

editor:[英 [ˈedɪtə(r)] 美 [ˈɛdɪtɚ] ]



editor 基本解释


名词编辑,编者; 校订者; [计]编辑软件,编辑程序


editor 相关例句


1. An editor must be detail oriented.



2. My sister is an editor for a local newspaper.


editor 网络解释

1. 编辑(者):以此为基础,中兴通讯获得了下一代网络服务质量(NGNQoS)领域的两个标准草案Y.e2eqos.1和Y.ipaqos编辑者(Editor)的席位. 中兴通讯已越来越经常地参与到NGN相关国际标准的制订中. 中兴通讯NGN首先以提高客户网络的核心竞争力为出发点,

2. 编辑程序:这可以通过包含编辑程序(editor)、编译程序(compiler)和链接程序(1inker)的集成开发环境(IDE)来完成. 在这推荐两种适合SymbianOS程序开发的IDE:对于开发非商业用途的SymbianOS应用程序来说,Nokia的Carbide.C Express版本最理想,

3. editor:electronic data input through optical recognition; 经由光学识别的电子数据输入

editor 双语例句

1. At Flare, she quickly ascended the ranks, starting as an assistant beauty editor upon graduation from Ryerson University in Toronto, Ontario, then moving up to beauty editor and beauty director within three years.


2. The editor tries to correct any invalid HTML code that was pasted, but for best results try using the HTML tab or one of the paste buttons that are on the second row.


3. In this paper, the design idea and implementation method of a graphical user interface editor used to specify and generate the user interface which has the rehearsal function is introduced.


4. Martov is one of the propagators and practicers of the Marxism in Russia. He is one of the primary founders of Iskra and a master editor at its edit board, and also one of the predominant theorists and leaders of the Russian revolutionary history. At the Second Congress of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party in 1903, the party split into Menshevik and Bolshevik because of the divarication between Mrtov and Lenin. Then they became the leader of each faction.



5. Editor: Setting active player to a barbarian tribe causes placed barbarian camps to use the specified barbarian tribe.


6. Run Registry Editor by typing regedit in Start Search and press Enter key.

运行注册表编辑器中键入的regedit 开始搜索,并按下回车键。

7. He was a major contributor to The distance teaching universities (1982), joint editor of Distance education: international perspectives (1983), joint editor of L'università a distanza. Riflessioni e proposte per un nuovo modello di università(1984), editor of Theoretical principles of distance education.(1993), joint editor of Distance education: new perspectives (1993), editor of The industrialization of teaching and learning (1994). In 1997 the European Commission in Brussels published his Distance training in the European Union.


8. editor什么意思

8. I'm a former magazine editor, now a literary agent.


9. User interface was discussed in the paper. It includes an interactive symbolic layout graphics editor for input and plotting programs which are used to output on display screen and plotter.


10. On the assistant city editor's face was a peculiar expression, half humorous, half dubious, as he said


11. From Jeremiah, too, the exilic editor drew his information, which he presented in briefer form.


12. Xxv. 29二十五.30, the appendix of the exilic editor, is based on Jer.

30 ,附录的放逐编辑器,是基於哲。

13. editor

13. So, this text regards Essay, this periodical, as the breakthrough point, attempt through understanding its deep layer, integrated survey one periodical how under editor, joint efforts of author since the new period, break out and adhere to the self- style all the time from China's numerous periodicals; And it, as one of the important positions of the domestic prose periodical, how to promote the development of prose, this recreation and sports, it is his abundant and prosperity contribution one's own enthusiasm and strength, thus left a thick and heavy in colours one in the field of contemporary prose; In addition it contemporary writer show self- platform, in order to concentrate on works to issue serious meaning for own duty and famous for ideological content it, so has reflected the Chinese writer's thought current situation and mental outlook in one period effectively, how much mind experience are the ones that refracted the Chinese intellectual out.


14. On-site host for the issues raised by the Chinese network, Zhang Mei-zhi, deputy editor-in-chief said: to attract Internet users, the site is the work of all the starting point and destination point.


15. Open an Emit compound`s property editor and set a value for the Mass parameter, which is measured in kilograms.



16. In fact, the last Olympic Games I would like to report or a person's work, the team from the case, Sina team is the most experienced, we have before and after the participation of a total of 600 editors and reporters, we are the first to participate in a sports editor in 2000 Sydney Olympic Games Senior editor of many reports, from this point, this is our most valuable resource.


17. editor的意思

17. If you want more editing power or need a text editor to use at work, check out EditPad Pro.

如果你想要更需要一个文字编辑权或编辑用在工作上,查一查 editpad亲。

18. What`s great about a full screen editor is that it instantly removes distracting thoughts from your mind and connects you to your most important thoughts by clearing the writing field of visual distractions.


19. editor

19. So, what are the advantages of writing in a full screen editor with no formatting options at all, when we have all kinds of word processors with the latest bells and whistles at our command?


20. Dr. Serlin is the general editor of Whole Person Healthcare (3 vol., 2007, Praeger), as well as numerous chapters and articles on women, humanistic psychology, the body and the arts.


editor 词典解释

1. (报纸或杂志的)主编

An editor is the person who is in charge of a newspaper or magazine and who decides what will be published in each edition of it.

2. (报纸或杂志专栏的)编辑,主笔

An editor is a journalist who is responsible for a particular section of a newspaper or magazine.

e.g. Cookery Editor Moyra Fraser takes you behind the scenes.


e.g. ...by Alan Travis, Home Affairs Editor.


3. 编辑;校订者

An editor is a person who checks and corrects texts before they are published.

e.g. Your role as editor is important, for you can look at a piece of writing objectively.


4. (报道某类广播、电视新闻的)记者,编辑

An editor is a radio or television journalist who reports on a particular type of news.

e.g. ...our economics editor, Dominic Harrod.


5. (电影、广播或电视节目的)剪辑员,剪辑师

An editor is a person who prepares a film, or a radio or television programme, by selecting some of what has been filmed or recorded and putting it in a particular order.

e.g. She worked at 20th Century Fox as a film editor.


6. (书籍的)编者,编选人

An editor is a person who collects pieces of writing by different authors and prepares them for publication in a book or a series of books.

e.g. Michael Rosen is the editor of the anthology.


7. 编辑程序

An editor is a computer program that enables you to change and correct stored data.

editor 单语例句editor的解释

1. The editor said she was too busy to speak further and ended the call.

2. Tym Glaser is a sports copy editor who did claim a wicket during the Beijing Sixes but is reluctant to reveal his actual bowling figures.

3. The Hong Kong blogger, editor and freelancer tries to develop catchy ideas for her breakfast blog.

4. I was kindly told by the editor that it was a good story but had been done many times before.

5. The editor was pompous and rude which made Ma change his mind about signing the release letter.

6. The series'chief editor Sun Ping is also a Peking Opera actress and the executive head of Renmin University's Chinese Operas Studies Center.

7. He began surfing the Internet like most youngsters in cities, and applied to be a Chinese editor for Open Directory Project.

8. He studied economics at Lingnan University in the southern Chinese city of Guangzhou and joined Sin Wan Bao newspaper as an editor after graduation.

9. " Some young Chinese girls want to show their privileged social status by dressing in labels, " said fashion editor Wang.

10. Before his retirement he worked as a copy editor improving the English version of Chinese Literature magazine and China Pictorial.

editor 英英释义


1. (computer science) a program designed to perform such editorial functions as rearrangement or modification or deletion of data

Synonym: editor program

2. a person responsible for the editorial aspects of publication

the person who determines the final content of a text (especially of a newspaper or magazine)

Synonym: editor in chief