

bacterial:[英 [bæk'tɪərɪəl] 美 [bæk'tɪərɪrl] ]


bacterial 基本解释

形容词细菌的; 细菌性


bacterial 网络解释

1. 细菌性:无论PCA阴性或阳性炎症很少局限于胃窦或胃体,与Strickland分类不完全一致,因此,此标准与国内情况不完全符合. (5)1988年Wyatt和Dixon将慢性胃炎大体分为自身免疫性(autoimmune),细菌性(bacterial)和化学性损伤(chemicaldamage).

2. 细菌的:bacteria 细菌 | bacterial 细菌的 | bacteric 细菌的

3. 细菌性斑点病:axillary 腋窝的,叶腋的,腋生的 | bacterial 细菌性斑点病 | bagworm 节草虫

4. bacterial什么意思

4. 细菌:result 结果, 产生,致使,导致 | bacterial 细菌 | infection 感染

bacterial 双语例句


1. Results 8 cases were all subacute, and had heart failure. Among them, 3cases also had hydropericardium, 2 had cardiac shock, 7 had bacterial infection.

结果 8例患儿严重心脏毒性均为亚急性,均发生心力衰竭,其中合并心包积液3例,合并心源性休克2例,合并细菌感染7例。

2. bacterial

2. In general, young children tend to get viral tonsillitis, and older children and adults get bacterial infections.


3. Lysozyme is a ubiquitous enzyme in the nature. It can kill bacterium by lysing the bacterial cell wall.


4. bacterial是什么意思

4. Results Autopsy documents showed that parasite and virus infections were most often found in patients with AIDS and bacterial and mycetogenous infections secondly.



5. With the more comprehensive use of BT biotic pesticidal, silkworm bacterial toxicosis threntened the development and safety of sericulture in our country.


6. Results: There was efficient on both treatment grope and control grope in treating bacterial keratitis. Five days later, there was significant deviatian between the two gropes, the treaty grope is better than the contrasted one in effect of treating and visual and elleviating such as tickle, ache, photophobia and lacrimation.


7. Objective To evaluate the efficacy and safety of ozone in the treatment of vulvovaginal candidiasis and bacterial vaginosis.


8. Continual sebum production and bacterial overgrowth increase the inflammation around the follicle even further.

脓疱 皮脂的不断产生和细菌的过度会进一步增加毛囊周围炎症。

9. Capsule staining and observing are basic skills in bacterial certification. It needs proper staining methods and proficiency to make staining slide of capsule better, because the capsule has low refraction and low affinity with dyes.


10. ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE:To evaluate the efficacy and safety o f piperacillin/tazobactam in treatment of bacterial infections.


11. Objective To evaluate the efficiency and safety of piperacillin/tazobactam in the treatment of cirrhotic patients with spontaneous bacterial peritonitis.


12. ABSTRACT]ObjectiveTo study the staining of bacterial flagellum under different staining conditions and to find an appropriate way of it.

摘要] 目的探讨不同的染色条件对细菌鞭毛染色效果影响,寻找一套适合的染色方法。

13. The formation of wear-resistant, anti-bacterial, anti-mite, the tensile strength; feeling more comfortable and soft.


14. The result was obtained as following: the bacterial quantity in tye city sewage overflows was high, the average of bacterial quantity was 82×105 cell/ml, the average of Faecal coliforms quantity was 35×108 cell/L.

结果表明:排污水中的细菌数量相当高,平均为 8 2× 1 0 5 个/ml,粪大肠杆菌数量高达 3 5× 1 0 8个/L。

15. Key words heat disinfection far infrared rays factors influencing bactericidal efficacy bacterial spore Bacillus subtilis var.



16. The result showed that theanti-bacterial activity increased to 26 times of the unpurified fermentation broth.


17. METHODS: The suspected pathogens and unculturable phylotypes in subgingival oral flora from chronic periodontitis sufferer were detected by PCR based on species-specific ribosomal 16S rRNA gene. A KAPPA calculation was used to analyze the relationship between any two bacterial species.

使用基于16S rRNA基因检测的PCR法,对慢性牙周炎患者龈下菌斑中牙周可疑致病微生物和代表性未获培养微生物进行检测,通过KAPPA检验分析任意两种细菌对间的关系。


18. In this article, we purified a natural lectin FC-L from the plasma of F. chinensis by affinity chromatography. The serological and chemical characteristics, carbohydrate-binding specificity and bacterial-binding properties of this novel lectin were also studied. we cloned a prophenoloxidasegene and a hemocyanin gene from Fenneropenaeus chinensis. The characterization, tissue localization, expression after challenged by different pathogens and their relations were also analyzed. A natural lectin from the plasma of the shrimp F. chinensis was purified by singlestep affinity chromatography using fetuin-coupled agarose.


19. Pott's puffy tumor is defined as scalp swelling due to subperiosteal abscess resulting from osteomyelitis of the frontal bone secondary to bacterial sinusitis.


20. SectionⅡ.Clinical features of bacterial vaginosis mixed infectionsObjective:To explore clinical features of BV and its mixed infection, and providehelp for the clinical diagnosis of BV and its mixed infection.


bacterial 词典解释

1. 细菌的;细菌引起的

Bacterial is used to describe things that relate to or are caused by bacteria.

e.g. Cholera is a bacterial infection.


bacterial 单语例句bacterial的反义词

1. The microbiological tests covered total bacterial count, coliform organisms and pathogens.

2. A red alert will indicate a bacterial food poisoning risk of at least 25 percent, while a yellow alert will mean a 15 to 24 percent risk.

3. The same is true of the bacterial STDs syphilis, gonorrhea and chlamydia.

4. Because the human body harbours 10 times more bacterial cells than human cells, scientists are trying to understand more about the bacteria we carry.

5. Meningococcal meningitis is a severe bacterial infection of the bloodstream and meninges.

6. The scientists constructed family trees for 23 of the contentious bacterial genes and searched more complete databases than the consortium to find matches.

7. With the residue passing to humans through the food, it would raise bacterial resistance and make drugs less effective for treating various human infections.

8. The Australian scientists knew that one type of fruit fly often is infected with a strain of bacterial parasite that cuts its lifespan in half.

9. Scientists are also trying to keep milk free of chemicals by using herbal medicines to treat bacterial infections in cows and increase their milk production.

10. Weather forecasters in Shanghai will offer a service next year which will tell people the risk of bacterial food poisoning based on temperature conditions.

bacterialbacterial 英英释义


1. relating to or caused by bacteria

e.g. bacterial infection