

propagate:[英 [ˈprɒpəgeɪt] 美 [ˈprɑ:pəgeɪt] ]


过去式:propagated;   过去分词:propagated;   现在分词:propagating;

propagate 基本解释

及物动词繁衍,增殖; 使遗传; 扩散; 使蔓延

不及物动词繁殖; 扩大; [物] 通过媒介传送

propagate 相关例句


1. Most plants propagate by seed.


2. propagate的近义词

2. Trees propagate themselves by seeds.


3. Water easily propagates sound.


propagate 网络解释

1. 繁殖:第一级路径依赖是时间内的关系(intertemporalrelationship第二级是在时间关系内繁殖(propagate)错误;第三级不仅仅繁殖了错误,而且是不可避免的无效率.

2. propagate的翻译

2. 扩散:而且往往一个视图需要对诸多试图进行选择事件的监听,因此在这种情况下对每一个视图的事件进行注册,比较繁琐,有时候也不可能(比如在需要被监听的试图尚未激活的情况下). 然后再setSelection()中对事件进行扩散(propagate)

3. 传播法向:Reverse倒转法向 | Propagate传播法向 | Conform统一法向

propagate 双语例句

1. propagate的解释

1. It is feasible in the production to propagate the superior individual trees of Magnolia officinalis with improved cleft grafting.



2. In order to research the mechanism of dynamic fracture, the fractured surface of dynamic tensile and dynamic fracture is investigated by microscope-analysis technique. The results are obtained as follows:(1) Under the condition of dynamic tensile, there is a brittle fracture feature in the local weak-link though the metals still show the ductile fracture feature.(2) The bright belt in the impact fracture surface is caused by the fatigue precrack blunt, a distribution of crack stretched zone. The width of the bright belt decreases with an increasing of the loading rate and a decreasing of the experimental temperature.(3) The dynamic crack doesn't start initiation from the crack tip, namely root of fatigue crack, but from the distance x〓 between crack tip, as the condition of cleavage crack nucleation and propagate are satisfied in there.



3. His works now only served to prolong and propagate the evil proposition the prophet proclaimed, and all with great proficiency. M



4. By RT-PCR amplification, we found that PnV exists in uninfected LY16 cells, therefore LY16 cells are persistent infection with PnV. In conclusions, (1) LY16 cells are PnV-persistent infection cells; (2) PnV can infect both LY cells and silkworm larvae; (3) and the origin pathogen of silkworm may either PnV contaminated from lab during rearing or viral pathogens of silkworm origin which can`t propagate in LY16 cells.

因此本研究的结论是(1) LY16是PnV持续感染的细胞株系;(2) PnV 亦可以感染黑角舞蛾细胞株及家蚕;(3)最起初罹病之家蚕疑是在实验室饲养时被PnV感染,抑或是罹病家蚕的病原体未能在LY16细胞内增殖。

5. propagate

5. The results indicatethat the cut-off region of gravity waves seems not affected by winds, whilereflecting and propagating regions are significantly influenced. Thereflecting region reduces when gravity waves propagate downwind and expands whenagainst wind.


6. Different from Moser's method, this approach only sets secondary sources on interfaces between different media. Rays from a secondary source can reach nodes as long as paths don't penetrate interfaces. Waves propagate along accurate paths in homogeneous layers or blocks.


7. This is a key concept missing from social life and one that designers effectively propagate in their work.


8. Of course, that's silly because sound doesn't propagate in space.



9. In all other fields the newspapers originate and propagate slang, particularly in politics.


10. The regular patterns are also discussed briefly that waves propagate in periodic structures in this paper.


11. Second part, Propagate the main object in ideological work.


12. Either of a pair of animals or birds that associate in order to propagate.


13. Plants won't propagate in these conditions.


14. propagate的近义词

14. Structure of edge, screw, and mixed dislocations, and the mechanisms by which they propagate strain are covered.


15. In section one, by using FICE scheme and TIME-GCM, a model of trace gases and OH airglow affected by gravity wave is set up, then the propagation of nonlinear gravity wave and the effect on trace gases and OH airglow are analyzed. The result shows gravity wave excited by tropospause forcing can propagate stably to the mesosphere through the stratosphere so that energy and momentum can be transferred from one region to another. In this process, gravity wave undergoes growth, overturning, convection and breaking. And the no-isothermal structure can accelerate the breaking of gravity wave in mesospause, and the breaking of gravity wave is an important source of convection and small-scale waves.


