

depress:[英 [dɪˈpres] 美 [dɪˈprɛs] ]


过去式:depressed;   过去分词:depressed;   现在分词:depressing;

depress 基本解释


及物动词压下,压低; 使沮丧; 使萧条; 使跌价

depress 同义词



depress 反义词


depress 相关例句


1. The rainy days always depress me.


2. When business is depressed, there is usually an increase in unemployment.



3. He was depressed because he had not passed his examinations.



4. Does mass unemployment depress wages?


5. Rainy weather always depresses me.


depress 网络解释

1. 降低,压下:depredation 劫掠,抢夺 | depress 降低,压下 | deprive 剥夺

2. depress在线翻译

2. 压低:depredation 掠夺 | depress 压低 | depressant 抑制药

3. 压下:195. latch circuit 锁存电路 | 196. depress 压下 | 197. flip-flop 触发器

depress 双语例句

1. In order to depress the lose of ammonia, technological experiments are conducted to test the effects of modi...


2. IFN-γ and LDH revealed the significances and positive relationship in the CRAL group, but the amount of leukemic cells and LDH revealed the significances positive relationship. Conclusions The level of LDH can reveal the leukemic cells burden in AL patients, the high amount of leukemic cells can decrease the expression of IFN-γ in the new or recurred AL patients and depress AL patients` immunity, MRD can affect the expression of IFN-γ in the CRAL patients.


3. And place the suction tip of the pipette into a special container receiving the dispensed liquid. The tip must be close to the inner wall of the container. Depress the pushing knob to the first stop and further more to discharge the solution completely from the tip. After that, you can take away the pipette


4. Proliferation experiment: transformed endometrial glandular epithelium cells doubing time about 52.8 hour, after exponential phase of growth, cells arrest accrementition, activity depress, the ability of ingest MTT drop out.


5. Between 0.8 and 1.2 minimum alveolar anesthetic concentration, isoflurane does not depress neurons in the dorsal horn, suggesting that it acts at a more ventral site within the spinalcord such as in premotor interneurons and motoneurons.

在0.8-1.2个 MAC ,异氟醚对背侧角的神经元不产生抑制,提示其还作用于另外的脊髓腹侧部位,例如前运动中间神经元及运动神经元。

6. Fans have their own life and they paid money to buy tickets, they spent time to the game and you can't provide with only craps to depress them.


7. At that time A dare not have what complaint for certain, and can express to be willing even depress quote, or still 20 million is produce can be on short commons ah!


8. depress的翻译

8. The ends have two flanges that allow you to easily depress the spring to install or remove.


9. Finally, a new method to depress VFTO was proposed, i. e.


10. Hepatic cell damage model was prepared by the induction of d glan and lps in vitro separately and then the two different protective effects were compared. results: both wuling capsule and pure component could obviously depress the levels of alt, ldh l, mao and gsh st, which were higher in damaged primary hepatic cells induced by d galn and lps. schisandrin b, crytotanshinone and tanshinoneⅱa were the efficient components analyzed from nutrient solution and hepatic cells.

结果:在与对照品对照条件下,经hplc分析五灵胶囊中各成分的滞留时间与各对照品时间一致;五灵胶囊和其他3对照品可使d glan、lps诱导损伤原代肝细胞的alt,ldh l,mao,gsh st和mda水平显著降低,有效地拮抗d glan和lps对肝细胞的损伤;在受损肝细胞内测定五灵胶囊的化学成分有五味子醇甲、五味子乙素、隐丹参酮和丹参酮ⅱа。

11. The coat contains nontoxic and elastic paint which is of low water resistance and which schleps rust and guard against rust and which is of the virtue of keeping clean and unpoisonous, also it can depress the growth of the lichen and worm effectively.


12. Ullah Omar's order, the latest in a long line of anti-cultural decress, appeared to be stark response to a visit by western diplomats who travelled to Kabul after reports that ancient statues in the capital's museum were being destroyed.


13. depress什么意思

13. Results:(1) FSN can inhibit secondary joints swelling and multi-arthritis evidently, improve the whole condition of rats; at the same time, it can also lighten the synovial inflammation and hyperplasia of lesion joints distinctly, and prevent the joint cartilage and bone from destruction; the collective efficiency of FSN is better than TWP.(2) FSN can raise AA rats low LTT of spleen to normal nearly, remedy the disorder of Th/Ts and Thl/Th2 cells balance in peripheral blood, restrain exorbitant TNF- a? IL-1 produced by PM O, thereof exert anti-inflammatory and immunoregulation effect.(3) Inside the lesion joints, FSN can depress abnormal hyper-expression of TNF- a mRNA and NF-kB in synovial tissues, as well as advance the expression of Caspase-3 (a proteolytic enzyme of apoptosis), reduce synovial immflamination and proliferation.(4) FSN can lower the expression of VEGF in synovial tissue, reduce neogenetic veins, so inhibit the growth of pannus tissue and the damage of cartilage and bone by that.(5) The above effect of FSN are in proportion to its dosage. Conclusions: FSN has inhibitory effects on symptom and condition of experimental RA, which is better than TWP as a whole.


