

fray:[英 [freɪ] 美 [fre] ]


过去式:frayed;   过去分词:frayed;   现在分词:fraying;

fray 基本解释

及物/不及物动词(使布、绳等)磨损,磨破; 使(关系,神经等)紧张; 〈古〉吓唬,使惊恐; 〈古〉吵架,打架

名词打斗,争吵; 争辩; (织物等的)磨损处


fray 相关例句



1. The argument frayed their nerves.


2. Constant rubbing had frayed his shirt cuffs.


3. After spending a day with screaming children, her nerves were frayed.



1. fray是什么意思

1. The rope frayed and broke.



1. fray的解释

1. He joined the fray.


fray 网络解释

1. fray的近义词

1. 冲突:不需要像是射击冲突 (fray) 中的时候进行落点测试来决定最后命中的位置.范例: 当一个信仰者要召唤一个难度等於目标攻击 (ATT) 属性的神机的时候. 该目标的角色卡上攻击属性为 4, 但是又受到其他的修正影响而增加两点.

2. fray

2. 争吵:没花的是打扰(bother),兄弟无人是肉汤(broth),肉汤倒过来是悸动 (throb) 爱得痛了(agony),痛得哭了(sob),哭得清醒了(sober),看见妹妹又阴郁了(somber) 不要光线要争吵(fray),去掉争吵要付出(defray),

3. 纱线位移:End out 缺经 | Fray 纱线位移 | Cloudiness 云斑

4. 磨损:Washington 华盛顿 | fray 磨损 | range 变话

fray 双语例句

1. Ritualistic worshippers of Perkunas, these men enter the fray with a war scythe in hand.


2. Apple executives have stayed out of the fray.


3. He stood back, stayed out of the fray.


4. Nevertheless, Miller herself would rather keep out of the fray.


5. After an hour of waiting, tempers began to fray(= people began to get angry).


6. The Times understands that Richards, who previously ran the Benetton and BAR teams and has been keen to re-enter the Formula One fray, will become the figurehead of the new team from the start of next season after secret negotiations that have been continuing for two months.


7. Manu Ginobili comes to mind as a sleeper for the top five, and the same may go for Tracy McGrady if the Rockets continue on their amazing pace … but don`t count on either one to jump into the fray.


8. We have started by reinvigorating our bedrock alliances, which did fray in recent years.



9. In the fray his sons attend him, -- Terror, Trembling, Panic, and Fear, -- also his sister Eris, or Discord, his daughter Enyo, ruiner of cities, and a retinue of bloodthirsty demon s


10. In the fray his sons attend him, - Terror, Trembling, Panic, and Fear, - also his sister Eris, or Discord, his daughter Enyo, ruiner of cities, and a retinue of bloodthirsty demons.


11. fray的解释

11. In the fray his sons attend him, -- Terror, Trembling, Panic, and Fear, -- also his sister Eris, or Discord, his daughter Enyo, ruiner of cities, and a retinue of bloodthirsty demons.


12. The US, home to companies such as Chiquita Brands and Dole, joined the fray.

作为Chiquita Brands和Dole等公司的所在国,美国也加入了反对欧洲的行列。


13. Why should you get involved in their fray?


14. fray

14. But in the last couple of years that tight relationship has begun to fray.


15. Fabric of society will fray ), ...


16. fray

16. He was constantly forcing himself into the fray of battle in politics, religion, and science.


17. Right glad I am he was not at this fray.


18. But when he is at work, he throws himself into the fray with an enthusiasm that inspires those around him.


19. fray什么意思

19. We fray into the future, rarely wrought.


20. For one cannot destroy another without destroying oneself; and the nuclear bomb detonated was large enough to cause radioactive dust to reach the soil of Lemuria, causing the Polynesian DNA to fray.


fray 词典解释

1. (使)(织物、绳子等)磨损;(使)磨散

If something such as cloth or rope frays, or if something frays it, its threads or fibres start to come apart from each other and spoil its appearance.


e.g. The fabric is very fine or frays easily...


e.g. The stitching had begun to fray at the edges...


2. (使)烦躁;(使)恼火;(使)紧张

If your nerves or your temper fray, or if something frays them, you become nervous or easily annoyed because of mental strain and anxiety.

e.g. Tempers began to fray as the two teams failed to score...


e.g. This kind of living was beginning to fray her nerves.



Nerves became severely frayed when air traffic problems delayed the flight.


3. 竞争;争斗;争论

The fray is an exciting or challenging activity, situation, or argument that you are involved in.

e.g. There will have to be a second round of voting when new candidates can enter the fray...


e.g. He would be inspiring young people to get into the political fray.


4. 不确定;不稳定;趋于崩溃;渐遭破坏

If you say that something is fraying at the edges or is fraying around the edges, you mean that it has an uncertain or unsteady quality, for example because it is gradually being spoiled or destroyed.

e.g. There are signs that the alliance is now fraying at the edges...


e.g. Their marriage is getting a little frayed around the edges...


fray 单语例句

1. As Obama stayed out of the public fray before the phone call, questions remained about White House involvement in the decision to ask Sherrod to resign.

2. International players have joined the fray to cash in on the booming market.

3. The Kerry Centre Hotel joins the fray in late September with Centro.

4. Chicago's exuberant young manager might have enjoyed sprinting toward that cluster of jubilant players and leaping right into the fray.

5. The paths on Baiwangshan are paved and the hill includes stone stairs which can be a constant fray to your ankles and knees.

6. Commodities investment guru Jim Rogers has stepped into the US subprime fray, predicting a real estate crash that would trigger defaults and spread contagion to emerging markets.

7. The president has sought to depict himself as above the political fray in recent months, even as Democrats pummeled him during their primary process.

8. The controversy can drag on with or without people like Cheung Pak in the fray.

9. Wilkinson was a ferocious tackler and threw himself fearlessly into the fray, which must have contributed to his many injuries.

10. Then the local women's federation entered the fray with a rare public statement, saying the practice belonged to the feudal past.

fray 英英释义


1. a noisy fight

Synonym: affraydisturbanceruffle


1. cause friction

e.g. my sweater scratches

Synonym: rubfretchafescratch

2. wear away by rubbing

e.g. The friction frayed the sleeve

Synonym: frazzle