16. In section one, by using FICE scheme and TIME-GCM, a model of trace gases and OH airglow affected by gravity wave is set up, then the propagation of nonlinear gravity wave and the effect on trace gases and OH airglow are analyzed. The result shows gravity wave excited by tropospause forcing can propagate stably to the mesosphere through the stratosphere so that energy and momentum can be transferred from one region to another. In this process, gravity wave undergoes growth, overturning, convection and breaking. And the no-isothermal structure can accelerate the breaking of gravity wave in mesospause, and the breaking of gravity wave is an important source of convection and small-scale waves. The propagation of gravity wave will affect the distribution of minor species.


17. The fast and slow waves can both propagate in the waveguide system.


18. Propagate those familiar eutrophical algae such as Chlamydomonas, scenedesmus and pediastrum and then culture them 7d by adding EM in liquidmedium.



19. However, the strains M41, H52, H120 andGray, but not Holte, Connecticut and M52-19, could propagate in freshly digested HeLacells.


20. propagate的翻译

20. Themain projects are: 1: IBV propagation in HeLa cells Allantoic fluid of IBV strains including M41, H52, H120, Gray, Holte, Connecticutand M52-19 (a Beaudette52-19 strain) containing IBV 5×10~(304) EID50 was inoculated intoconfluent HeLa monolayers or freshly digested HeLa with 0.25% trypsin. All of them could not propagate in HeLa cell monolayers.

S1基因的变异在IBV跨种感染过程中的作用 M41毒株在新鲜消化的HeLa细胞上持续传26代,RT-PCR扩增第1代、第5代和第21代病毒的S1基因,结果显示第1代跟第5代S1基因的序列完全一致,而第21代与第1代相比也仅仅只有一个碱基(A728G)的改变,导致一个氨基酸的变异。

propagate 词典解释

1. 宣传;传播;使普及

If people propagate an idea or piece of information, they spread it and try to make people believe it or support it.

e.g. They propagated political doctrines which promised to tear apart the fabric of British society.



...the propagation of true Buddhism.


2. 繁殖,培植(植物)

If you propagate plants, you grow more of them from the original ones.

e.g. The easiest way to propagate a vine is to take hardwood cuttings...


e.g. The pasque flower can be propagated from seed.



...the successful propagation of a batch of plants.

一批植株的成功繁殖propagate 单语例句propagate

1. China's ancient sage is helping the country propagate its language and culture abroad.

2. Western countries propagate the notion that China tops the list of carbon emitters.

3. Ten pairs of ibises were set free into the wild on Thursday in Shaanxi Province to help the wild species of rare bird propagate.

4. He feels the commercial benefits will encourage people to propagate more wild animals and increase their number.

5. However, the media and certain government departments should do their jobs and not propagate false rumors.

6. The core values they propagate are still there in the depth of our national psyche.

7. Kung's mission is to propagate the idea of this " model city of peace and harmony " across the world.

8. Programs that propagate western ideology and politics should not be imported, the rule said.

propagate 英英释义


1. multiply sexually or asexually

2. cause to propagate, as by grafting or layering

3. cause to become widely known

e.g. spread information

circulate a rumor

broadcast the news

Synonym: circulatecircularizecircularisedistributedisseminatebroadcastspreaddiffusedispersepass around

4. transmit or cause to broaden or spread

e.g. This great civilization was propagated throughout the land

5. become distributed or widespread

e.g. the infection spread

Optimism spread among the population

Synonym: spread

6. transmit

e.g. propagate sound or light through air

7. travel through the air

e.g. sound and light propagate in this medium

8. transmit from one generation to the next

e.g. propagate these characteristics