

germ:[英 [dʒɜ:m] 美 [dʒɜ:rm] ]



germ 基本解释

名词微生物; [生]幼芽,胚芽; 起源,萌芽

germ 相关例句


1. It's just the germ of an idea, but something may come out of it.


2. germ什么意思

2. Disease is usually caused by germs.


3. germ

3. Is this milk free from germs?


germ 网络解释

1. 幼芽:另外,遗传与病毒感染(virus infection)或自体免疫系统失常也会造成糖尿病. 饮食治疗师梁丽云说,榖分3个部份,即谷壳(Bran)、内胚乳(Endosperm)和幼芽(Germ). 内胚乳是碳水化合物和蛋白质的丰富来源,含有维他命B群、维他命.

germ 双语例句

1. Furthermore, this case represents a unique opportunity to understand the pathobiology of trophoblastic neoplasms arising from germ-cell tumors.


2. Apoptotic germ-cell death and testicular damage in experimental diabetes: prevention by endothelin antagonism.


3. IPS cells generated with OSK and Tbx3 are superior in both germ-cell contribution to the gonads and germ-line transmission frequency.


4. Male mice germ-cell USD test: There was not significant difference between the UDS induced by different dose groups of water-decocted liquid of Zanthoxylum nitidum DC and that of negative control group.


5. Primary mediastinal germ-cell tumors without gonadal involvement are rare and can be divided into benign mature teratoma and malignant seminoma or nonseminoma.



6. Demonstration of ETT as one of the histologic manifestations of recurrent testicular germ-cell tumors should encourage pathologists to recognize this unique feature in assessing posttreatment mixed germ-cell neoplasm.


7. This report describes a rare case of a concurrent epithelioid trophoblastic tumor and a teratoma in a para-aortic lymph node from a 39-year-old male patient with the initial diagnosis of testicular malignant mixed germ-cell tumor. The metastatic lesion was excised 2 years after orchiectomy and chemotherapy.


8. Here was the germ of a brilliant idea.


9. Inevitable! Now here was a germ of heresy. Something to devote one's years to!


10. We see here the primal germ of Manichism.


11. Germ depends on, ability of child make a clear distinction between right and wrong is poor, lack controls oneself; Educational means is drab, learning environment is as dry as a chip and drab; Guide be short of break, grooming besides study and specialty still is these, and recreational activities of the other in the life little, and the recreational place spending of and so on of such as cinema is high, your child too far behind to catch up with, bring about the child to feel the life lacks colour very, produce repugn tired thereby, it is inimical behavior even.



12. CaB participated in the human odontogen esis. Besides, the express of CaB in human toot h germ development was time-specific and cell-specific.


13. Living people's health in order to meet the needs of 2004 new sunflower salad oil and corn germ oil÷project.


14. germ

14. Rabbits in the model group received thiopental sodium 30 mg/kg intraperitoneally. The inner knee joints of two sides were fetched in no germ condition about 3 cm in length. If there was no general disease, an eye scissors was used to cut off the anterior, posterior cruciate ligament, medial collateral ligament, and full medial meniscus was ectomized to form a model.

实验方法:模型组用硫喷妥钠30 mg/kg腹腔麻醉,在无菌条件下取双侧膝关节内侧切口长约3 cm,直视下探查关节腔无原发病变后,用眼科剪伸入切断前后交叉韧带、内侧副韧带、完整切除内侧半月板进行造模,正常组不作任何处理。

15. germ是什么意思

15. In some cell lines there is a similar periodicity in changes of cell surface antigenicity or response to wheat germ agglutinin.


16. With Zhonghuang 35 as tested materials, the seed germination experiments of soybean were carried out by using 0.01, 0.10, 1.00 and 10.00 mg/L NAA. After culture for 7 d, the germination rates and the lengths of plumular axis, radicle as well as germ of soybean seeds were measured to compare the effects of NAA with different concn. on the plumular axis length and hypocotyls-radicle ratio when the soybean seeds germinated.

方法]以中黄35为供试材料,采用不同的NAA浓度(0.01、0.10、1.00、10.00 mg/L)对黄豆种子进行萌发培养试验,培养7 d后分别测量黄豆种子的萌发率以及胚轴、胚根和胚芽的长度,比较不同浓度的NAA对黄豆种子萌发时的胚轴长、胚轴胚根比的影响。

17. Dependence begets subservience and venality, suffocates the germ of virtue, and prepares fit tools for the designs of ambition.


18. In the period of co-culture, morphological changes of the germ cells, such as differentiations from s...


19. germ

19. Objective To research on the proliferation and differentiation in vitro of primordial germ cells.


20. Objective:To study the isolation and in vitro cultivation of human embryonic germ cells.

目的 :初步探讨人胚胎生殖系细胞的分离与体外培养。

germ 词典解释

1. 细菌;病菌

A germ is a very small organism that causes disease.

e.g. Chlorine is widely used to kill germs.


e.g. ...a germ that destroyed hundreds of millions of lives.


2. 起源;发端;萌芽

The germ of something such as an idea is something which developed or might develop into that thing.

e.g. The germ of an idea took root in Rosemary's mind...


e.g. This was the germ of a book.


3. see also: wheatgerm

germ 单语例句germ

1. Japan also avoids mentioning germ warfare Unit 731 although China refers to it by name.

2. Tokyo - A Japanese high court has rejected appeals by 180 Chinese demanding compensation for damage caused by Japan's World War II germ warfare program.

3. Accompanying Chen are Lou Xian and Qiu Weizhong from East China's Zhejiang Province, who have also contributed to investigating germ warfare.

4. China's first baby conceived from frozen germ cells has been born in the Chinese capital, reported Tuesday's Beijing Youth Daily.

5. Before that deadline, the germ cell is not considered to be a human life.

6. The germ testing was done before the rooms were cleaned, so it likely overstates the risks that most travelers would face.

7. The investigation begins Monday at the former school linked to Unit 731, a germ and biological warfare outfit during the war.

8. The report shows just how far one form of the staph germ has spread beyond its traditional hospital setting.

9. However the presiding judge had also recognized in that case that the Japanese military had engaged in germ warfare.

10. Along the way they will meet people who survived massacres and the germ warfare waged by Japan against China.

germ 英英释义


1. a minute life form (especially a disease-causing bacterium)

the term is not in technical use

Synonym: microbebug

2. a small apparently simple structure (as a fertilized egg) from which new tissue can develop into a complete organism

3. anything that provides inspiration for later work

Synonym: sourceseed