

numb:[英 [nʌm] 美 [nʌm] ]


过去式:numbed;   过去分词:numbed;   现在分词:numbing;

numb 基本解释


形容词麻木的,失去感觉的; 无动于衷的,没感情的


numb 相关例句


1. My fingers were numb with cold.



1. He was numbed with grief.


2. numb

2. He was numbed by his wife's sudden death.


numb 网络解释

1. 渾然不覺:林肯公园MV(Numb)的拍摄,依旧由乐队成员、DJ乔瑟夫执掌,这次以校园为主题点出青少年疏离矛盾的心灵.

2. 麻 痹:手术过程是这样的, 首先做了IV及吃了ANTIBIOTIC, 再在手指间打了三次麻醉药,让手指麻痹(NUMB).下一步是开刀把指甲移除,再开刀把指甲底下的肉(BASE)切开,好让碎骨能被取出.之后,医生把消毒好的指甲放回原位,目的是保护BASE,

3. 麻木(林肯乐队):NOWHERE MAN 漂泊者(披头士) | NUMB麻木(林肯乐队) | OF WOLF AND MAN狼和男人(金属乐队)

numb 双语例句

1. I need to be slightly numb in order to regain the enthusiasm I once had as a child.



2. All of the injected animals were numb to the highest level of heat to which they were exposed.


3. Bundle up. Stomp outside. Build a snowman. Numb fingers. Stomp inside.


4. It allows many of our comrades to be poisoned by subjectivist ideas, which numb their sensitivity.


5. numb的近义词

5. Therefore, we focused on the cause, dialectical seek governance; use of animals, insects and sentient flesh and blood of the goods, after a reasonable compatibility, first-pass fill adjustment, through nourish kidney essence, Pinggan Yang, Tom Lee Du channel, promoting blood circulation scattered silt; the same time, with plaster externally bonded directly to lesions, Ruanjian Sanjie, loosen adhesions, and clear the meridians; this re-righteous, evil addition, joint sliding profits, hang stubborn lingering numb unhealed?


6. numb是什么意思

6. Monkey King rolled about on the ground once again, his face red, his eyesswollen, his body numb.


7. I let the human who I love to me be numb.


8. numb的近义词

8. I need to be slightly numb in order to regain the enthusiasms I once had as a child.


9. Where I`ve become so numb?


10. The pond, she can be numb or even in coma caused by the utterpain — But now, such reciprocal cold and heat attacks actually


11. numb

11. She could not hold up for pulling him with her hands being numb and swelled and lurqescence of arms like disconnection from her body.


12. Sour, sweet, bitter, spiciness and fishiness numb our taste bud so that we can`t taste the light sweet.


13. Both acts seemed to be attempts infuse feeling into a numb life


14. This novocaine will numb you for the lumbar puncture.


15. If you immoderately use high-sounding words, pretty soon people will become numb to them.


16. By needle Jiu, massage, is taken orally 3 Bi soup, pain alleviation has stiff finger subsequently, toe joint is swelling to ache, knee joint swell as ball, numb pain, shoulder joint and waist in night pain very, get up to move about rear pain reduce, it is difficult to treat invalid, edible sleep for a long time.


17. numb

17. However, the arrival of the holiday economy, not all businesses are aware of the tremendous opportunities in store, many businesses which seemed numb to the money-making opportunities for them to slip away from us.


18. Maybe because of Zen`s shout, Tung Qi, who is in Xue`s arms and shaded from the rain by a tree, abruptly cries. Xue`s countenance has been numb for the sorrow and she just holds Qi tighter.


19. numb什么意思

19. Because had these aches only then to let my soul no longer be numb and be dispirited.


20. Dispersed banquet at noon, sitting a friend's car back out of his wife, something happens, and I sank back in bed, Ye Guo a quilt cover his body, the invasion of rot in alcohol, under a little bit numb the nerve, soon to fall into dreamland.


numb 词典解释

1. 麻木的;失去知觉的

If a part of your body is numb, you cannot feel anything there.

e.g. He could feel his fingers growing numb at their tips...


e.g. My legs felt numb and my toes ached.



I have recently been suffering from pain and numbness in my hands.


2. (因震惊、害怕、悲痛等)失态的,木然的

If you are numb with shock, fear, or grief, you are so shocked, frightened, or upset that you cannot think clearly or feel any emotion.

e.g. The mother, numb with grief, has trouble speaking...


e.g. I was so shocked I went numb.



Many men become more aware of emotional numbness in their 40s.


He walked numbly into the cemetery.


3. 使木然;使迟钝

If an event or experience numbs you, you can no longer think clearly or feel any emotion.

e.g. For a while the shock of Philippe's letter numbed her...


e.g. The horror of my experience has numbed my senses.



I'm so numbed with shock that I can hardly think.


...the sort of numbed hush which usually follows an automobile accident.


4. (因天气、药品或重击)使(身体某部位)麻木,使失去知觉

If cold weather, a drug, or a blow numbs a part of your body, you can no longer feel anything in it.

e.g. The cold numbed my fingers...


e.g. An injection of local anaesthetic is usually given first to numb the area...


numb 单语例句

1. Numb fingers or pain spreading through the hands and arms are both indicators of possible carpal tunnel syndrome or a pinched hand nerve.

2. Doctors said she dislocated her fifth and sixth cervical vertebrae when she landed on her head and her lower body went numb.

3. The fillets hiding under the " spectacular " red chili tasted quite good, fresh and also spicy enough to make my tongue numb for a few seconds.

4. Many netizens conclude that the ethics of Chinese people have deteriorated and we have become indifferent or numb to our compatriots'sufferings.

5. The flavour is refreshingly spicy and delectable, but may even make tongues numb before they succumb to the hot spices.

6. I walked with numb feet down the Great Wall, which the cold had left so deserted I hardly recognized it.

7. All you need to do is dig in until your tongue is numb.

8. Our constant digestion of doom and gloom has made us seemingly numb to the realities of those who are suffering.

9. At the end of the day, my face is so numb that it's hard to squeeze out a smile.

10. When the industry becomes open to " hidden rules, " the role of law enforcement officers becomes numb or powerless.

numb 英英释义


1. make numb or insensitive

e.g. The shock numbed her senses

Synonym: benumbbluntdull


1. so frightened as to be unable to move

stunned or paralyzed with terror


e.g. too numb with fear to move

2. lacking sensation

e.g. my foot is asleep

numb with cold

Synonym: asleep(p)benumbed