparts have a solid theoretical foundation.


2. Swarming of termite was important sexual behavior.


3. termite什么意思

3. The immunocytochemical localization of Fos in the brain of reproductive termite was examined with SABC method.


4. What I liked about Termite is that it is simple and fast.


5. I wanted something similar to Termite that was open source.


6. termite的解释

6. If you see this kind of damage, it might be a good idea to pay for a professional termite inspection so that you can get more information.


7. You need to get the termite treatment done immediately.


8. It returns to dust by termite. The things happened before and after its life are unknown.


9. Due to the usage of preservative added on the timber materials, the necessity for the officers to choose timber materials with better anti-termite property might be reduced. So, whether to use timbers produced in Taiwan, China-fir imported from China or the Japanese cedar imported from Japan was mainly determined by the trade policy of the government and the market structure.


10. The research emerged in Taiwan due to many public buildings and governor`s residency were seriously damaged by termite within a decade short after the Japanese Occupation.


11. Taking Taiwania cryptomerioides as an example, as estimation, the preservation treated sill of one wooden construction building with a floor area of 136 m2 could reduce 43.72 kg CO2 which fixed in the wood would return to the atmosphere by the gnawing of termite. And it would reduce 129.90 kg and 123.50 kg of CO2 caused by the infringement of Lenzites betulina and Laetiporus sulphureus respectively.

CO2减量效益方面,建筑物若加以适当的木材防腐后,以台湾杉试材经AAC防腐,所改善的试材重量损失率为例,一栋面积为136 m2木质构造建筑物之地槛材部分,可减少因台湾家白蚁啃蚀造成木材中固定的CO2约43.72 kg返还大气;抵抗白腐菌及褐腐菌侵害而言,减少129.90及123.50 kg的CO2返还大气。

12. termite

12. To obtain a better understanding of the microbiota inhabiting the intestinal tract of wood-feeding lower termites, the European subterranean termite, Reticulitermes santonensis (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae), was used as a model system.

为了对木食性白蚁肠道共生微生物有一个全面的了解,以揭示白蚁肠道共生微生物在木质纤维素消化中的作用,本论文在国际上首次报道了应用分子克隆,DNA指纹分析,及荧光原位杂交等多种先进的分子生物学技术,以散白蚁Reticulitermes santonensis为模式系统研究低等木食性白蚁肠道内不同微生态环境中细菌的区系结构及多样化和主要细菌类群在该白蚁肠道的分布与定位等问题,并研究了与散白蚁Reticulitermes flavipes肠道共生鞭毛虫P.vertens相关的共生细菌的系统发育类型。

13. To obtain a better understanding of the microbiota inhabiting the intestinal tract of wood-feeding lower termites, the European subterranean termite, Reticulitermes santonensis (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae), was used as a model system. The diversity and structure of the bacterial community in the different niches of the gut, as well as the distribution and location of major bacterial phylotypes within the intestinal tract was evaluated using various molecular techniques such as clonal analysis, DNA fingerprinting, and fluorescence in situ hybridization. In addition, the symbiotic bacteria associated with the flagellate, Pyrsonympha vertens in the gut of the closely related Eastern subterranean termite, Reticulitermes flavipes, were phylogenetically characterized.

为了对木食性白蚁肠道共生微生物有一个全面的了解,以揭示白蚁肠道共生微生物在木质纤维素消化中的作用,本论文在国际上首次报道了应用分子克隆,DNA指纹分析,及荧光原位杂交等多种先进的分子生物学技术,以散白蚁Reticulitermes santonensis为模式系统研究低等木食性白蚁肠道内不同微生态环境中细菌的区系结构及多样化和主要细菌类群在该白蚁肠道的分布与定位等问题,并研究了与散白蚁Reticulitermes flavipes肠道共生鞭毛虫P.vertens相关的共生细菌的系统发育类型。

14. This review focused on the transformation of SOC by three typical soil-feeding macrofauna, termite (Isoptera: Termitidae), rose beetle larva (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) and earthworm (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae), using 14C isotope tracer technique. The microbial activities related to the transformation processes are also discussed.


15. Drywood termite Cryptotermes domesttcus is a serious pest causing wood damage. It is one of the most important termite species in China.

截头堆砂向蚁Cryptotermes domestictis是世界性蛀木害虫,也是我国主要危害木材的白蚁之一。

16. By the observation for the foraging behavior of Odontotermes formosanus, the food choice of this termite was studied.


17. The first was too worm-like, looking like a bloated queen termite.


18. Through pressurizing, the serial antiseptic material of CCA and ACQ can prevent the erosion of the mould, termite and microorganism effectively, and extend the life-span greatly, which has already widely used in the buildings and outdoor view facilities of different types of structure under different environments, such as the wayside pavilion, balcony, ladder step, flower shelf, palisade, quay, wooden bridge, outdoor floor, chair, stool, bar, signpost, dustbin, large-scale sports facility, military facilities, timber structure house, etc.

上海久景装饰木业有限公司经过加压处理生产的 CCA 和 ACQ 系列防腐材,能有效地防止霉菌、白蚁和微生物的侵蚀,极大地延长使用期限。已被广泛应用于不同环境下的各种类型结构的建筑物和户外景观设施,如凉亭、露台、阶梯步道、花架、围篱、码头、木桥、户外地板、椅子、凳子、栅栏、路牌、垃圾箱以及大型体育设施、军用设施、木结构房屋等。

19. South the pine lumber unique molecular structure, can cause the antiseptic to seep evenly to the lumber in, prevented effectively the fungus, the termite and the microorganism swallows the lumber.


20. And stick it up the ass of termite in Tehran.


termite 词典解释

1. 白蚁

Termites are small white insects which live in hot countries in homes made of earth. Termites do a lot of damage by eating wood.

termite 单语例句

1. Termite mushroom can be shredded and put on a pizza, according to the chef.

2. The renovation work also includes removing the air conditioners on the outside walls and termite prevention.

3. The documentary takes a look at the disastrous effects a rain flood has on a termite community.

termite 英英释义


1. whitish soft-bodied ant-like social insect that feeds on wood

Synonym: white ant