

herring:[英 [ˈherɪŋ] 美 [ˈhɛrɪŋ] ]


  复数形式:herrings; herring;

herring 基本解释



herring 相关例句


1. A herring is a North Atlantic fish that can be eaten.


herring 网络解释

1. 鲱鱼:在荷蘭有許多的餐館供游客選擇,可讓大家盡情地享受美食. 荷蘭至少有30家的餐廳列入米其林(Michelin)的等級,有2家甚至還是6顆星的等級呢!在這兒可以嘗到地道的荷蘭菜:豆湯(Erwten Soep)、鯡魚(Herring)、煎餅(Pannekoek)、菜豆加油炸的培根(Kaantjes),都是荷蘭傳統的料理.

2. 青鱼:因为港边有大量供他们食用的青鱼(herring)和供他们休息的船坞(dock)以及能够躲避巨大风浪的袭击,很快聚集在此的海狮就暴增至300只. 每年冬天,有900只左右的海狮聚居于此,而到了夏天繁殖季节,它们会离开此地去往别处. 不过,

3. 鰊鱼:根据环保组织Oceana的研究显示,在全球10大商业渔业中有7种,包括鰊鱼(herring)、鳀鱼(anchovy)、明太鳕(pollack)、鲭鱼(mackerel)及牙鳕(whiting)等小鱼,维持黑鲔及鲑鱼等大鱼、海洋哺乳类及海鸟等做为食饵,而研究显示大量捕捞小鱼,

herring 双语例句

1. herring

1. There has been a considerable drip in herring prices this season.


2. His Houston socialite lover, Joanne Herring, first made him visit Afghan wounded, implying that helping them was a test of his virility, but Mr Wilson was a pacifist who couldn`t bear to shoot a squirrel out of a tree.


3. The next excitement was when Andrew tried to fish another wolf herring using a small fish that Mahalia caught, a mysterious monster took his bait.



4. In Europe they are processed and sold as kippered herring; in eastern Canada and the northeastern U. S., most of the herring used are young fishes canned as sardines.


5. In Europe they are processed and sold as kippered herring; in eastern Canada and the northeastern U. S., most of the herring used are young fish es canned as sardines.


6. In Europe they are processed and sold as kippered herring; in eastern Canada and the northeastern U. S., most of the herring used are young fishes canned as sardine s.


7. With a pocketknife he cut Herring`s seat belt, reclined her seat, then cradled her head and neck in his hands.


8. Some of the BEST foods for Omega-3 Fats: Salmon, herring, mackerel, sardines, anchoies, rainbow trout, Pacific oysters omega-3 fortified eggs, flaxseeds, walnuts, butternuts, seaweed, walnut oil, canola oil, and soybeans.


9. Some of the BEST foods for Omega-3 Fats: Salmon, herring, mackerel, sardines, anchovies, rainbow trout, Pacific oysters omega-3 fortified eggs, flaxseeds, walnuts, butternuts, seaweed, walnut oil, canola oil, and soybeans.


10. Please, could you spare maybe a piece of herring with a small crust of bread?


11. He has no veins or blood vessels, no heart or kidneys. He is a portable trunk filled with innumerable drawers and in the drawers are labels written out in white ink, brown ink, red ink, blue ink, vermilion, saffron, mauve, sienna, apricot, turquoise, onyx, Anjou, herring, Corona, verdigris, gorgonzola…I have moved the typewriter into the next room where I can see myself in the mirror as I write.


12. When Canada took similar measures to protect the supply of herring in the 1970s, the fish eventually recovered.


13. The rich of a rasher fried with a herring?



14. The Danish eat boiled cod, while in Italy, baccalà, or dried salt cod, is enjoyed from Christmas through New Year's. Herring, another frequently preserved fish, is consumed at midnight in Poland and Germany—Germans also enjoy carp and have been known to place a few fish scales in their wallets for good luck.


15. The Danish eat boiled cod, while in Italy, baccalà, or dried salt cod, is enjoyed fromChristmas through NewYear's. Herring, another frequently preserved fish, is consumed atmidnight in Poland and


16. You get omega-3s from eating oily fish such as salmon, sardines, and herring or taking fish oil supplements.


17. Loaded with quality meats, no grains, eggs, fruits and vegetables, herring oil included.


18. Usage of the products such as slight rolled-in metal, roll mark, scratch, herring bone mark, residual oil stain after


19. Among these are a heart-stopping rendition of the previously unreleased'Guitardjamm', filmed inside a derelict herring oil tank in the far West Fjords; a windblown, one-mic recording of'Vaka', shot at a dam protest camp subsequently drowned by rising water; and first time acoustic versions of such rare live beauties as'Staralfur', 'Agaetis Byrjun'and'Von'.

其中有心脏停止跳动移交逃犯以前未' Guitardjamm ',在一个废弃的拍摄鲱油罐在远西部峡湾一个风吹,一个麦克风记录' Vaka ',他想在自己大坝抗议营地随后被淹死的增加水和第一次听版本的这种罕见的生活美人为' Staralfur ',' Agaetis Byrjun '和'冯'。

20. Affecting usage of the products such as slight rolled-in metal, roll mark, scratch, herring bone mark, residual oil stain


herring 词典解释

1. 鲱(鱼)

A herring is a long silver-coloured fish. Herring live in large groups in the sea.

herring 单语例句

1. A fresh herring is usually sold for 60 yuan, but one dried and packed in a box can sell for 120 yuan.

2. The company was recently listed in the high tech magazine Red Herring's Global Top 100, a first for a domestic Chinese mobile media company.

3. She advised others who wanted a long life to " keep breathing " and eat pickled herring, a favorite Dutch snack.

4. Herring can also be prepared using other traditional methods, such as pickling in vinegar or smoking.

5. Forget the olive oil and sundried tomatoes - and pass the herring and meatballs.

6. The herring season has just ended in Scheveningen, a coastal city in the Netherlands.

7. The writer's reference to a book of Mr Obama's speeches is a red herring, completely irrelevant.

8. The Herring Party is held at the Dutch restaurant Orange Tree on an annual basis.

herring 英英释义


1. commercially important food fish of northern waters of both Atlantic and Pacific

Synonym: Clupea harangus

2. valuable flesh of fatty fish from shallow waters of northern Atlantic or Pacific

usually salted or pickled