14. Additionally, our results also showed that fengycins could depress the activity of PLA2 secreted by F. moniliforme, which might contribute to the antifungal activity of fengycins against F. moniliforme.


15. depress的解释

15. It is reported in this paper that diphenylcarbazone reacts with Hg in pH 2.2 in the presence of Tween─60 to form a purple complex with its absorption maximum at 486 nm. The existence of chloride will depress the absorption of the complex. The negative absorption will be proportional to the consistence of chloride.

摘要﹞ 在pH为2.2的酸性介质中,在吐温-60溶液的存在下,Hg与二苯卡巴形成紫色的配合物,其最大吸收波长为486 nm,氯离子的存在可使原紫色配合物吸光度降低,其负吸光度与氯离子浓度成正比。

16. The simulation result shows that our mechanism can efficiently depress the traffic overhead of Gnutella network, reduce redundancy messages, and improve its scalability.


17. Assess the patients and the normal people with measuring scales of fatigue, anxiety, depress and living event.


18. I was missed out my kids birth day party last night due to I was busy to talk some of important topic on phone, I was really sorry to my kids, I really felt that I was very depress this few days, the things was beyond our control, which I really hated that the iron doesn't become to steel?



19. Results: Compound 909 could remarkably improve the learning-memory abilities of dementia rats. It could inhibit the activity of AChE, increase the level ss of ACh, enhance the activity of SOD, depress the levels of MDA and NO. reduce the expression of APP, and decrease blood viscosity, plasma viscosity and indexs of erythro cyte aggregation. We also made it clear that it could inhibit the apoptosis and upregulate the expression of bcl-2 gene in the PC 12 cells injured by QA.


20. We perfuse the routine tool medicine as Glumatic acid, Acetylcholine, γ-aminobutyric acid, 5-hydroxytryptae(5-HT) and Glycine to the brain slice each one which are the ones that spontaneous discharge release much more steady, the result we find that the Glu, Ach and 5-HT have some evident periaqueductal gray stimulation, the GABA and Gly can depress the hippocampal neuronal, s discharage significantly.

在自发放电较稳定的脑薄片上单一、分次的灌流常规工具药谷氨酸(glutmate acid,Glu)、已酰胆碱(acetylcholine,Ach)、γ-氨基丁酸(γ-aminobutyric acid,GABA)、5-羟色胺(5-hydroxytryptae,5-HT)、甘氨酸(Glycine,Gly)等处理,发现Glu、Ach和5-HT对海马神经元有明显的兴奋作用,而GABA和Gly的抑制效应相当显著。

depress 词典解释

1. 使抑郁;使沮丧;使消沉

If someone or something depresses you, they make you feel sad and disappointed.

e.g. I must admit the state of the country depresses me...


e.g. I know he is too optimistic but I don't want to depress him.


2. 降低;减少

If something depresses prices, wages, or figures, it causes them to become less.


e.g. The stronger U.S. dollar depressed sales.


depress 单语例句depress的意思

1. He also backed claims that the company had treated animals cruelly, and that its workers'low pay had helped to depress wages in the catering trade.

2. But when the ceiling is lower than reasonable, it would depress the supply.

3. Lower investment by OPEC could sharply push up crude prices and this could stifle demand and depress the global economy in the long run.

4. A decline of the greenback also helped depress the reserves value as a big share of the holdings were US treasury bills.

5. The decline increased the oil market's concerns that hesitant consumers would further weaken the economy and depress demand for fuel.

6. The fallout could further depress US housing prices by making it harder to find buyers for a glut of foreclosed homes.

7. While initial public offerings " draw money out of the market and depress prices, it doesn't mean that the company or economy is not fundamentally sound ".

8. But these measures depress the underlying real economy whose growth is fundamental to mitigating the capital economy boom.

9. The subprime meltdown will gradually depress the values of securities backed by these mortgages, which have been sold to investors around the world.

10. When companies are reducing their stockpiles because they are worried about future sales, it can further depress overall economic growth.

depress 英英释义


1. lessen the activity or force of

e.g. The rising inflation depressed the economy

2. press down

e.g. Depress the space key

Synonym: press down

3. cause to drop or sink

e.g. The lack of rain had depressed the water level in the reservoir

Synonym: lower

4. lower someone's spirits

make downhearted

e.g. These news depressed her

The bad state of her child's health demoralizes her

Synonym: dejectcast downget downdismaydispiritdemoralizedemoralise

5. lower (prices or markets)

e.g. The glut of oil depressed gas prices